Open-access Considerations for the design of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevention programs for lesbian and bisexual women

Considerações para a elaboração de programas de prevenção do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (VIH) para as mulheres lésbicas e bissexuais

Consideraciones para la elaboración de programas de prevención del Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia (VIH) para las mujeres lesbianas y bisexuales

Several strategies and guidelines for HIV prevention in different population groups have been established throughout the epidemic. However, there is an urgent need to include lesbian and bisexual women (LB women) in prevention programs and address their particular health care needs. This paper discusses key aspects that must be considered in the design of HIV prevention programs oriented toward this specific population. Due to the lack of research assessing prevention strategies for LB women, these reflections emerged by reviewing literature in similar groups and by the direct work of the authors within this group. Their inclusion in the HIV prevention agenda is essential to safeguard their right to health care in terms of receiving accurate information about sexuality and health, participating in health care programs and being treated equally and without any discrimination.

HIV; Sex education; Prevention; Lesbian women

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