Lopes et al. 3535. Lopes AS, Montes PR, Silva ET, Ataides NJC, Freitas JS, Araújo MP, et al. Estudo de peças publicitárias de medicamentos e alimentos: as principais legislações infringidas no estado de Goiás. Rev Eletron Farm. 2005; 2 Suppl 2:113-5.
2005 |
Qualitative study |
Analysis of the content of food and medication advertisements circulated between November 2004 and June 2005 in the state of Goias, showing the need for advertisements monitoring due to noncompliance with ethical standards. |
Fagundes and Souza 3636. Fagundes MJD, Souza RF. A publicidade de alimentos e o direito à saúde. Rev Direito Sanit. 2007; 8(2):34-53.
2007 |
Law analysis |
Analysis of the prerogatives related to monitoring of advertisements of products regulated by health surveillance in Brazil, indicating the lack of control in the supervision process of advertisements. According to the results of the Brazilian Public Consultation 71/2006, the focus of supervision should be protection of citizens’ health. |
Santos and Batalha 3737. Santos SL, Batalha MO. A ética na propaganda de alimentos: uma análise a partir de comerciais da televisão [Internet]. In: Anais do XLV Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Rural (SOBER); 2007; Londrina, Brasil. Brasília: Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Rural; 2007. [citado 18 Jul 2017]. Disponível em: www.sober.org.br/palestra/6/569.pdf. www.sober.org.br/palestra/6/569.pdf...
2007 |
Qualitative study |
Description of the contents of food and beverage advertisements aired in three open TV channels with high audience between August and September 2005 in the city of Sao Carlos (state of Sao Paulo, Brazil), indicating significant level of ethical transgressions for processed foods advertisements. Yet, states that evidences published with experiences from other countries are inconclusive concerning the linkage between food marketing ban and discouragement for adoption of unhealthy diets. |
Guimarães 3838. Guimarães CP. Proposta para o monitoramento da propaganda e promoção comercial de alimentos no Brasil [dissertação]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo; 2008.
2008 |
Law analysis |
Comparative analysis of aspects monitored in food advertisements by CONAR and ANVISA, showing that there are important differences between characteristics considered by both institutions, since CONAR Code of Ethics included several items that were not applicable for monitoring food advertisements. Other countries with government regulation of advertisement adopt specific regulation for foods and beverages. |
Pinheiro and Carvalho 3939. Pinheiro ARO, Carvalho DBB. Estado e mercado: adversários ou aliados no processo de implementação da Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição? Elementos para um debate sobre medidas de regulamentação. Saúde Soc. 2008; 17(2):170-83.
2008 |
Essay |
Description of historical context referring to social policy in Brazil and its deployments in the field of food and nutrition, indicating the need for strengthening government regulation within a strategic framework to address the ongoing nutrition transition in the country. |
Rebouças 4040. Rebouças E. Os desafios para a regulamentação da publicidade destinada a crianças e adolescentes: soluções canadenses e reticências à brasileira. Intercom. 2008; 31(2):75-97.
2008 |
Law analysis |
Comparative analysis of the differences between self-regulatory models directed to food advertisement adopted in Canada (Québec) and Brazil, showing that the Canadian model includes social mobilization and the Brazilian model is supported by the food market cartel. That is, in Brazil, the focus of debate on food advertisements monitoring was on media funding; whereas in Canada, it was on food companies reputations. |
Ferraz Junior 4141. Ferraz Junior TS. Competência da ANVISA e a regulamentação da propaganda. Rev Direito Adm. 2009; 251:215-32.
2009 |
Law analysis |
Analysis of the jurisdiction potentially attributable to ANVISA on monitoring and control of marketing, advertisement and information on foods and beverages, through administrative acts; indicating the absence of legal grounds to support its intervention in regulation of food and beverage advertisements. ANVISA acts are limited to education campaigns due to legal limits established by Brazilian Constitution regarding interference in the economic domain. |
Monteiro and Castro 4242. Monteiro CA, Castro IRR. Por que é necessário regulamentar a publicidade de alimentos. Ciênc Cult. 2009; 61(4):56-9.
2009 |
Essay |
Description of arguments pro and con food marketing regulation expressed by diverse actors in Brazil, defending the need for government intervention regarding the advertisement of processed foods and beverages. |
Bragaglia 4343. Bragalia AP. Atualizando o debate sobre o cenário normativo publicitário ante o público infantil: um estudo comparativo entre Brasil e Espanha. Rev Estud Comun. 2010; 11(25):135-44.
2010 |
Literature review |
Comparative analysis of the regulatory structures on food and beverage marketing in Spain and Brazil, indicating larger number of specific ethical norms for marketing directed to children in Spain. |
Carratore 4444. Carratore LRRD. A legislação sobre a publicidade infantil e a falta de critérios técnicos em mídia [Internet]. In: Anais do Intercom - Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação e XI Congresso de Ciência da Comunicação na Região Nordeste; 2010; Campina Grande, Brasil. São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação; 2010 [citado 18 Jul 2017]. Disponível em: http://www.intercom.org.br/papers/regionais/nordeste2010/resumos/R23-1593-1.pdf. http://www.intercom.org.br/papers/region...
2010 |
Law analysis |
Analysis of the Law Project 5.921/01, intended to limit the circulation of children-targeted marketing in television during certain periods of the day (07:00 to 21:00). Nevertheless, studies have shown that children and adolescents usually watch television in other periods, that is, the regulation would probably fail to have any practical effect. |
Gomes et al. 4545. Gomes FDS, Castro IRR, Monteiro CA. Publicidade de alimentos no Brasil: avanços e desafios. Ciênc Cult. 2010; 62(4):48-51.
2010 |
Literature review |
Comparative analysis of the differences in behavior of transnational food and beverage companies regarding products advertisement in diverse countries, showing that compliance with ethical rules of advertisement in developed countries due to firms’ strategies to maintain reputation is dissonant in relation to advertisement practices in developing countries. |
Henriques 4646. Henriques IVM. Controle social e regulação da publicidade infantil: o caso da comunicação mercadológica de alimentos voltada às crianças brasileiras. Rev Eletron Comun Inf Inov Saúde. 2010; 4(4):72-84.
2010 |
Law analysis |
Interpretation of laws prevailing in Brazil referring to food and beverage advertisement, pointing to effective illegality of marketing strategies directed to children and lack of efficiency in self-regulation, especially due to funding provided by the own regulated industry. |
Lemos et al. 4747. Lemos AR, Crescitelli E, Sarti FM. Um estudo exploratório sobre a postura ética das empresas na divulgação de produtos alimentícios [Internet]. In: Anais dos XIII Seminários em Administração (SEMEAD); 2010; São Paulo, Brasil. São Paulo: Departamento de Administração da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo; 2010 [citado 18 Jul 2017]. Disponível em: http://sistema.semead.com.br/13semead/resultado/an_resumo.asp?cod_trabalho=290. http://sistema.semead.com.br/13semead/re...
2010 |
Descriptive study |
Analysis of evolution patterns in food and beverage advertisements denounced to CONAR between 1998 and 2009, indicating increasing volume of ethical transgressions in advertisements of alcoholic beverages and processed foods. Adoption of self-regulatory models for food and beverage advertisements seemed insufficient to restrain the adoption of deceptive and/or abusive contents. |
Santos and Batalha 4848. Santos SL, Batalha MO. Propaganda de alimentos na televisão: uma ameaça à saúde do consumidor? Rev Admin. 2010; 45(4):373-82.
2010 |
Qualitative study |
Analysis of the contents of food advertisement aired in three open TV channels with high audience between with high audience between August and September 2006 in the city of Sao Carlos (state of Sao Paulo, Brazil), showing that TV advertisements focus on children and women, emphasizing affective characteristics and lacking information on nutritional value. |
Silva 4949. Silva DV. Publicidade infantil na TV: estudo da produção e regulamentação. Temática. 2010; 6(9):1-91.
2010 |
Essay |
Analysis of the history of marketing directed to infant audience in Brazil, its language and potential effects on children’s perception, selecting diverse advertisements for analysis in relation to specific regulation related to advertisement, consumer rights and children. |
Marins et al. 5050. Marins BR, Araújo IS, Jacob SC. A propaganda de alimentos: orientação, ou apenas estímulo ao consumo? Ciênc Saúde Coletiva. 2011; 16(9):3873-82.
2011 |
Qualitative study |
Analysis of 20 advertisements on food and beverages published from June to October 2006 in newspapers and magazines, calling for wider discussion on marketing strategies due to identification of advertisements that disregard consumers’ needs for information on nutritional aspects. |
Reis et al. 5151. Reis CEG, Vasconcelos IAL, Barros JFN. Políticas públicas de nutrição para o controle da obesidade infantil. Rev Paul Pediatria. 2011; 29(4):625-33.
2011 |
Literature review |
Analysis of literature on regulation of food and beverage advertisements in diverse countries, showing that there are usually legal restrictions for TV advertisement. In Brazil, regulation proposals and law projects recommended banning advertisement directed to children during certain hours. |
Henriques et al. 5252. Henriques P, Sally EO, Burlandy L. Regulamentação da propaganda de alimentos infantis como estratégia para a promoção da saúde. Ciênc Saúde Coletiva. 2012; 17(2):481-90.
2012 |
Qualitative study |
Analysis of food and beverage advertisements directed to children aired in two TV channels in July 2008, showing that 100% of advertisements included transgressions in at least three clauses proposed in the Brazilian Public Consultation 71/2006. |
Prado et al. 5353. Prado RADP, Acevedo CR, Lopes EL, Moretti SLA. Silva MA. Propaganda televisiva para crianças: um ensaio teórico sobre sua regulamentação nacional e internacional. Rev Admin UEG. 2012; 3(2):84-105.
2012 |
Essay |
Analysis of documents related to regulation on food and beverage advertisement directed to children, indicating that several studies point to negative impacts on children’s eating behavior and that diverse countries adopt restrictions to marketing for children. |
Teixeira et al. 5454. Teixeira MG, Pereira TSS, Silva TSD, Molina MDCB. Medidas de proteção na promoção de alimentação saudável: uma revisão de literatura. Rev Bras Pesqui Saúde. 2012; 14(4):90-6.
2012 |
Literature review |
Analysis of 27 studies published between 2000 and 2012 on initiatives to support and protect healthy eating implemented in Brazil, concluding that the country needs regulation for promotion of healthy food consumption. |
Pain and Reinert 5555. Pain GKB, Reinert M. Regulamentação versus auto-regulamentação publicitária: uma análise institucional aplicada ao mercado de alimentos infantis. Rev Econ Adm. 2013; 12(2):217-32.
2013 |
Qualitative study |
Analysis of three case studies of food advertisement directed to children, in order to discuss regulation of food marketing in Brazil, highlighting that none of the advertisements examined included nutritional information or explanations on potential benefits or risks to health. |
Pelegrini and Schiavo 5656. Pelegrini M, Schiavo SF. Participação popular na mídia é censura? In: Sousa H, Pinto M, Fidalgo J, Jedrzejewski S, Costa e Silva E, Melo A, et al. Media policy and regulation: activating voices, illuminating silences. Minho: Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade; 2013. p. 378-87.
2013 |
Essay |
Study of recent aspects involving the regulation of advertisement in Brazil, especially the role of social actors exerting political pressure for governmental rejection of proposals for regulation of food advertisement directed to children, pointing to cultural trends towards submission and restriction to citizenship in the country. |
Burlandy et al. 5757. Burlandy L, Gomes FS, Carvalho CMP, Dias PC, Henriques P. Intersetorialidade e potenciais conflitos de interesse entre governos e setor privado comercial no âmbito das ações de alimentação e nutrição para o enfrentamento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. Vig Sanit Debate. 2014; 2(4):124-9.
2014 |
Literature review |
Review of literature published between 2000 and 2014, highlighting the conflicts and interests of public and private sectors involved in initiatives related to food and nutrition within intersectoral proposals to address the challenges posed by chronic non-communicable diseases in Brazil. |
Henriques et al. 5858. Henriques P, Dias PC, Burlandy L, Beiler RM. A regulamentação da propaganda de alimentos no Brasil: convergências e conflitos de interesses. Cad Saúde Pública. 2014; 30(6):1219-28.
2014 |
Law analysis |
Comparative analysis of the proposal extracted from the Brazilian Public Consultation 71/2006 in relation to the Resolution of Executive Board of ANVISA (RDC 24/2010), indicating that the original proposal contained detailed regulation on food and beverage advertisement that were excluded from RDC 24/2010. Lobbies from the food and beverage industry and the media sector may have influenced the final version of the document approved by the government. |
Rubio and Santos 5959. Rubio FL, Santos FA. Anúncios julgados pelo (CONAR) Conselho Nacional de Autorregulamentação Publicitária, na categoria ‘crianças e adolescentes’, no período de 2006 a 2012. Rev Inov Tecnol. 2014; 4(2):87-108.
2014 |
Descriptive study |
Analysis of the advertisements adjudicated by CONAR in the category of ethical transgressions related to “children and adolescents” from 2006 to 2012, showing that CONAR had proactive role in denouncement and punishment of transgressions, favoring the qualitative improvement of advertisements. |
Bacardí-Gascón and Jiménez-Cruz 6060. Bacardí-Gascón M, Jiménez-Cruz A. TV food geared to children in Latin-American countries and Hispanics in the USA: a review. Nutr Hosp. 2015; 31(5):1928-35.
2015 |
Literature review |
Analysis of studies published between 1986 and 2015 on regulation of food and beverage TV advertisement in Latin America and USA, indicating that there was substantial exposure of children to food and beverage advertisements in diverse countries, regardless of regulation. Self-regulatory models adopted in Latin America seemed to be less effective than in developed countries. |
Vendrame et al. 6161. Vendrame A, Silva R, Xuan Z, Sparks R, Noel J, Pinsky I. Self-regulation of beer advertising: a comparative analysis of perceived violations by adolescents and experts. Alcohol Alcohol. 2015; 50(5):602-7.
2015 |
Qualitative study |
Analysis of five TV beer advertisements based on the revision performed in 2010 on the Code of Ethics of CONAR, showing that health professional experts and adolescents agreed on the ethical transgressions represented in the advertisements. The lack of efficacy in self-regulation should be considered in public policies against alcohol consumption. |