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Additions to the knowledge of Ganodermataceae in brazilian Cerrado

Adições ao conhecimento de Ganodermataceae no Cerrado brasileiro


As a cosmopolitan family, Ganodermataceae has as distinctive characteristic the presence of double-walled basidiospore: the inner wall thick and ornamented, and the outer wall smooth. Even with the increasing interest in this family, the species are still poorly known in different regions of the brazilian territory, such as in the central Brazil. This study presents new distribution remarks of Ganodermataceae species in different sites of the biome Cerrado, in the Midwest region. We found 23 specimens from five species which are distributed into three genera, Amauroderma, Foraminispora and Ganoderma. From those species, one is a new record for the Cerrado (A. exile), four are new for the State of Goiás A. exile, F. rugosa, G. multiplicatum and G. stipitatum and one for the Distrito Federal (G. stipitatum). Amauroderma aurantiacum is rediscovered in Goiás after 88 years. This study contributes to improving the knowledge regarding the geographic distribution of these taxa in Brazil.

Amauroderma ; brazilian savanna; Foraminispora ; Ganoderma ; geographic distribution


Cosmopolita, a família Ganodermataceae tem como característica distintiva a presença de basidiósporos de parede dupla, sendo a interna espessa e ornamentada e a externa lisa. Mesmo com o crescente interesse pela família, as espécies ainda permanecem muito pouco conhecidas em diferentes localidades do território brasileiro, como é o caso do Brasil central. Este trabalho relata novas ocorrências de espécies de Ganodermataceae em diferentes localidades do bioma Cerrado, na região Centro-Oeste. Os espécimes estudados somam 23 exemplares de cinco espécies, distribuídas em três gêneros, Amauroderma, Foraminispora e Ganoderma. Dessas, uma é novo registro para o Cerrado (A. exile), quatro são novas para o estado de Goiás A. exile, F. rugosa, G. multiplicatum e G. stipitatum e uma para o Distrito Federal (G. stipitatum). Amauroderma aurantiacum é novamente registrada para o estado de Goiás após 88 anos. Este trabalho contribui para ampliar o conhecimento da distribuição geográfica das espécies no Brasil.

Amauroderma ; distribuição geográfica; Foraminispora ; Ganoderma ; savana brasileira


Proposed in 1948, the family Ganodermataceae (Donk) Donk has approximately 220 species described, distributed into seven genera (Amauroderma Murrill, Foraminispora Robledo, Costa-Rezende & Drechsler-Santos, Furtadoa Costa-Rezende, Robledo & Drechsler-Santos, Ganoderma P. Karst., Haddowia Steyaert, Humphreya Steyaert and Tomophagus Murrill) (Ryvarden 2004Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora., Kirk et al. 2008Kirk, P.M., Cannon, P.F., Minter, D.W. & Stalpers, J.A. 2008. Ainsworth & Bisby‘s Dictionary of the Fungi. 10rd edition, CAB International, United Kingdom., Costa-Rezende et al. 2017Costa-Rezende, D.H., Robledo, G.L., Góes-Neto, A., Reck, M.A., Crespo, E. & Drechsler-Santos, E.R. 2017. Morphological reassessment and molecular phylogenetic analyses of Amauroderma s. lat. raised new perspectives in the generic classification of the Ganodermataceae family. Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 39: 254.). Considered cosmopolitan, the family has as a distinct characteristic the presence of double-walled basidiospores, with the inner wall thick and ornamented and the outer smooth, distinguishing it from other polyporoid groups. The basidiospore can be found in globular and ellipsoid shapes with pigmentation (Gilbertson & Ryvarden 1986Gilbertson, R.L. & Ryvarden, L. 1896. North American Polypores. Fungiflora, Oslo., Ryvarden 2004Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora., Cannon & Kirk 2007Cannon, P.F. & Kirk, P.M. 2007. Fungal Families of the world. CAB Internacional.). Thus, these characteristics, as well as the hardness of the pileus, are essential for the identification of Ganodermataceae species (Ryvarden 2004Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora., Gugliotta et al. 2011Gugliotta, A.M., Poscolere, G.D. & Campacci, T.V.S. 2011. Criptógamos do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, São Paulo, Sp, Brasil. Fungos, 10: Ganodermataceae. Hoehnea 38: 687-695.).

Group of crucial importance in maintaining the trophic balance, Ganodermataceae species play a key role in nutrient cycling of ecosystems, causing white rot in woody tissues (Ryvarden 2004Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora.). The family comprises species of recognized economic and medicinal value, and some sources of bioactive compounds are widely studied for biotechnological purposes (Zjawiony 2004Zjawiony, J.K. 2004. Biologically active compounds from Aphyllophorales (polypore) fungi. Journal of natural products 67: 300-310., Tseng et al. 2008Tseng, Y.H., Yang, J.H. & Mau, J.L. 2008. Antioxidant properties of polysaccharides from Ganoderma tsugae. Food 18 Chemistry 107: 732-738., Wang et al. 2016Wang, Q., Wang, Y.G., Ma, Q.Y., Huang, S.Z., Kong, F.D., Zhou, L.M., Dai, H.F. & Zhao, Y.X. 2016. Chemical constituents from the fruiting bodies of Amauroderma subresinosum. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research 11: 1030-1035.).

Species of this family, except the genus Haddowia, are widely distributed in the tropics with records in several brazilian ecosystems (Gibertoni & Cavalcanti 2003Gibertoni, T.B. & Cavalcanti, M.A.Q. 2003. A mycological survey of the Aphyllophorales (Basidiomycotina) of the Atlantic Rain Forest in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Mycotaxon 87: 203-211., Ryvarden 2004Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora., Silveira et al. 2008Silveira, R.M.B., Reck, M.A., Graf, L.V. & Sá, F.N. 2008. Polypores from a Brazilian pine Forest in Southern Brazil: pileate species. Hoehnea 35: 619-631., Baltazar & Gibertoni 2009Baltazar, J.M. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2009. A checklist of the aphyllophoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) recorded from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Mycotaxon 109: 439-442., Campacci & Gugliotta 2009Campacci, T.V.S. & Gugliotta, A.M. 2009. A review of Amauroderma in Brazil, with A. oblongisporum newly recorded from the neotropics. Mycotaxon 110: 423-436., Drechsler-Santos et al. 2009Drechsler-Santos, E.R., Gibertoni, T.B., Góes-Neto, A. & Cavalcanti, M.A.Q. 2009. A re-evalutation of the lignocellulolytic Agaricomycetes from the Brazilian semi-arid region. Mycotaxon 108: 241-244., Gomes-Silva & Gibertoni 2009Gomes-Silva, A.C. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2009. Revisão do Herbário URM. Novas ocorrências de Aphyllophorales para a Amazônia brasileira. Revista Brasileira de Botânica 32: 587-596., Gibertoni & Drechsler-Santos 2010Gibertoni, T.B. & Drechsler-Santos, E.R. 2010. Lignocellulolytic Agaricomycetes from the Brazilian Cerrado biome. Mycotaxon 111: 87-90., Gugliotta et al. 2010Gugliotta, A.M., Fonsêca, M.P. & Bononi, V.L.R. 2010. Additions to the knowledge of aphyllophoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) of Atlantic Rain Forest in São Paulo State, Brazil. Mycotaxon 112: 335-338., Gomes-Silva et al. 2011Gomes-Silva, A.C., Ryvarden, L. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2011. New records of Ganodermataceae (Basidiomycota) from Brazil. Nova Hedwigia 92: 83-94. , Costa-Rezende et al. 2016Costa-Rezende, D.H., Gugliotta, A.M., Góes-Neto, A., Reck, M.A., Robledo, G.L. & Drechsler-Santos, E.R. 2016. Amauroderma calcitum sp. nov. and notes on taxonomy and distribution of Amauroderma species (Ganodermataceae). Phytotaxa 244: 101-124., Bononi et al. 2017Bononi, V.L.R., Oliveira, A.K.M., Gugliotta, A.M. & Quevedo, J.R. 2017. Agaricomycetes (Basidiomycota, Fungi) diversity in a protected area in the Maracaju Mountains, in the Brazilian central region. Hoehnea 44: 361-377.). However, knowledge about this family in the Cerrado biome is restricted to records of 17 species, with a predominance of the genera Amauroderma and Ganoderma (Gibertoni & Drechsler-Santos 2010Gibertoni, T.B. & Drechsler-Santos, E.R. 2010. Lignocellulolytic Agaricomycetes from the Brazilian Cerrado biome. Mycotaxon 111: 87-90., Abrahão et al. 2012Abrahão, M.C., Gugliotta, A.M. & Bononi, V.L.R. 2012. Xylophilous Agaricomycetes (Basidiomycota) of Brazilian Cerrado. Check List 8: 1102-1116., Maia et al. 2015Maia, L.C., Carvalho Júnior, A.A.D., Cavalcanti, L.D.H., Gugliotta, A.D.M., Drechsler-Santos, E.R., Santiago, A.L.D.A., Cáceres, M.E.S., Gibertoni, T.B., Aptroot, A., Giachini, A.J., Soares, A.M.S., Silva, A.C.G., Magnago, A.C., Goto, B.T., Lira, C.R.S., Montoya, C.A.S., Pires-Zottarelli, C.L.A., Silva, D.K.A., Soares, D.J., Rezende, D.H.C., Luz, E.D.M.N., Gumboski, E.L., Wartchow, F., Karstedt, F., Freire, F.M., Coutinho, F.P., Melo, G.S.N., Sotão, H.M.P., Baseia, I.G., Pereira, J., Oliveira, J.J.S., Souza, J.F., Bezerra, J.L., Araujo Neta, L.S., Pfenning, L.H., Gusmão, L.F.P., Neves, M.A., Capelari, M., Jaeger, M.C.W., Pulgarín, M.P., Menolli Junior, N., Medeiros, P.S., Friedrich, R.C.S., Chikowski, R.S., Pires, R.M., Melo, R.F., Silveira, R.M.B., Urrea-Valencia, S., Cortez, V.G. & Silva, V.F. 2015. Diversity of Brazilian fungi. Rodriguésia 66: 1033-1045., Costa-Rezende et al. 2016Costa-Rezende, D.H., Gugliotta, A.M., Góes-Neto, A., Reck, M.A., Robledo, G.L. & Drechsler-Santos, E.R. 2016. Amauroderma calcitum sp. nov. and notes on taxonomy and distribution of Amauroderma species (Ganodermataceae). Phytotaxa 244: 101-124., Bononi et al. 2017Bononi, V.L.R., Oliveira, A.K.M., Gugliotta, A.M. & Quevedo, J.R. 2017. Agaricomycetes (Basidiomycota, Fungi) diversity in a protected area in the Maracaju Mountains, in the Brazilian central region. Hoehnea 44: 361-377.). The present study presents new species occurrences of the family Ganodermataceae for the brazilian Cerrado and Midwest region.

Material and methods

The specimens studied were collected in Cerrado areas between 2005 and 2018, usually located in conservation units (UC) in the State of Goiás: municipality of Caldas Novas: Parque Estadual da Serra de Caldas Novas (PESCAN) (17°43'56"S to 17°50'55,7"S; 48°40'0"W to 48°42'57,6"W); municipality of Rio Quente (17°47'35"S and 48°47'36"W); municipality of Silvânia: Floresta Nacional de Silvânia (FLONA) (16°38'30.46"S and 48°39'3.11"W); municipality of Goiânia: Bosque Auguste Saint-Hilaire (BASH) (16º36'26.74"S and 49º15'51.69"W); municipality of Anápolis: Reserva Ecológica of the Universidade Estadual de Goiás (REC-UEG) (16º23'40"S and 48º57'32"W); urban area (16º20'12"S and 48º56'42"W; 16º19'14"S and 48º55'39"W); municipality of Anápolis (14º11'44"S and 49º20'19"W); municipality of Cavalcante, Kalunga community, Engenho II (13º34'56"S and 47º28'16"W) and Distrito Federal: municipality of Brasília (15º46'48"S and 47º55'45"WO) (figure 1).

Figure 1
Location of the study area. a. location of Brazil in South America. b. In green, the distribution area of the Cerrado biome in the brazilian territory. c. Detail of the States of Goiás and the Distrito Federal, with the location of the municipalities and the conservation units where the collections were made.

The Cerrado is considered the second largest biome in South America and is located in the Central Plateau of Brazil. Its area covers the States of Goiás, Tocantins, Bahia, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Maranhão, Piauí, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Distrito Federal, Rondônia and Paraná. This biome is characterized by physiognomies that encompass savanna and grassland forest formations, with a mixed presence of trees, shrubs and undergrowth vegetation, with a rainy tropical climate with hot summer and dry winter (Ribeiro & Walter 1998Ribeiro, J.F. & Walter, B.M.T. 1998. Fitofisionomias do Bioma Cerrado. In: S.M. Sano & S.P. Almeida (org.). Cerrado: Ambiente e flora. Embrapa Cerrados, Brasília, pp. 87-166., Klink & Machado 2005Klink, C.A. & Machado, R.B. 2005. A conservação do Cerrado Brasileiro. Megadiversidade. 1: 147-155.).

The taxonomic identification of the collected specimens was based on macro and micromorphological characters, considering the methodologies adopted by Teixeira (1995)Teixeira, A.R.1995. Método para estudo das hifas do basidiocarpo de fungos poliporáceos. Manual n. 6. Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo. and Ryvarden (2004)Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora.. The specimens were deposited in the Herbarium of the Universidade Estadual de Goiás (HUEG).

Results and Discussion

We found 25 specimens, which are distributed into three genera and five species. From those, one is a new record for the Cerrado (Amauroderma exile (Berk.) Torrend 1920), are new for the State of Goiás Foraminispora rugosa (Berk.) Costa-Rezende, Drechsler-Santos & Robledo 2017Costa-Rezende, D.H., Robledo, G.L., Góes-Neto, A., Reck, M.A., Crespo, E. & Drechsler-Santos, E.R. 2017. Morphological reassessment and molecular phylogenetic analyses of Amauroderma s. lat. raised new perspectives in the generic classification of the Ganodermataceae family. Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 39: 254., Ganoderma multiplicatum (Mont.) Pat. 1889 and G. stipitatum (Murrill) Murrill 1908], one for the Distrito Federal (G. stipitatum) and A. aurantiacum (Torrend) Gibertoni & Bernicchia 2008Gibertoni, T.B., Bernicchia, A., Ryvarden, L. & Gomes-Silva, A.C. 2008. Bresadola’s polypore collection at the Natural History Museum of Trento, Italy 2. Mycotaxon 104: 321-323. is recorded again for the State of Goiás (type locality) 88 years after its publication.

Amauroderma aurantiacum (Torrend) Gibertoni & Bernicchia, Mycotaxon 104: 322 (2008).

= Amauroderma macrosporum J.S. Furtado, Revis. Revision of the genus Amauroderma (Polyporaceae); Studies based on microstructures of the basidiocarp: 203 (1968).

Figure 2

Figure 2
Amauroderma aurantiacum. a. Basidiome with an emphasis in the reddish color, long stipe with poroid hymenial surface, scale = 1 cm. b. Pileus and hymenial surface in detail, scale = 1 cm. c. Basidiospores, scale = 5 µm.

Description: see Gibertoni et al. (2008)Gibertoni, T.B., Bernicchia, A., Ryvarden, L. & Gomes-Silva, A.C. 2008. Bresadola’s polypore collection at the Natural History Museum of Trento, Italy 2. Mycotaxon 104: 321-323., Gomes-Silva et al. (2015)Gomes-Silva, A.C., Lima-Júnior, N.C., Malosso, E., Ryvarden, L. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2015. Delimitation of taxa in Amauroderma (Ganodermataceae, Polyporales) based in morphology and molecular phylogeny of Brazilian specimens. Phytotaxa 227: 201-228. .

Substrate: leaf litter.

Distribution: Brazil and Venezuela (Ryvarden 2004Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora.). In Brazil there are records in the States of Goiás, Mato Grosso, Rondônia and São Paulo (Bononi et al. 1981Bononi, V.L.R., Trufem, S.F.B. & Grandi, R.A.P. 1981. Fungos macroscópicos do Parque Estadual das Fontes de Ipiranga, São Paulo, Brasil, depositados no herbário do Instituto de Botânica. Rickia 9: 37-53., Gibertoni et al. 2004Gibertoni, T.B., Ryvarden, L. & Cavalcanti, M.A.Q. 2004. Poroid fungi (Basidiomycota) of the Atlantic Rain Forest in Northeast Brazil. Synopsis Fungorum 18: 33-43., 2007Gibertoni, T.B., Santos, P.J.P. & Cavalcanti, M.A.Q. 2007. Ecological aspects of Aphyllophoralesin the Atlantic rain forest in northeast Brazil. Fungal Diversity 25: 49-67., 2008Gibertoni, T.B., Bernicchia, A., Ryvarden, L. & Gomes-Silva, A.C. 2008. Bresadola’s polypore collection at the Natural History Museum of Trento, Italy 2. Mycotaxon 104: 321-323., Gugliotta et al. 2011Gugliotta, A.M., Poscolere, G.D. & Campacci, T.V.S. 2011. Criptógamos do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, São Paulo, Sp, Brasil. Fungos, 10: Ganodermataceae. Hoehnea 38: 687-695., Gomes-Silva et al. 2015Gomes-Silva, A.C., Lima-Júnior, N.C., Malosso, E., Ryvarden, L. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2015. Delimitation of taxa in Amauroderma (Ganodermataceae, Polyporales) based in morphology and molecular phylogeny of Brazilian specimens. Phytotaxa 227: 201-228. , Costa-Rezende et al. 2016Costa-Rezende, D.H., Gugliotta, A.M., Góes-Neto, A., Reck, M.A., Robledo, G.L. & Drechsler-Santos, E.R. 2016. Amauroderma calcitum sp. nov. and notes on taxonomy and distribution of Amauroderma species (Ganodermataceae). Phytotaxa 244: 101-124.).

Material examined: BRAZIL. Goiás: Caldas Novas, Parque Estadual da Serra de Caldas Novas (PESCAN), 17-III-2007, Xavier-Santos, S. (2117) (HUEG9927); ibid, 23-I-2008, Xavier-Santos, S. (2387) (HUEG9928); ibid, 24-I-2008, Xavier-Santos, S. (2481) (HUEG9929); ibid, 1-V-2008, Xavier-Santos, S. (2579) (HUEG9932); ibid, 24-I-2008, Xavier-Santos, S. (2418) (HUEG9933); ibid, 17-XII-2013, Xavier-Santos, S. (5803) (HUEG10552); ibid, 17-XII-2013, Xavier-Santos, S. (6099) (HUEG10555); ibid, 1-V-2008, Xavier-Santos, S. (2540) (HUEG9934); Rio Quente: 28-III-2009, Xavier-Santos, S. (3733) (HUEG9930); ibid, 23-I-2008, Xavier-Santos, S. (2324) (HUEG9931); ibid, 29-III-2009, Xavier-Santos, S. (3707) (HUEG10650); ibid, collected in 28-III-2009, Xavier-Santos, S. (3580) (HUEG10560); ibid, 24-I-2008, Xavier-Santos, S. (2484) (HUEG10634); ibid, 28-III-2009, Xavier-Santos, S. (3593) (HUEG10597); Cavalcante, Kalunga community, Engenho II: 20-III-2018, Xavier-Santos, S (6353) (HUEG11877); ibid, 20-III-2018, Xavier-Santos, S (6354) (HUEG11878).

Notes: species representative in terms of sampling and showing resistance to changes in seasonality with sampling in dry and rainy seasons in the studied areas. The holotype is reported for the State of Goiás in 1932 (Gibertoni et al. 2008Gibertoni, T.B., Bernicchia, A., Ryvarden, L. & Gomes-Silva, A.C. 2008. Bresadola’s polypore collection at the Natural History Museum of Trento, Italy 2. Mycotaxon 104: 321-323.). In this case, the species is recorded again for the State of Goiás after 88 years. Among the available descriptions for the species hyphal system, Furtado (1968)Furtado, J.S. 1968. Revisão do Gênero Amauroderma (Polyporaceae). Estudos baseados nas microestruturas do basidiocarpo. Tese de Doutorado, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo. and Ryvarden (2004)Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora., expose arguments. The first considers the system as a trimitic, composed of generative hyphae with clamp connections; branched thick-walled connective hyphae and arboriform skeletal hyphae. The second considers the system as dimitic, composed of generative hyphae with clamp connections and arboriform skeletal hyphae. In the present study, trimitic hyphal system was adopted. In the field, the species is very similar to A. calcigenum (Berk.) Torrend, distinguished by the presence of ellipsoid basidiospores. Among the distinctive characters, the reddish color of basidiome and globose basidiospores, yellowish with dense reticles-shaped ornamentation is highlighted.

Amauroderma exile (Berk.) Torrend, Brotéria, ser. bot. 18: 142 (1920).

Polyporus exilis Berk., Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 8: 173 (1856).

Figure 3

Figure 3
Amauroderma exile. a and b. Basidiome with long stipe and hymenial (a) and abhymenial surfaces (b), scale = 1 cm. c. Hymenial surface in detail, scale = 1 mm. d. basidiospores, scale = 5 µm.

Description: see Ryvarden (2004)Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora..

Substrate: leaf litter.

Distribution: Brazil, Colombia, Honduras and Venezuela (Furtado 1981Furtado, J.S. 1981. Taxonomy of Amauroderma (Basidiomycetes, Polyporaceae). Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 34: 1-109., Ryvarden 2004Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora.). In Brazil there are records for the species in the States of Amapá, Amazonas, Bahia, Mato Grosso, Pará, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Rondônia and São Paulo (Gomes-Silva et al. 2015Gomes-Silva, A.C., Lima-Júnior, N.C., Malosso, E., Ryvarden, L. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2015. Delimitation of taxa in Amauroderma (Ganodermataceae, Polyporales) based in morphology and molecular phylogeny of Brazilian specimens. Phytotaxa 227: 201-228. , Maia et al. 2015Maia, L.C., Carvalho Júnior, A.A.D., Cavalcanti, L.D.H., Gugliotta, A.D.M., Drechsler-Santos, E.R., Santiago, A.L.D.A., Cáceres, M.E.S., Gibertoni, T.B., Aptroot, A., Giachini, A.J., Soares, A.M.S., Silva, A.C.G., Magnago, A.C., Goto, B.T., Lira, C.R.S., Montoya, C.A.S., Pires-Zottarelli, C.L.A., Silva, D.K.A., Soares, D.J., Rezende, D.H.C., Luz, E.D.M.N., Gumboski, E.L., Wartchow, F., Karstedt, F., Freire, F.M., Coutinho, F.P., Melo, G.S.N., Sotão, H.M.P., Baseia, I.G., Pereira, J., Oliveira, J.J.S., Souza, J.F., Bezerra, J.L., Araujo Neta, L.S., Pfenning, L.H., Gusmão, L.F.P., Neves, M.A., Capelari, M., Jaeger, M.C.W., Pulgarín, M.P., Menolli Junior, N., Medeiros, P.S., Friedrich, R.C.S., Chikowski, R.S., Pires, R.M., Melo, R.F., Silveira, R.M.B., Urrea-Valencia, S., Cortez, V.G. & Silva, V.F. 2015. Diversity of Brazilian fungi. Rodriguésia 66: 1033-1045.).

Material examined: BRAZIL. Goiás: Caldas Novas, 23-XI-2008, Xavier-Santos, S. (3317) (HUEG9935).

Notes: the species when fresh, has a typical bright reddish-brown color that characterizes it. According to Gomes-Silva et al. (2015)Gomes-Silva, A.C., Lima-Júnior, N.C., Malosso, E., Ryvarden, L. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2015. Delimitation of taxa in Amauroderma (Ganodermataceae, Polyporales) based in morphology and molecular phylogeny of Brazilian specimens. Phytotaxa 227: 201-228. the species resembles A. elegantissimum Ryvarden & Iturr. differing in the morphology of the basidiospore, since A. elegantissimum has globose, not ornamented basidiospores, with 7-10 µm. This is a new record for the Cerrado and for the State of Goiás.

Foraminispora rugosa (Berk.) Costa-Rezende, Drechsler-Santos & Robledo, in Costa-Rezende, Robledo, Góes-Neto, Reck, Crespo & Drechsler- Santos, Persoonia 39: 262 (2017).

Ganoderma sprucei Pat., Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 10(2): 75 (1894).

Figure 4

Figure 4
Foraminispora rugosa. a. Basidiome, scale = 1 cm. b. Hymenial surface in detail, scale = 0.5 mm. c. Basidiospores, scale = 5 µm.

Description: see Decock & Herrera-Figueroa (2006)Decock, C. & Herrera-Figueroa, S. 2006. Neotropical Ganodermataceae (Basidiomycota): Amauroderma sprucei and A. dubiopansum. Cryptogamie Mycologie 27: 3-10..

Substrate: dead wood.

Distribution: Brazil, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, French Guiana, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and Venezuela (Ryvarden 2004Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora., Decock & Herrera-Figueroa 2006Decock, C. & Herrera-Figueroa, S. 2006. Neotropical Ganodermataceae (Basidiomycota): Amauroderma sprucei and A. dubiopansum. Cryptogamie Mycologie 27: 3-10., Campacci & Gugliotta 2009Campacci, T.V.S. & Gugliotta, A.M. 2009. A review of Amauroderma in Brazil, with A. oblongisporum newly recorded from the neotropics. Mycotaxon 110: 423-436.). In Brazil there are records for the species in the States of Amazonas, Bahia, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Pará, Paraná, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, São Paulo and Sergipe (Ryvarden 2004Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora., Gibertoni et al. 2004Gibertoni, T.B., Ryvarden, L. & Cavalcanti, M.A.Q. 2004. Poroid fungi (Basidiomycota) of the Atlantic Rain Forest in Northeast Brazil. Synopsis Fungorum 18: 33-43., 2007Gibertoni, T.B., Santos, P.J.P. & Cavalcanti, M.A.Q. 2007. Ecological aspects of Aphyllophoralesin the Atlantic rain forest in northeast Brazil. Fungal Diversity 25: 49-67., Gugliotta et al. 2011Gugliotta, A.M., Poscolere, G.D. & Campacci, T.V.S. 2011. Criptógamos do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, São Paulo, Sp, Brasil. Fungos, 10: Ganodermataceae. Hoehnea 38: 687-695., Drechsler-Santos et al. 2013Drechsler-Santos, E.R., Ryvarden, L., Bezerra, J.L., Gibertoni, T.B., Salvador-Montoya, C.A. & Calvacanti, M.A.Q. 2013. New records of Auriculariales, Hymenochaetales and Polyporales (Fungi: Agaricomycetes) for the Caatinga Biome. Check List 9: 800-805., Maia et al. 2015Maia, L.C., Carvalho Júnior, A.A.D., Cavalcanti, L.D.H., Gugliotta, A.D.M., Drechsler-Santos, E.R., Santiago, A.L.D.A., Cáceres, M.E.S., Gibertoni, T.B., Aptroot, A., Giachini, A.J., Soares, A.M.S., Silva, A.C.G., Magnago, A.C., Goto, B.T., Lira, C.R.S., Montoya, C.A.S., Pires-Zottarelli, C.L.A., Silva, D.K.A., Soares, D.J., Rezende, D.H.C., Luz, E.D.M.N., Gumboski, E.L., Wartchow, F., Karstedt, F., Freire, F.M., Coutinho, F.P., Melo, G.S.N., Sotão, H.M.P., Baseia, I.G., Pereira, J., Oliveira, J.J.S., Souza, J.F., Bezerra, J.L., Araujo Neta, L.S., Pfenning, L.H., Gusmão, L.F.P., Neves, M.A., Capelari, M., Jaeger, M.C.W., Pulgarín, M.P., Menolli Junior, N., Medeiros, P.S., Friedrich, R.C.S., Chikowski, R.S., Pires, R.M., Melo, R.F., Silveira, R.M.B., Urrea-Valencia, S., Cortez, V.G. & Silva, V.F. 2015. Diversity of Brazilian fungi. Rodriguésia 66: 1033-1045., Costa-Rezende et al. 2016Costa-Rezende, D.H., Gugliotta, A.M., Góes-Neto, A., Reck, M.A., Robledo, G.L. & Drechsler-Santos, E.R. 2016. Amauroderma calcitum sp. nov. and notes on taxonomy and distribution of Amauroderma species (Ganodermataceae). Phytotaxa 244: 101-124.).

Material examined: Brazil. Goiás: Goiânia, Bosque Auguste Saint-Hilaire, 20-I-2014, Naves L.R. 93 (HUEG9716).

Notes: the species is characterized for its central to the lateral stipe, context cream to light brown and 5-6 pores per mm. Still, it can be distinguished from the other species of the genus by a slightly tomentous abhymenial surface. It is easily confused with A. schomburgkii (Mont. & Berk.) Torrend, differing because of the lack of blackened pileal surface (Gugliotta et al. 2011Gugliotta, A.M., Poscolere, G.D. & Campacci, T.V.S. 2011. Criptógamos do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, São Paulo, Sp, Brasil. Fungos, 10: Ganodermataceae. Hoehnea 38: 687-695., Campos-Santana & Loguercio-Leite 2013Campos-Santana, M. & Loguercio-Leite, C. 2013. Species of Amauroderma (Ganodermataceae) in Santa Catarina State, Southern Brazil. Biotemas, 26: 1-5.). This is a new record for the State of Goiás.

Ganoderma multiplicatum (Mont.) Pat., Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 5 (2,3): 74 (1889).

Polyporus multiplicatus Mont., Annls Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 41: 128 (1854).

Figure 5

Figure 5
Ganoderma multiplicatum. a and b. Basidiome, hymenial (a) and abhymenial surfaces (b), scale = 1 cm. c. Hymenial surface in detail, scale = 0.5 mm. d. Basidiospores, scale = 5 µm.

Description: see Ryvarden (2004)Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora..

Substrate: dead wood.

Distribution: Angola, Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Egypt, French Guiana, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, New Guinea, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Venezuela, Zaire and Zambia (Steyaert 1980Steyaert, R.L. 1980. Study of some Ganoderma species. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de L’etat Bruxelles 50: 135-186., Gottlieb & Wright 1999Gottlieb, A.M. & Wright, J.E. 1999. Taxonomy of Ganoderma from southern South America: subgenus Elfvingia. Mycological Research, 103:1289-1298., Ryvarden 2000Ryvarden, L. 2000. Studies in Neotropical polypores 2: a preliminary key to Neotropical species of Ganoderma with a laccate pileus. Mycologia 92: 180-191., Baltazar & Gibertoni 2009Baltazar, J.M. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2009. A checklist of the aphyllophoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) recorded from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Mycotaxon 109: 439-442., Gomes-Silva & Gibertoni 2009Gomes-Silva, A.C. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2009. Revisão do Herbário URM. Novas ocorrências de Aphyllophorales para a Amazônia brasileira. Revista Brasileira de Botânica 32: 587-596., Bhosle et al. 2010Bhosle, S., Ranadive, K., Bapat, G., Garad, S., Deshpande, G. & Vaidya, J. 2010. Taxonomy and diversity of Ganoderma from the Western parts of Maharashtra (India). Mycosphere 1: 249-262., Gomes-Silva et al. 2011Gomes-Silva, A.C., Ryvarden, L. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2011. New records of Ganodermataceae (Basidiomycota) from Brazil. Nova Hedwigia 92: 83-94. , Bolaños et al. 2016Bolaños, A.C., Bononi, V.L.R., Gugliotta, A.M. & Muñoz, J.E. 2016. New records of Ganoderma multiplicatum (Mont.) Pat. (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from Colombia and its geographic distribution in South America. Check List 12: 1948.). In Brazil there are records for the species in the States of Alagoas, Amazonas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Rio de Janeiro, Rondônia, Roraima, Santa Catarina, São Paulo and Sergipe (Steyaert 1980Steyaert, R.L. 1980. Study of some Ganoderma species. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de L’etat Bruxelles 50: 135-186., Capelari & Maziero 1988Capelari, M. & Maziero, R. 1988. Fungos macroscópicos do estado de Rondônia, região dos rios Jaru e Ji-Paraná. Hoehnea 15: 28-36., Loguercio-Leite et al. 2005Loguercio-Leite, C., Groposo, C. & Halmenschlager, M.A. 2005. Species of Ganoderma Karsten in a subtropical area (Santa Catarina State, Southern Brazil). Iheringia Série Botânica 60: 135-139., Drechsler-Santos et al. 2008Drechsler-Santos, E.R., Groposo, C. & Loguercio-Leite, C. 2008. Additions to the knowledge of lignocellulolytic Basidiomycetes (Fungi) in forests from Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Mycotaxon 103: 197-200., Martins-Júnior et al. 2011Martins-Júnior, A.S., Gibertoni, T.B. & Sótão, H.M.P. 2011. Espécies de Ganoderma P. Karst (Ganodermataceae) e Phellinus Quél. (Hymenochaetaceae) na Estação Científica Ferreira Penna, Pará, Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasílica 25: 531-533., Gomes-Silva et al. 2011Gomes-Silva, A.C., Ryvarden, L. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2011. New records of Ganodermataceae (Basidiomycota) from Brazil. Nova Hedwigia 92: 83-94. , Gugliotta et al. 2011Gugliotta, A.M., Poscolere, G.D. & Campacci, T.V.S. 2011. Criptógamos do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, São Paulo, Sp, Brasil. Fungos, 10: Ganodermataceae. Hoehnea 38: 687-695., Quevedo et al. 2012Quevedo, J.R., Bononi, V.L.R., Oliveira, A.K.M. & Gugliotta, A.M. 2012. Agaricomycetes (Basidiomycota) em um fragmento florestal urbano na cidade de Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Biociências 10: 430-438., Torres-Torres et al. 2012Torres-Torres, M.G., Guzman-Davalos, L., Gugliotta, A.M. 2012. Ganoderma in Brazil: known species and new records. Mycotaxon 121: 93-132., Maia et al. 2015Maia, L.C., Carvalho Júnior, A.A.D., Cavalcanti, L.D.H., Gugliotta, A.D.M., Drechsler-Santos, E.R., Santiago, A.L.D.A., Cáceres, M.E.S., Gibertoni, T.B., Aptroot, A., Giachini, A.J., Soares, A.M.S., Silva, A.C.G., Magnago, A.C., Goto, B.T., Lira, C.R.S., Montoya, C.A.S., Pires-Zottarelli, C.L.A., Silva, D.K.A., Soares, D.J., Rezende, D.H.C., Luz, E.D.M.N., Gumboski, E.L., Wartchow, F., Karstedt, F., Freire, F.M., Coutinho, F.P., Melo, G.S.N., Sotão, H.M.P., Baseia, I.G., Pereira, J., Oliveira, J.J.S., Souza, J.F., Bezerra, J.L., Araujo Neta, L.S., Pfenning, L.H., Gusmão, L.F.P., Neves, M.A., Capelari, M., Jaeger, M.C.W., Pulgarín, M.P., Menolli Junior, N., Medeiros, P.S., Friedrich, R.C.S., Chikowski, R.S., Pires, R.M., Melo, R.F., Silveira, R.M.B., Urrea-Valencia, S., Cortez, V.G. & Silva, V.F. 2015. Diversity of Brazilian fungi. Rodriguésia 66: 1033-1045.).

Material examined: BRAZIL. Goiás: Anápolis, Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Reserva Ecológica of the Universidade Estadual de Goiás (REC-UEG), 22-V-2009, Xavier-Santos, S. (3772) (HUEG11881).

Notes: the species is characterized by the sessile basidiome, lacquer layer, reddish color, and 6-8 pores per mm. A. multiplicatum is morphologically similar to G. orbiforme (Fr.) Ryvarden, however, differences can be observed through the analysis of microscopic characters, and G. orbiforme has larger basidiospores (8.8-10.4 × 6.4 -7.2 µm) and cuticle cells with more developed protuberances (Gugliotta et al. 2011Gugliotta, A.M., Poscolere, G.D. & Campacci, T.V.S. 2011. Criptógamos do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, São Paulo, Sp, Brasil. Fungos, 10: Ganodermataceae. Hoehnea 38: 687-695.). This is a new record for the State of Goiás.

Ganoderma stipitatum (Murrill) Murrill, N. Amer. Fl. (New York) 9 (2): 122 (1908).

Fomes stipitatus Murrill, Bull. Torrey bot. Club 30(4): 229 (1903).

Figure 6

Figure 6
Ganoderma stipitatum. a and b. Basidiome, hymenial (a) e abhymenial surfaces (b), scale = 1 cm. c. Hymenial surface in detail, scale = 1 mm. d. Basidiospores, scale = 5 µm.

Description: see Ryvarden (2004)Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora..

Substrate: living trees.

Distribution: Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela (Ryvarden 2004Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora., Torres-Torres et al. 2012Torres-Torres, M.G., Guzman-Davalos, L., Gugliotta, A.M. 2012. Ganoderma in Brazil: known species and new records. Mycotaxon 121: 93-132.). In Brazil there are records in the States of Acre, Alagoas, Amazonas, Bahia, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraíba, Paraná, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and Rondônia (Steyaert 1980Steyaert, R.L. 1980. Study of some Ganoderma species. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de L’etat Bruxelles 50: 135-186., Capelari & Maziero 1988Capelari, M. & Maziero, R. 1988. Fungos macroscópicos do estado de Rondônia, região dos rios Jaru e Ji-Paraná. Hoehnea 15: 28-36., Gibertoni et al. 2004Gibertoni, T.B., Ryvarden, L. & Cavalcanti, M.A.Q. 2004. Poroid fungi (Basidiomycota) of the Atlantic Rain Forest in Northeast Brazil. Synopsis Fungorum 18: 33-43., 2007Gibertoni, T.B., Santos, P.J.P. & Cavalcanti, M.A.Q. 2007. Ecological aspects of Aphyllophoralesin the Atlantic rain forest in northeast Brazil. Fungal Diversity 25: 49-67., Gomes-Silva et al. 2011Gomes-Silva, A.C., Ryvarden, L. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2011. New records of Ganodermataceae (Basidiomycota) from Brazil. Nova Hedwigia 92: 83-94. , Martins-Júnior et al. 2011Martins-Júnior, A.S., Gibertoni, T.B. & Sótão, H.M.P. 2011. Espécies de Ganoderma P. Karst (Ganodermataceae) e Phellinus Quél. (Hymenochaetaceae) na Estação Científica Ferreira Penna, Pará, Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasílica 25: 531-533., Torres-Torres et al. 2012Torres-Torres, M.G., Guzman-Davalos, L., Gugliotta, A.M. 2012. Ganoderma in Brazil: known species and new records. Mycotaxon 121: 93-132., Maia et al. 2015Maia, L.C., Carvalho Júnior, A.A.D., Cavalcanti, L.D.H., Gugliotta, A.D.M., Drechsler-Santos, E.R., Santiago, A.L.D.A., Cáceres, M.E.S., Gibertoni, T.B., Aptroot, A., Giachini, A.J., Soares, A.M.S., Silva, A.C.G., Magnago, A.C., Goto, B.T., Lira, C.R.S., Montoya, C.A.S., Pires-Zottarelli, C.L.A., Silva, D.K.A., Soares, D.J., Rezende, D.H.C., Luz, E.D.M.N., Gumboski, E.L., Wartchow, F., Karstedt, F., Freire, F.M., Coutinho, F.P., Melo, G.S.N., Sotão, H.M.P., Baseia, I.G., Pereira, J., Oliveira, J.J.S., Souza, J.F., Bezerra, J.L., Araujo Neta, L.S., Pfenning, L.H., Gusmão, L.F.P., Neves, M.A., Capelari, M., Jaeger, M.C.W., Pulgarín, M.P., Menolli Junior, N., Medeiros, P.S., Friedrich, R.C.S., Chikowski, R.S., Pires, R.M., Melo, R.F., Silveira, R.M.B., Urrea-Valencia, S., Cortez, V.G. & Silva, V.F. 2015. Diversity of Brazilian fungi. Rodriguésia 66: 1033-1045.).

Material examined: BRAZIL. Distrito Federal: Brasília, next to the Universidade de Brasília (UNB), 1-XII-2010, Xavier-Santos, S. (4699) (HUEG10726). Goiás: Alto Horizonte, 15-I-2005, Faria-Junior, J. E.Q. (31) (HUEG10771); Anápolis: School São Francisco de Assis, 15-II-2018, Xavier-Santos, S. (6348) (HUEG11875); ibid 4-XII-2018, Xavier-Santos, S. (6380) (HUEG11991); Anápolis city, 29-V-2018, Xavier-Santos, S. (6355) (HUEG11876); Avenida São Francisco, 20-XI-2018, Xavier-Santos, S. (6381) (HUEG11992).

Notes: according to Ryvarden (2004)Ryvarden, L. 2004. Neotropical polypores: Part 1. Introduction, Ganodermataceae & Hymenochaetaceae. Oslo, Fungiflora., this species has dark resinous bands in the context as a distinguishing characteristic. It is easily confused with Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst., because they are macroscopically similar (Martins-Júnior et al. 2011Martins-Júnior, A.S., Gibertoni, T.B. & Sótão, H.M.P. 2011. Espécies de Ganoderma P. Karst (Ganodermataceae) e Phellinus Quél. (Hymenochaetaceae) na Estação Científica Ferreira Penna, Pará, Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasílica 25: 531-533.), but they differ microscopically by the hyphal system, dimitic in G. stipitatum and trimitic in G. lucidum and by the basidiospores, ellipsoid to oblong, truncate at apex in G. stipitatum and ellipsoid to obovate in G. lucidum (Groposo & Loguercio-Leite 2002Groposo, C. & Loguercio-Leite, C. 2002. Fungos poliporóides xilófilos (Basidiomycetes) da Reserva Biológica Tancredo Neves, Cachoeirinha, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Iheringia, Série Botânica 57: 39-59., Singh et al. 2014Singh, R., Dhingra, G.S. & Shri, R. 2014. A comparative study of taxonomy, physicochemical parameters, and chemical constituents of Ganoderma lucidum and G. philippii from Uttarakhand, India. Turkish Journal of Botany 38: 186-196.). This is a new record for the Distrito Federal and for the State of Goiás.

    Key to species studied in this work
  • 1. Basidiomata stipitate, with stipe zoned .................................................................................................... F. rugosa

  • 1. Stipitate basidiome, with stipe or substipe without zones

    • 2. Pilear surface glabrous to laccate; basidiospores with truncate apex

    • 2. Pilear surface glabrous to tomentous; basidiospores with globose to subglobose apex

      • 3. Pileus circular to dimidiate, long and irregular stipe, with hymenial surface showing pore angular to circular (6-8 per mm) ………………………..………………………….... G. stipitatum

      • 3. Pileus flabelliform to applanate, substipitate, with hymenial surface showing pore angular to circular (5-6 per mm) .................................................................................................. G. multiplicatum

        • 4. Globose basidiospores (5-7.65-7.6 x 5.3-7.4 µm5.3-7.4 µm), with dense reticles-shaped ornamentation .............................................................................................................................................. A. aurantiacum

        • 4. Globose to subglobose basidiospores (5-7,6 × 5,3-7,4 µm), finely ornamented .................... A. exile


We thank to Dr. Tatiana Baptista Gibertoni for the identification of some species. To the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás (FAPEG), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for the scholarship awarded to the Lucas Leonardo da Silva (CNPq/AT/INCT - Virtual Herbarium of Flora and Fungi), Antônio Sergio Ferreira de Sá (CNPq/IC), Laiza Rosa Rezende Naves (CAPES/Masters) and Elida Lucia da Cunha (FAPEG/Masters). To the reviewers and editors for valuable comments and editorial preparation of the paper.

Literature cited

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  • Baltazar, J.M. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2009. A checklist of the aphyllophoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) recorded from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Mycotaxon 109: 439-442.
  • Bhosle, S., Ranadive, K., Bapat, G., Garad, S., Deshpande, G. & Vaidya, J. 2010. Taxonomy and diversity of Ganoderma from the Western parts of Maharashtra (India). Mycosphere 1: 249-262.
  • Bolaños, A.C., Bononi, V.L.R., Gugliotta, A.M. & Muñoz, J.E. 2016. New records of Ganoderma multiplicatum (Mont.) Pat. (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from Colombia and its geographic distribution in South America. Check List 12: 1948.
  • Bononi, V.L.R., Oliveira, A.K.M., Gugliotta, A.M. & Quevedo, J.R. 2017. Agaricomycetes (Basidiomycota, Fungi) diversity in a protected area in the Maracaju Mountains, in the Brazilian central region. Hoehnea 44: 361-377.
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  • Campacci, T.V.S. & Gugliotta, A.M. 2009. A review of Amauroderma in Brazil, with A. oblongisporum newly recorded from the neotropics. Mycotaxon 110: 423-436.
  • Campos-Santana, M. & Loguercio-Leite, C. 2013. Species of Amauroderma (Ganodermataceae) in Santa Catarina State, Southern Brazil. Biotemas, 26: 1-5.
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  • Costa-Rezende, D.H., Gugliotta, A.M., Góes-Neto, A., Reck, M.A., Robledo, G.L. & Drechsler-Santos, E.R. 2016. Amauroderma calcitum sp. nov. and notes on taxonomy and distribution of Amauroderma species (Ganodermataceae). Phytotaxa 244: 101-124.
  • Costa-Rezende, D.H., Robledo, G.L., Góes-Neto, A., Reck, M.A., Crespo, E. & Drechsler-Santos, E.R. 2017. Morphological reassessment and molecular phylogenetic analyses of Amauroderma s. lat. raised new perspectives in the generic classification of the Ganodermataceae family. Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 39: 254.
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  • Drechsler-Santos, E.R., Groposo, C. & Loguercio-Leite, C. 2008. Additions to the knowledge of lignocellulolytic Basidiomycetes (Fungi) in forests from Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Mycotaxon 103: 197-200.
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  • Gibertoni, T.B., Ryvarden, L. & Cavalcanti, M.A.Q. 2004. Poroid fungi (Basidiomycota) of the Atlantic Rain Forest in Northeast Brazil. Synopsis Fungorum 18: 33-43.
  • Gibertoni, T.B., Santos, P.J.P. & Cavalcanti, M.A.Q. 2007. Ecological aspects of Aphyllophoralesin the Atlantic rain forest in northeast Brazil. Fungal Diversity 25: 49-67.
  • Gibertoni, T.B., Bernicchia, A., Ryvarden, L. & Gomes-Silva, A.C. 2008. Bresadola’s polypore collection at the Natural History Museum of Trento, Italy 2. Mycotaxon 104: 321-323.
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  • Gomes-Silva, A.C. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2009. Revisão do Herbário URM. Novas ocorrências de Aphyllophorales para a Amazônia brasileira. Revista Brasileira de Botânica 32: 587-596.
  • Gomes-Silva, A.C., Ryvarden, L. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2011. New records of Ganodermataceae (Basidiomycota) from Brazil. Nova Hedwigia 92: 83-94.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    25 Sept 2020
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 Aug 2019
  • Accepted
    28 Nov 2019
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