The effect of Pratylenchus brachyurus and P. coffeae on the growth of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) was evaluated in a greenhouse experiment. The anatomical changes caused by P. brachyurus were studied under laboratory conditions. Okra was a good host for P. brachyurus and one isolate of P. coffeae (K5), but only the former decreased its growth. The other isolate of P. coffeae used (M2) did not multiply on nor damage okra, so this plant can be used to differentiate both isolates. In contrast to typical Pratylenchus spp. host plant relationships, P. brachyurus did not cause well-delimited root lesions, but large extensions of decayed tissues. Necrosis in okra roots was observed ten days after inoculation, but P. brachyurus was not found in the stele of infected roots 15 days after inoculation.