Logomarca do periódico: História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos

Open-access História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos

Publication of: Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Area: Health Sciences, Human Sciences ISSN printed version: 0104-5970
ISSN online version: 1678-4758

Table of contents

História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos, Volume: 29, Issue: 3, Published: 2022

História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos, Volume: 29, Issue: 3, Published: 2022

Document list
The academic value of book reviews Cueto, Marcos Vimieiro-Gomes, Ana Carolina
Sad and degenerate indigenous: the psychiatric view of Hermilio Valdizán on racial difference in Peru, 1910-1925 Ríos Molina, Andres

Abstract in Spanish:

Resumen Hermilio Valdizán publicó numerosos trabajos sobre lo que se denominó folklor psiquiátrico, entendido como las formas de comprender y tratar las enfermedades mentales por parte de los indígenas, tanto del pasado colonial y prehispánico como del presente del autor. En este artículo analizamos los textos de Valdizán sobre las características psiquiátricas y psicológicas de los indígenas peruanos. Desde la perspectiva de este psiquiatra, los indígenas contemporáneos eran restos arqueológicos del antiguo imperio inca, ruinas en proceso de degeneración. En un contexto marcado por el indigenismo donde se buscaba integrar al indio, la psiquiatría desempeñó un papel conservador y racista que reprodujo modelos evolucionistas del siglo XIX.

Abstract in English:

Abstract Hermilio Valdizán published several papers on what was called psychiatric folklore, understood as the ways of understanding and treating mental illnesses by indigenous people, both from the colonial and pre-Hispanic past and from the author’s present. In this article, we analyze Valdizán’s texts on the psychiatric and psychological characteristics of indigenous Peruvians. From the perspective of this psychiatrist, contemporary indigenous people were archaeological remains of the ancient Inca empire, ruins in the process of degeneration. In a context marked by indigenism, in which it was sought to integrate the Indians, psychiatry played a conservative and racist role that reproduced evolutionary models of the nineteenth century.
Beyond biomedical classifications: breast cancer experience in Brazil, 1990-2015 Barradas, Carlos Teixeira, Luiz Antonio Araújo Neto, Luiz Alves

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo Analisa as experiências de adoecimento por câncer de mama de mulheres em tratamento no Hospital do Câncer III do Instituto Nacional de Câncer, Rio de Janeiro. Argumenta que parte da experiência das mulheres entrevistadas foi construída pela interação entre a convivência familiar e a mobilização de diferentes significados culturais da doença e da feminilidade, negociando sentidos para entidades biomédicas. O estudo resulta de uma pesquisa qualitativa de inspiração etnográfica, que entrevistou mulheres em tratamento de câncer de mama ao longo de 2015. Parte dos depoimentos para discutir a interação da sociedade com as entidades biomédicas para a significação do câncer no Brasil entre as décadas de 1990 e 2010.

Abstract in English:

Abstract The paper analyses illness experiences of breast cancer in women undergoing treatment at the Hospital of Cancer III of the National Institute of Cancer. It argues that part of the interviewed women’s experience was constructed from the interaction between family coexistence and the mobilisation of different cultural meanings of the disease and femininity, negotiating senses for biomedical entities. The study results from a qualitative research of ethnographic inspiration that interviewed women undergoing treatment from breast cancer during 2015. It draws on the accounts to discuss the interaction of society with biomedical entities for the significance of cancer in Brazil between the 1990s and 2010s.
To sanitize is to eugenize: the “preventive” eugenics of Belisário Penna at the service of sanitation in Brazil, 1920-1930 Carvalho, Leonardo Dallacqua de

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo Discute o modelo de eugenia empregado pelo médico-sanitarista Belisário Penna durante a campanha do saneamento do Brasil nas décadas de 1920 e 1930. São abordados dois conceitos fundamentais para o seu pensamento: “raça brasileira” e eugenia “preventiva”. A maneira como Penna avaliava a questão racial brasileira era fundamental para aderir à concepção eugênica aliada à medicina social e ao seu projeto de “consciência sanitária”. O texto oferece uma perspectiva de como foi bordada a concepção eugênica de Penna e o diálogo estabelecido com o movimento eugênico brasileiro, em especial com o eugenista Renato Kehl. Assim, a defesa de uma eugenia classificada como “preventiva” estabelecia coerência para um projeto reformista social via o saneamento defendido por Penna.

Abstract in English:

Abstract The purpose of this article is to discuss the eugenics model used by the medical-sanitarist Belisário Penna during the sanitation campaign in Brazil in the 1920s and 1930s. The article addresses two fundamental concepts for his thinking: “Brazilian race” and “preventive” eugenics. The way in which Penna saw the Brazilian racial issue was fundamental to adhere to the eugenic conception combined with social medicine and its project of “health awareness.” The text offers a perspective of how Penna’s eugenics was conceived and the dialogue established with the Brazilian eugenic movement, especially with the eugenicist Renato Kehl. Thus, the defense of an eugenics classified as “preventive” established a coherence for a social reform project through the sanitation defended by Penna.
Gone is the poet: Pedro Nava and the impasses in the institutionalization of rheumatology in Brazil,1949-1961 Bittencourt, Andre

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo O artigo analisa um aspecto pouco conhecido da trajetória de Pedro Nava: seu envolvimento na institucionalização da reumatologia no Brasil. Por meio de uma gama de materiais de arquivo, como revistas médicas, correspondência, cadernetas, relatórios técnicos e matérias de jornal, procura recuperar diversos mecanismos mobilizados por Nava no movimento de legitimação de uma nova área da medicina no Brasil a partir dos anos 1940. Como se busca demonstrar, seus esforços incluíram a criação de redes no exterior, a fundação de departamentos, a participação ativa no periódico Brasil Médico , o desenvolvimento de um léxico próprio para a reumatologia, relações com o Estado e a criação de associações.

Abstract in English:

Abstract A little-known facet of the trajectory of Pedro Nava is analyzed, namely, his involvement in the institutionalization of rheumatology in Brazil. Drawing on multiple primary sources, including medical journals, correspondence, notebooks, technical reports, and newspaper stories, the range of mechanisms Nava galvanized in the effort to legitimize this new area of medicine in Brazil as of the 1940s are shown. These include his efforts to forge networks outside the country, create new departments, take active part in the journal Brasil Médico, develop a specialized lexicon for rheumatology, liaise with the State, and found new associations.
Charlatan healer and messiah from Campos: the case of Professor Mozart, 1924-1939 Rosa, Hugo Leonardo Rocha Silva da

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo Em 1924, um personagem despontou na imprensa brasileira: o “Professor Mozart”. Seu nome era Mozart Dias Teixeira e, durante as décadas de 1920 e 1930, ele praticou curas em diversas cidades do país, provocando controvérsias entre setores da sociedade. O artigo analisa o caso, dividindo-se em três eixos: introduz o personagem e o debate sobre os seus métodos de cura, mostra como as polêmicas inspiraram produções artísticas que transitaram no seio da população e, por fim, discute a questão do charlatanismo e o problema da liberdade profissional e de culto. O estudo pretende ser uma contribuição à historiografia do espiritismo, do ocultismo e das ciências psíquicas no Brasil.

Abstract in English:

Abstract In 1924, a new figure appeared on the pages of Brazilian newspapers: “Professor Mozart.” In the 1920s and 1930s, Mozart Dias Teixeira practiced healing in several Brazilian cities, sparking controversy among certain segments of society. A threefold analysis of the case is presented: describing the man himself and the debate surrounding his healing methods; showing how the controversies inspired the production and circulation of art among the population; and discussing the issues of charlatanism and professional and religious freedom. The study intends to contribute to the historiography on spiritism, occultism, and psychic sciences in Brazil.
Medicine and visual culture: photography in scientific journals and the production of experimental medical knowledge in Argentina, 1890-1915 Pantoja, María Claudia

Abstract in Spanish:

Resumen En el presente artículo se abordan las maneras en que la fotografía fue parte de las estrategias argumentativas y expositivas de los profesionales de la medicina y su rol en la producción de conocimiento experimental entre 1890 y 1915. Para dar cuenta de estas cuestiones se relevaron revistas médicas representativas del período siempre teniendo en cuenta los avances en las técnicas de reproducción de imágenes. El análisis realizado permite dar cuenta de cómo las fotografías fueron parte de las explicaciones presentadas ante la comunidad científica para persuadir de la eficacia de tratamientos experimentales y procedimientos quirúrgicos novedosos, en un contexto de profesionalización de la medicina y necesidad de legitimación de una “cultura de laboratorio”.

Abstract in English:

Abstract This article addresses how photography was part of the argumentative and expository strategies of medical professionals and its role in the production of experimental knowledge between 1890 and 1915. To investigate these issues, representative medical journals of the period were surveyed, always considering the advances in image reproduction techniques. The analysis carried out allows us to observe how the photographs were part of the explanations presented to the scientific community to persuade the efficacy of experimental treatments and novel surgical procedures, in the context of the professionalization of medicine and the need to legitimize a “culture of the laboratory.”
Science and gender, feminism and history of science: interview with Evelyn Fox Keller Keller, Evelyn Fox Rocha, Gustavo Rodrigues Rocha, Luana Fonseca da Silva

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo A entrevista aborda a trajetória de Evelyn Fox Keller, professora emérita de história e filosofia das ciências do Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Keller reflete sobre seu percurso e sobre os desafios que precisou enfrentar para expandir as fronteiras dos estudos de ciências com seu trabalho pioneiro relacionando linguagem, gênero e ciências, que tem sido muito influente em mudar a visão da história das ciências.

Abstract in English:

Abstract This interview covers the trajectory of Evelyn Fox Keller, emeritus professor of history and philosophy of science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Keller reflects on her career and the challenges she had to overcome to push back the frontiers of science with her pioneering work on language, gender, and science, which has been very influential in changing views in the history of science.
Disease in the archives of Labor Courts in Pelotas,Southern Brazil, 1939-1954 Gill, Lorena Almeida Taborda, Taiane Mendes

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo O texto aborda a doença no acervo da Justiça do Trabalho de Pelotas, entre 1939 e 1954. Ainda que houvesse uma legislação específica sobre as enfermidades laborais, relacionadas às leis sobre os acidentes de trabalho, que as vinculasse à Justiça Comum, os pedidos na Justiça do Trabalho se referiam a várias questões; contudo, as demandas eram atravessadas pela vivência com o adoecimento. O estudo preocupou-se em dar atenção a processos relacionados às mulheres, já que suas demandas eram, muitas vezes, julgadas improcedentes. Para a observação do material foi utilizada a análise documental, além dos conceitos de cotidiano e experiência. As doenças mais recorrentes foram a tuberculose pulmonar e a sífilis.

Abstract in English:

Abstract This article discusses disease in the archives of the Pelotas labor court system between 1939 and 1954. Although occupational diseases were encompassed by laws on work-related accidents, which linked them to the regular judicial system, claims heard in labor courts related to multiple issues. In addition, these claims were also intersected by experiences of living with illness. This study focuses on lawsuits involving women, since their claims were often dismissed. Primary sources are accessed and the concepts of the quotidian and experience are used. The most recurring diseases were pulmonary tuberculosis and syphilis.
Israel and covid-19: how will the history of the epidemic in this country be written in the future? Corry, Leo

Abstract in Spanish:

Resumen El presente artículo representa un intento de reflexionar hipotéticamente sobre la manera en que los historiadores de la ciencia escribirán en el futuro sus investigaciones sobre el desarrollo de la pandemia de la covid-19 en Israel, dentro de un contexto que incluye: la crisis política que vivió el país en esos momentos; la historia de las instituciones de salud pública establecidas desde la época de los primeros colonos judíos en Palestina, a principios del siglo XX, y modificadas ligeramente por una ley de 1994; los esquemas conceptuales desarrollados durante las últimas décadas por historiadores de la salud pública y las pandemias en general.

Abstract in English:

Abstract This article attempts to hypothetically reflect on how historians of science will write their research on the development of the covid-19 pandemic in Israel in the future, within a context that includes: the political crisis experienced by the country at that time; the history of the public health institutions established from the time of the first Jewish settlers in Palestine, at the beginning of the twentieth century, and slightly modified by a law of 1994; the conceptual schemes developed during the last decades by historians of public health and pandemics in general.
PRESENTACIÓN: Cultura material de la ciencia Iberoamericana: museos, jardines y gabinetes científicos Valenzuela, Carolina Mayoni, María Gabriela
Peruvian pre-Hispanic antiquities in the creation of a Chilean “prehistory:” the case of the Sáenz collection Garrido, Francisco Valenzuela, Carolina

Abstract in Spanish:

Resumen En 1895, Nicolás Sáenz propuso al gobierno chileno la venta de una colección de objetos “incaicos” traídos desde Lima; adquisición aprobada en 1897. Pese a las dificultades ocasionadas por la Guerra del Pacífico, el Museo Nacional (Chile) continuó adquiriendo antigüedades peruanas, siguiendo una tradición de estudios comparados de cultura material. Dentro del marco del evolucionismo social, estas antigüedades servían como medida de civilización, con la cual contrastar la cultura material de los pueblos prehispánicos de Chile. Este artículo analiza la adquisición de la colección Sáenz, como un punto cúlmine de un proceso de tránsito hacia a una arqueología enfocada en las nuevas adquisiciones territoriales post guerra del Pacífico.

Abstract in English:

Abstract In 1895, Nicolás Sáenz proposed to the Chilean government to purchase a collection of “Inca” objects brought from Lima. This acquisition was approved in 1897. Despite the difficulties caused by the War of the Pacific, the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Chile) continued to acquire Peruvian antiquities, following a tradition of comparative studies of material culture. Within the framework of social evolutionism, these antiquities were a measure of civilization, a reference from which to evaluate the material culture of the pre-Hispanic peoples of Chile. This article analyzes the acquisition of the Sáenz collection as the culmination of a process of transition towards an archeology that focused on the new post-war territorial acquisitions in the Pacific.
A global player from the South: the Jardín Zoológico de Buenos Aires and the transnational network of zoos in the early twentieth century Hochadel, Oliver

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo Sob a direção de Clemente Onelli (1904-1924), o Jardín Zoológico de Buenos Aires se tornou uma importante atração pública e ganhou reputação internacional por suas inovações no abrigo e fornecimento de fauna latinoamericana. Era uma instituição híbrida que combinava instrução pública, pesquisa zoológica e aclimatação de animais úteis, sendo também símbolo de orgulho nacional. Apesar da localização geográfica aparentemente periférica, a instituição estava fortemente integrada na rede global de jardins zoológicos. O artigo utiliza a perspectiva transnacional para lançar luz sobre as muitas trocas multidirecionais de animais e conhecimento entre o Jardín Zoológico de Buenos Aires e as metrópoles do Norte.

Abstract in English:

Abstract Under the directorship of Clemente Onelli (1904-1924), the Jardín Zoológico de Buenos Aires became a major public attraction and gained an international reputation for its innovations in animal keeping and as a supplier of Latin American fauna. It was a hybrid institution that combined the tasks of public instruction, zoological research, and acclimatization of useful animals, and also served as a symbol of national pride. Despite its seemingly peripheral geographical location, the institution was firmly integrated in the global network of zoological gardens. This paper utilizes a transnational perspective to tease out the numerous, multidirectional exchanges of animals and knowledge between the Jardín Zoológico de Buenos Aires and Northern metropolises.
Studying the material culture of science education in Argentina: consumer market, transnational circulation, educational practices, and local appropriation Mayoni, María Gabriela

Abstract in Spanish:

Resumen El artículo tiene por objetivo dar a conocer parte de un proceso de investigación sobre la cultura material de la enseñanza científica, en particular de las ciencias naturales, en la Argentina, entre la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y comienzos del siglo XX. A través de algunas herramientas metodológicas que resultaron útiles para manejar las diversas fuentes, como la perspectiva biográfica de la vida cultural de los objetos, la noción de circulación de conocimientos e instrumentos científicos, se analiza el complejo entramado de relaciones entre los artefactos, los saberes y las prácticas científico-educativas locales. En este artículo se exponen algunos indicadores y ejemplos de los materiales científicos estudiados.

Abstract in English:

Abstract The article presents part of a research process on the material culture of science education, particularly natural sciences, in Argentina, between the second half of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. We used some methodological tools that were useful to manage the various sources, such as the biographical perspective of the cultural life of objects, the notion of circulation of knowledge and scientific instruments, the complex network of relationships between artifacts, knowledge, and local scientific-educational practices. This article shows some indicators and examples of the scientific materials studied.
Images of chemistry kits: male dominance in representations of science Braghini, Katya

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo O artigo apresenta o modo como as imagens relativas aos conjuntos de química expressam as representações sobre a predominância do gênero masculino nas brincadeiras que simulam aspectos técnicos, gestuais, de laboratório, criando padrões de conduta que direcionam para a vocação profissional: o ser cientista. Foram privilegiadas as documentações produzidas pelas empresas Gilbert (1920) e Chemcraft (1922), presentes no acervo da Chemical Heritage Foundation (EUA). Discute-se o que Joan Scott chama de organização social da diferença sexual, enquanto são analisadas as ilustrações que privilegiam a dominância do gênero masculino, nas formas de “ser criança”, brincando de cientista.

Abstract in English:

Abstract This article shows how images relating to chemistry sets express the predominance of the male gender in toys that simulate technical, gestural, and laboratory-related aspects of science, creating patterns of conduct towards the professional vocation of being a scientist. Priority is given to documents produced by the companies Gilbert (1920) and Chemcraft (1922) that are kept in the archives of the Chemical Heritage Foundation in the USA. What Joan Scott calls the social organization of sexual difference is discussed and the illustrations are analyzed, demonstrating a predominance of male figures showing how to “be a child,” playing at being a scientist.
Materialities and transnational scientific culture of objects: the 12th International Congress of Zoology, Lisbon, 1935 Nunes, Maria de Fátima Pereira, Elisabete

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo O 12º Congresso Internacional de Zoologia realizou-se em Lisboa, em 1935. Da sua memória concreta constam insígnias – estrela-do-mar – e caricaturas de zoólogos. A partir de investigação no Arquivo do Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência/Universidade de Lisboa, pretendemos interrogar a cenografia material, pensada pelo zoólogo Artur Ricardo Jorge pela aproximação epistémica às potencialidades da biografia de objetos científicos. Esta nota de pesquisa pretende deixar a marca de um discurso científico traduzido em materialidades de circulação em espaço público, na Europa globalizante dos anos 1930, com referências de poder científico, no contexto do Estado Novo português, inaugurado, constitucionalmente, em 1933.

Abstract in English:

Abstract The material memory of the 12th International Congress of Zoology, held in Lisbon in 1935 includes insignias – the starfish – and caricatures of zoologists. Through an investigation of the archives at the University of Lisbon’s National Museum of Natural History and Science, we intend to investigate the material landscape as conceived by the zoologist Artur Ricardo Jorge by drawing epistemologically on the potentialities of the biography of scientific objects. This research note reveals a scientific discourse translated into materialities circulated in public spaces in the globalized Europe of the 1930s, with references from scientific power, in the context of Portugal’s Estado Novo regime, enshrined in its 1933 constitution.
The shadow of power Vallejo, Gustavo Gabriel
Historians at the frontiers of medical practice Cueto, Marcos
Mining for a better world Lopes, Maria Margaret
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