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Arts and health: some thoughts for deepening the potential of analysis in this field.

This paper discusses the most common principles of the "arts and health" field, and specifically studies from Anglo-Saxon countries that analyze community-based art programs. It presents results from a qualitative study that was conducted within two youth orchestra projects in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, which had the aim of social integration. This study showed how the possibilities for an art education project to have an influence depend not only on what the programs can offer, but also fundamentally on who the participants are and can bring along: their universe of beliefs and standards, interpretation schemes, moral stances, cultural repertoires, practical knowledge, memories and economic, occupational and educational paths. These factors, which stem from prior socialization processes, constitute a form of filter or sieve through and from which artistic interventions may or may not have appropriate results.

Youth orchestras; Arts and health; Young people; Vulnerability; Artistic education

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