Open-access “Popular participation, social movements and the right to health”: an experience of popular education in Health, in Bahia, based on MobilizaSUS.

Popular Social Movements have played an important role when it comes to fighting for the right to health and the consolidation of SUS. Educational practices experienced by these movements, based the popular education in health, contribute to the strengthening of social control and popular participation. The course was built in a participatory manner, involved social movements and SESAB ISC / UFBa. Its central purpose was to strengthen the role of social movements in the political arena of health in Bahia. Two groups of five modules each were conducted, in a total of 60 participants. The activities were guided by: dialogue, participation, appreciation of experience, autonomy and critical reflection. They allowed to think and build strategies for incorporating the collective demands on the state agenda, the course worked as an powerful space for promoting debate about reality and the health necessities.

Popular education; Popular participation; Health

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