Open-access Pharmacology in the twentieth century: the science of drugs through the analysis of Goodman and Gilman's textbook

This article analyzes the presentation of pharmacology as a science in the textbook by Louis Goodman and Alfred Gilman, updated and reprinted many times between 1941 and 2006. In the first editions, pharmacology was characterized as the science of drugs and related to other areas of knowledge; the history of drug development, the role of this science in its social context and its relationship with industry were stressed. In the following editions, these aspects were minimized, almost disappearing in the 11th (2006). The treatment of historical aspects may contribute to understanding the development of pharmacology, as well as the material on relationships with industry and society is important when reflecting on the criteria for using drugs.

history of drugs; history of pharmacology; teaching of pharmacology; discourse analysis; drug industry

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