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Strategic plan for the Brazilian agro-industrial citrus system


The orange is the most cultivated, known and studied fruit in the world. Currently the Brazilian citrus industry has about 12,000 orange producers, spread over 800,000 hectares, cultivating 165 million trees and generating in 2009 a sector GDP of US$ 6.5 billion. Despite Brazilian superiority in orange juice production, the sector is going through some concerns. The study aims to present a strategic plan proposal for the Brazilian agro-industrial citrus system. To design it, the Strategic Planning and Management of Agro-industrial Systems (SPMAS) method was used. The study is characterized as exploratory nature, being a qualitative research, and analysis of secondary and primary data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews. The results of the study presents a specific strategic plan for the agro-industrial citrus system, in which eight macro strategic objectives for the agro-industrial citrus system have been proposed, and thirteen projects that will assist the search for strategic objectives and to mitigate the negative effects experienced by the sector and strengthen it.

Strategic plan; Agro-industrial system; Citriculture

Universidade Federal de São Carlos Departamento de Engenharia de Produção , Caixa Postal 676 , 13.565-905 São Carlos SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 16 3351 8471 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil