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Cortical Reorganization Following Psychoeducational Counselling and Residual Inhibition Therapy (RIT) in Individuals with Tinnitus



Psychoeducational counselling and residual inhibition therapy (RIT) are traditional approaches used in many clinics to manage tinnitus. However, neurophysiological studies to evaluate posttreatment perceptual and functional cortical changes in humans are scarce.


The present study aims to explore whether cortical auditory-evoked potentials (CAEPs; N1 and P3) reflect the effect of modified RIT and psychoeducational counselling, and whether there is a correlation between the behavioral and electrophysiological measures.


Ten participants with continuous and bothersome tinnitus underwent a session of psychoeducational counselling and modified RIT. Perceptual measures and CAEPs were recorded pre- and posttreatment. Further, the posttreatment measures were compared with age and gender-matched historical control groups.


Subjectively, 80% of the participants reported a reduction in the loudness of their tinnitus. Objectively, there wasasignificant reductioninthe posttreatment amplitude of N1 and P3, with no alterations in latency. There was no correlation between the perceived difference in tinnitus loudness and the difference in P3 amplitude (at Pz).


The perceptual and functional (as evidenced by sensory, N1, and cognitive, P3 reduction) changes after a single session of RIT and psychoeducational counselling are suggestive of plastic changes at the cortical level. The current study serves as preliminary evidence that event-related potentials (ERPs) can be used to quantify the physiological changes that occur after the intervention for tinnitus.

residual inhibition therapy; tinnitus; psychoeducational counselling; treatment; cortical reorganization


A single session of modified RIT and psychoeducational counselling can bring about perceptual and functional changes at the cortical level.

Event-related potentials (ERPs) may serve as a tool to quantify functional changes after tinnitus treatment.

Fundação Otorrinolaringologia Rua Artur de Azevedo 46, Zip code 05404-000,, São Paulo/SP, Brazil, Phone: +55 11 3062 4097, E-mail: - São Paulo - SP - Brazil