Open-access Weaving of the health bond on the family situation of chronic illness

This paper intended to understand the weaving of the bond in the relationship among practitioner, diseased person and family on chronic illness situations. It was a qualitative study performed from a consultation with the database collection of matrix research, retrieving three situations of chronic illnesses. The relationship maintained by Ms. Mocinha with her physician was characterized by a unidirectional affective bond. In the Soneto’s family, the relationship between the adolescents and the physician was underpinned by reciprocity and professional accountability, constituting a bidirectional bond. In the Andre’s family, the medical follow-up had a tie of friendship, contributing to the proactive performance of the professional throughout care. The studied persons/families did not establish bond with the Basic Health Units, despite living in areas covered by the Family Health Strategy.

Family; Professional-family relationships; Chronic disease

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