To identify onion cultivars of higher yield for the southern region of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, a field trial from EPAMIG was conducted in Lavras, Brazil, from March to September 1994.The experimental design was randomized complete blocks with four replications and seven treatments: Granex 33, Texas Grano 502, Crioula, Pira Ouro, Baia Periforme, Jubileu and Chata Roxa. The harvesting area of each plot was 3.84 m². The yield of commercial bulbs varied from 22.58 to 50.21 t/ha, and the highest yield was achieved by the cultivars Granex (50.21 t/ha) and Texas Grano 502 (44.36 t/ha) with no significant difference between them. These cultivars exceeded the national average yield (16.5 t/ha) from 204.3 to 168.8%. The lowest yield was shown by the cultivar Chata Roxa (22.58 t/ha). A variation occurred from 45.99 to 97.69 g/bulb and 5.35 to 7.39 cm for the bulb diameter.
Allium cepa; adaptation; yield; average bulb weight; bulb diameter; bolting