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Ilha do Desterro, Volume: 72, Número: 1, Publicado: 2019
  • Mapping Critical Journeys in Literature, Film, and Cultural Studies Introduction

    Beck, Magali Sperling; Corseuil, Anelise R.
  • Aspects of Hybridism in Joseph Conrad’s Almayer’s Folly and Heart of Darkness Articles

    Oliveira, Solange Ribeiro de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract In the light of concepts put forth by cultural theorists like Homi Bhabha, Edward Said and Clifford Geertz, among others, this essay discusses Joseph Conrad’s novels Almayer’s Folly and Heart of Darkness as stagings of the conflicts inherent in the syncretic nature of all culture. In the first novel, the protagonist’s daughter, Nina, the offspring of an interracial marriage, is analyzed as a projection of the problems of racial and cultural hybridism. The theme recurs in Heart of Darkness, in the figure of the “harlequin”, whose mixed ancestry and motley appearance make him the butt of continuous abuse. A fictional anticipation of Michel Serres’ allegorical harlequin, the half-caste proves close to three Conradian characters: Nina, in Almayer’s Folly, and, in Heart of Darkness, Kurtz and Marlow, the narrator. Conrad’s two novels thus nod to each other as mutually illuminating references, fictional premonitions of the key postcolonial category of hybridity.
  • Hearts of Darkness: The Experience of ‘Horror’ In Roger Casement’s Writings - The Fabrication of on Antihero Articles

    Andrade, Roberto Carlos de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The article1 presents an analysis of texts by a number of authors who deal with Roger Casement’s writings, aiming at assessing how those authors fabricate a discourse based on alleged acts a discourse that ends up perpetuating a representation of Casement’s persona. Casement ends up being both a hero - up until his arrest and condemnation as a traitor to the British Empire - and an antihero - not only after his arrest but also and especially after his Black Diaries were uncovered, bringing about Casement’s disappearance from the public’s view as an important humanist and character in British and Irish histories. The article also tackles the close relation between Casement and the main characters in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.
  • Subverting the Ideal of Womanhood: Mary Lavin’s “Sarah” and Female Agency Articles

    Dall’Bello, Eloísa; Bastos, Beatriz Kopschitz

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: Women’s living conditions in the Republic of Ireland in the 1940s were strongly conditioned by Catholic beliefs since the Church still held great influence at institutional levels and maintained close relations to leading politicians. The 1937 Constitution was the clearest proof of such relation, and tried to confine women’s role merely to the functions of wife and mother. The short story “Sarah,” written by Mary Lavin (1943), discloses the patriarchal standards and stifling social mores imposed on women at the time. Sarah, the eponymous character, endures the life of being an unmarried mother in a conservative and merciless society. In this paper, we argue that, in spite of being inserted in such constrictive environment, Sarah manifests a position of agency, to the extent that she does not conform with such pre-established moral and socially acceptable behaviors.
  • Uma releitura de The Waste Land sob o viés do Materialismo Lacaniano Articles

    Grecca, Gabriela Bruschini; Silva, Marisa Corrêa

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo: Este artigo objetiva refletir sobre alguns aspectos do poema The Waste Land (1922), de T.S. Eliot, repensando o movimento do poema de equiparação da modernidade a uma dimensão fantasmagórica e irreal, da qual seria possível escapar ao se atingir uma esfera incorruptível do ser. Porém, faz-se necessário indagar quais são as tensões presentes nas representações imaginárias do poema que conflitam com esse desejo latente de transcendência, fazendo com que esse desejo, no percurso do poema, desemboque, nas palavras de Slavoj Žižek (2013, p.26), em uma sensação de “mal-estar metafísico”, e não em uma perspectiva de redenção. Assim, o materialismo lacaniano via Žižek, filósofo esloveno que atua nas áreas de Teoria Política, Crítica Cinematográfica, Psicanálise e Estudos Culturais, torna-se essencial para a possibilidade de detectar um movimento mais profundo na dinâmica do poema.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: This article aims to reflect on some aspects of the poem The Waste Land (1922), by T.S. Eliot, rethinking the poem's movement of equating modernity with a phantasmagoric and unreal dimension, from which it would be possible to escape by reaching an incorruptible sphere of being. However, it is necessary to inquire which tensions are present in the imaginary representations of the poem that conflict with the latent desire of transcendence, making this desire, in the course of the poem, lead, in the words of Slavoj Žižek (2013, p.26), to a sensation of “metaphysical malaise”, and not to a redemptive perspective. Thus, the Lacanian Materialism via Žižek, a Slovenian philosopher who writes in the scope of Political Theory, Film Criticism, Psychoanalysis and Cultural Studies, becomes essential for the possibility of detecting a deeper movement in the dynamics of the poem.
  • “So Were I Equalled in Renown”: Autobiographical Elements and the Epic Poet’s Career in Milton Articles

    Martins, Andrey Felipe; Viana, Maria Rita Drumond

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: John Milton is outlier among poets of the seventeenth century in his extensive recourse to details of his personal life, which are made integral part, covertly or explicitly, of his many works. From the early “Nativity Ode” onwards we can identify confessional passages in many of his poems that can be read autobiographically. What draws our attention to Milton’s case is that it also prefigures a major cultural and political revolution, in which the legitimacy of the individual consciousness was revalued. The main aim of this article is to explore specific moments in Milton’s oeuvre in which the autobiographical vein comes into sharp focus. Differently from his more mature work, in which he does not waver in confidence, in the earlier writings we can identify the doubts and anxieties of an apprentice poet of unbounded aspiration.
  • Katharine Susannah Prichard’s Coonardoo and Rachel de Queiroz’s The Year Fifteen: a settler colonial reading Articles

    Scheidt, Déborah

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: Settler Colonial Studies is a theoretical approach being developed in Australia by Lorenzo Veracini (2010, 2015, 2016), inspired by Patrick Wolfe’s (1999, 2016) precursor theories. It proposes a differentiation between “colonialism” and “settler colonialism” based on the premise that the latter involves land dispossession and the literal or metaphorical disappearance of Indigenous Others, while the former is mainly concerned with the exploitation of Indigenous labour and resources. The fact that settlers “come to stay” is a crucial element in positing settler colonialism as “a structure”, whereas colonialism would be “an event” in the lives of the colonised Others. This paper adopts settler colonial theories to propose a comparative study of two modernist “social” novels by women writers in Australia and Brazil: Katharine Susannah Prichard’s Coonardoo (1929) and Rachel de Queiroz’s The Year Fifteen (1930). Both novels deal with exploitation, discrimination, racism and the dispossession of the Indigenous Other and their miscegenated descendants, from a non-Indigenous, i.e. “settler”, perspective. Elements that are crucial for settler colonialism, such as ambivalence, indigenisation and mechanisms of disavowal and transfer in several of their guises, are examined, compared and contrasted.
  • Terry Eagleton: cultura e política em transformação Articles

    Puglia, Daniel

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo: Este artigo tem por objetivo comentar algumas obras do crítico e ensaísta britânico Terry Eagleton. Foram selecionados os livros Against the grain: selected essays (1986), William Shakespeare (1986), The Ideology of the Aesthetic (1990), Ideology: an introduction (1991) e The Illusions of Postmodernism (1996). Nossa hipótese é a de que este período representa uma fase de transição tanto na forma quanto no conteúdo da obra de Eagleton. Alguns pressupostos teóricos anteriores são abandonados e outros são reafirmados ou modificados. Tentamos discutir os resultados desse processo em termos culturais, históricos e políticos.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: This article aims at commenting on some works by the British critic and essayist Terry Eagleton. The following books have been selected: Against the grain: selected essays (1986), William Shakespeare (1986), The Ideology of the Aesthetic (1990), Ideology: an introduction (1991) and The Illusions of Postmodernism (1996). Our hypothesis is that this period represents a transition phase in both the form and content of Eagleton's work. Some previous theoretical assumptions are abandoned and others are reaffirmed or modified. I try to discuss the results of this process in cultural, historical and political terms.
  • Mal de arquivo em Linden Hills Articles

    Torres, Sonia; Paiva, Rita de Cássia Marinho de

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo: Neste artigo, examinamos o romance Linden Hills, de Gloria Naylor, articulando os conceitos de neo-arquivo e a chamada neonarrativa de escravidão com a noção de arquivo proposta por Derrida (2001), e desenvolvida por autores com os quais buscamos o diálogo neste espaço (Osborne,1999; Bradley, 1999; Johnson, 2014). A narrativa contradiscursiva de Linden Hills revisita o passado, através da escavação do palimpsesto de memórias individuais e coletivas, outrora esquecidas, não identificadas, estabelecendo, assim, seu parentesco com as neonarrativas. Entendemos que o vínculo da neonarrativa de escravidão com o arquivo, por sua vez, é bastante concreto e produtivo, pois traz a lume os arquivos não-sancionados que funcionam como contranarrativas ao arquivo histórico (sobretudo, mas não somente, o da escravidão), através da articulação da história com a memória, pessoal e coletiva - questionando, desta forma, a história documentada pelo colonizador e guardada por seus arcontes oficiais.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract In this article we examine Gloria Naylor’s novel Linden Hills, articulating the concepts of the neoarchive and the neo-slave narrative with the notion of archive as proposed by Derrida (2001) and developed by other authors (Osborne,1999; Bradley,1999; Johnson, 2014) with whom we seek to dialogue in this space. Linden Hills’s counterdiscursive narrative revisits the past by excavating the palimpsest of forgotten memories, once unidentified or not compiled, thus establishing its relationship to the neo-slave narrative. We argue that the link between the neo-slave narrative and the archive is both concrete and productive, given that it foregrounds non-sanctioned archives as counternarratives to the historical archive (mainly, but not exclusively, that of slavery), through the articulation of history and both personal and collective memory - calling to question, in this way, colonizing documented history and its official guardians.
  • A reconfiguração da identidade cultural em Precisamos de novos nomes, de Noviolet Bulawayo Articles

    Carreira, Shirley de Souza Gomes

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a reconfiguração da identidade cultural da protagonista de Precisamos de novos nomes, de Noviolet Bulawayo. Nesse romance de formação, a autora narra a história de Darling, desde a sua infância, em Harare, no Zimbábue, até tornar-se adulta, na condição de imigrante nos Estados Unidos. O romance tem como pano de fundo a crise econômica, política e social que assolou o país no período pós-independência, agravada pela disseminação da AIDs. Como muitos compatriotas, a protagonista constrói uma imagem utópica da América, que, anos mais tarde, se desfaz ante as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos imigrantes em solo norte-americano.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: The aim of this article is to analyze the reconfiguration of the cultural identity of the protagonist of We Need New Names, by Noviolet Bulawayo. In this coming-of-age novel, the author narrates Darling’s story from her childhood, in Harare, Zimbabwe, until she became an adult, as an immigrant in the United States. The novel’s background is the economic, political and social crisis that plagued the country in the post-independence period, aggravated by the spread of AIDs. Like many compatriots, the protagonist builds a utopian image of America, which, years later, melts away due to the difficulties faced by immigrants on American soil.
  • How to do things with words - Haikais, Drones e Pornografia Articles

    Ruggieri, Mariana

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo: O ensaio a seguir busca delinear algumas tensões referentes à ética e responsabilidade da e na literatura por meio da leitura e reflexão em torno de uma série de produções culturais recentes, entre elas o livro Point Omega, de Don Delillo, o curta-metragem “5,000 feet is the best”, de Omer Fast, e a pornografia mainstream. Para tanto, adentraremos, por vezes, desde perspectivas pouco convencionais, questões de autoria e atos de fala, contando para isso com o auxílio teórico do livro Teoria do Drone, escrito pelo filósofo Grégoire Chamayou.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: The following article seeks to outline some of the tensions concerning the ethics and responsibility of and in literature through considerations surrounding several recent cultural productions, such as Point Omega, by Don Delillo, the short film “5,000 feet is the best”, by Omer Fast, and mainstream pornography. Questions of authorship and speech acts will be investigated with the theoretical aid of the book A Theory of the Drone, written by philosopher Grégoire Chamayou.
  • A Imagem da Bruxa: da Antiguidade Histórica às Representações Fílmicas Contemporâneas Articles

    Dias, Bruno Vinicius Kutelak; Cabreira, Regina Helena Urias

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo ressaltar o desenvolvimento histórico-social da imagem da bruxa de acordo com as perspectivas culturais, sociais e religiosas desde os primórdios de nossa civilização ocidental até a era contemporânea. Este panorama histórico será discutido com base na influência mitológica no que se refere à formação da imagem feminina transgressora que deu origem à renomada “caça às bruxas” na Idade Média. Para tanto, tomaremos como base os escritos de Civita, (1997), Blécourt (2017), Clark (2006), Maxwell-Stuart (2017), Page (2017), Sharpe (2017), Wallis (2017) e de versões fílmicas contemporâneas, desde The Wizard of Oz (1939) até The Witch (2015), que retratam a transformação da imagem da bruxa para que possamos analisar, através de sua iconografia, como tal imagem foi e é relegada aos ditames de diversas épocas históricas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: This article aims at discussing the historical-social development of the witch’s image according to cultural, social and religious perspectives since the earlier stages of our Western civilization until the contemporary era. This historic overview will be discussed according to mythological influences referring to the construction of the female image as transgressor which originated the acclaimed Middle Age “witch hunt”. In order to do so, we will use works by Civita, (1997), Blécourt (2017), Clark (2006), Maxwell-Stuart (2017), Page (2017), Sharpe (2017) and Wallis (2017) apart from contemporary film versions from The Wizard of Oz (1939) through The Witch (2015), which depict the witch’s image transformation, so we can analyze, through its iconography, how such image was and is determined by the demands of several historical eras.
  • “It hurts ’cause you’re in my world now, bitch”: Gothic Features in the 1984 and 2010 Versions of A Nightmare on Elm Street Articles

    Zanini, Claudio Vescia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: This article discusses the 1984 slasher film A Nightmare on Elm Street and its 2010 remake emphasizing the presence of recurrent tropes both in Gothic fiction and slasher film such as transgression, excess, disrupted family structures, the monster, the haunting return of the past, and the terrible place. A literature review for slasher film theory precedes a detailed analysis of the symbolic and thematic connections between the opening and closing sequences in each film. The conclusion highlights the remake’s resignification of the original movie’s Gothic legacy by updating its supernatural monster into an earthly threat and by endowing its heroine with the strength and proactivity necessary for the final confrontation with the monster.
  • “Tá difícil competir”: adaptação da trilogia de Michael Dobbs, House of Cards, pela BBC e pela Netflix Articles

    Reichmann, Brunilda Tempel

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo: Este artigo faz uma leitura da trilogia política House of Cards, To Play the King e The Final Cut, do escritor inglês Michael Dobbs, e das adaptações dos romances para as séries da BBC e da Netflix. Tentamos demonstrar como romancistas, roteiristas e diretores de séries celebram a inigualável arte de Shakespeare ao retrabalhar temas, atualizar contextos e reconstruir traços de personalidade de seus personagens inesquecíveis. Em suma, este texto visa fazer uma leitura das séries e resgatar algumas características genéticas das peças de Shakespeare presentes na produção artística/midiática contemporânea.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: This paper presents a reading of the political trilogy House of Cards, To Play the King e The Final Cut, by Michael Dobbs, an English writer; and their adaptation by the BBC and Netflix series. I try to demonstrate how novelists, script writers and directors of series celebrate the unparalleled art of Shakespeare by reworking themes, updating contexts and rebuilding personality traits of his unforgettable characters. In short, this text aims to analyze the series and to recover some of the genetic characteristics of Shakespeare’s plays in contemporary artistic/mediatic production.
  • Duas Casas: A Creative-Critical Commentary on Romeo And Juliet Articles

    Lazzaris, Fabiane

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Adaptations created in pedagogical contexts are creative-critical commentaries which produce concepts about adaptational relations unavailable through traditional academic works. The aim of this article is to describe and analyze the short film Duas casas, a creative-critical commentary on Romeo and Juliet produced in a pedagogical context. After presenting the production’s context and describing the fourteen-minute film, the article will analyze the short film’s cultural and social significance by approaching the discussion through Huang’s concept of cultural location. In conclusion, producing creative-critical commentaries legitimate readers to appropriate the text dealing with it as a living organism, persistently being revisited and recreated.
  • O trabalho colaborativo no cinema de Ken Loach Articles

    Soares, Marcos César de Paula

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo: O artigo parte da análise da cena inicial do filme Eu, Daniel Blake do cineasta inglês Ken Loach para discutir o contexto em que se iniciou a carreira do cineasta, em meio ao debate inglês sobre as heranças do Naturalismo na literatura e no cinema. Em seguida, o artigo se voltará para algumas das consequências práticas desta discussão no que tange aos métodos de trabalho colaborativos adotados pelo diretor para garantir aquilo que ele chama de “autenticidade do retrato da vida das classes trabalhadoras inglesas”.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: This article begins by proposing an analysis of the initial sequence of Ken Loach’s I, Daniel Blake in order to discuss the context in which the director began his career, in the midst of the English debate on the heritage of Naturalism in literature and film. The article will then reflect on some of the practical consequences of this discussion, especially in relation to the methods of collaborative work employed by the director in order to ensure what he calls the “authenticity of the protrait of the English labouring classes”.
  • Mary Beard’s Women and Power: Dialogues with Tradition and the Search for a Woman’s Sentence Resenhas/book Reviews

    Pinho, Davi; Brigida, Marcela Santos
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Bloco B- 405, CEP: 88040-900, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, Tel.: (48) 37219455 / (48) 3721-9819 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil