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Worker’s health and primary health care: dialogues and perspectives of integrated care in the health-work-disease process

The article presents and discusses the scope of Worker’s Health (WH) actions in PHC in São Paulo. Within the context of a thematic project, an interview and two focus groups were carried out with professionals working in a Basic Unit in the northern region of the city in 2019. The resulting material was assessed using thematic content analysis. The private outcontracting of part of the public services management, the decay of labor rights and agendas related to worker’s health, the overload of the PHC teams that started to develop actions of different lines of care, in addition to the quantitative issue and the territorial scope of the WH Reference Center (CEREST) are obstacles to the conformation and consolidation of WH practices in PHC. There is a challenge in resizing services and requalifying actions, considering the interfaces production-work-health.

Occupational health
Occupational health; Public health policies; Health care networks; Primary Health Care; Intrasectorality

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