Editorial Santos, Carlos F. |
Original Articles Association between polymorphism in the promoter region (G/C-915) of PAX9 gene and third molar agenesis Bianch, Fabio José Oliveira, Tiago Franco de Saito, Cristiane Borges Pereira Peres, Regina Célia Rocha Line, Sérgio Roberto Peres Abstract in English: PURPOSE: Hypodontia is the congenital absence of one or more (up to six) permanent and/or deciduous teeth, being one of the most common alterations of the human dentition. Genetic polymorphisms are variations of DNA sequences occurring in a population. This study investigated whether G-915C single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) in the PAX9 gene promoter is associated with hypodontia in humans. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The polymorphism in region G/C-915 of PAX9 gene (NCBI ref SNP ID: rs 2073247) of 240 patients was analyzed, being 110 controls and 130 individuals with third molar agenesis. After DNA extraction, the region of interest was amplified by PCR technique using two different primers. The significance of the differences in observed frequencies of polymorphisms in both groups was assessed by odds-ratio and chi-squared test with 95% confidence interval. RESULTS: Genotype CC was more frequent in patients with agenesis (11.5%) compared to the control (1.8%), while GG was more prevalent in the control group (39.1%) compared to the individuals with agenesis (26.2%). CONCLUSION: These data showed that the allele C could be associated with the third molar agenesis. |
Original Articles Cleaning ability of chlorhexidine gel and sodium hypochlorite associated or not with EDTA as root canal irrigants: a scanning electron microscopy study Vasconcelos, Bruno Carvalho de Luna-Cruz, Suyane Maria De-Deus, Gustavo Moraes, Ivaldo Gomes de Maniglia-Ferreira, Claudio Gurgel-Filho, Eduardo Diogo Abstract in English: The aim of this study was to evaluate the cleaning efficacy of 2% chlorhexidine gluconate gel (CHX) compared to 2.5% sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOCl) associated or not with 17% EDTA used as irrigants during the biomechanical preparation. Fifty freshly extracted single-rooted human teeth with complete apex formation were randomly divided into five groups: G1 - sterile saline, G2 - 2.5% NaOCl, G3 - 2% CHX, G4 - 2.5% NaOCl + EDTA and G5 - 2% CHX + EDTA. The specimens of G1 were subdivided into two control groups. The teeth were decoronated and the coronal and middle root thirds were prepared with Gates-Glidden burs, and the apical third was reserved to manual instrumentation. All procedures were performed by a single operator. In all groups, 2 mL of irrigant was delivered between each file change. The teeth were sectioned and prepared for analyses under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM micrographs were graded according to a score scale by two examiners. Data were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests at 1% significance level. The best results were obtained in the groups in which the irrigant was used followed by the chelating agent. No statistically significant difference was observed among G4, G5 and the positive control group (p<0.01). The groups G2 and G3 were significantly different from the others, presenting the worst cleaning capacity. In conclusion, the use of the chelating agent is necessary to obtain clean canal walls, with open tubules and no heavy debris. The use of 2% chlorhexidine gluconate gel alone is not able to remove the smear layer. |
Original Articles In vitro induction of enamel subsurface demineralization for evaluation of diagnostic imaging methods Ferreira, Rívea Inês Haiter-Neto, Francisco Tabchoury, Cínthia Pereira Machado Bóscolo, Frab Norberto Abstract in English: The aim of this study was to investigate a model of inducing enamel subsurface demineralization for evaluating diagnostic imaging methods. Fifty sound teeth had their crowns coated with acid-resistant varnish, leaving a 7 mm² circular window of exposed enamel in one of the proximal surfaces. The specimens were assigned to 5 groups (4 experimental and the control) and were kept immersed in a buffer solution at pH 4.8, 50% saturated in relation to enamel, for 60, 75, 90 and 120 days, or were not exposed to the solution. Digital radiographs were taken, prior to and after each immersion period, and interpreted by a radiologist. For validation, the enamel was submitted to microhardness profiling. In addition, the solutions were analyzed for phosphorus (Pi) and calcium (Ca) concentrations. Microhardness data were evaluated using two-way ANOVA (p<0.05) and Tukey's test. Pi and Ca concentrations were compared using one-way ANOVA (alpha = 0.05). The performance of radiography was assessed by ROC analysis. The microhardness values for the control group ranged from 405 to 432 KHN. Of the 4 experimental groups, the 60-day group demonstrated the highest values (179-379 KHN) and the 120-day group, the lowest values (103-277 KHN). The lowest total concentrations of Pi and Ca (1.74 mM and 2.63 mM, respectively) were found in the solutions of the 60-day group, indicating the lowest rate of mineral loss, however, there was no significant difference among the other experimental groups. The performance for detecting images consistent with caries lesions was high (Az = 0.89). Therefore, this in vitro model of inducing demineralization may be considered suitable for research intended to evaluate imaging methods for the diagnosis of proximal caries lesions. |
Original Articles All-ceramic and porcelain-fused-to-metal fixed partial dentures: a comparative study by 2D finite element analyses Motta, Andréa Barreira Pereira, Luiz Carlos Cunha, Andréia R.C.C da Abstract in English: All-ceramic fixed partial dentures (FPDs) have an esthetic approach for oral rehabilitation. However, metal-ceramic FPDs are best indicated in the posterior area where the follow-up studies found a lower failure rate. This 2D finite element study compared the stress distribution on 3-unit all-ceramic and metal-ceramic FPDs and identified the areas of major risk of failure. Three FPD models were designed: (1) metal-ceramic FPD; (2) All-ceramic FPD with the veneering porcelain on the occlusal and cervical surface of the abutment tooth; (3) All-ceramic FPD with the veneering porcelain only on the occlusal surface. A 100 N load was applied in an area of 0.5 mm² on the working cusps, following these simulations: (1) on the abutment teeth and the pontic; (2) only on the abutment teeth; and (3) only on the pontic. Relative to the maximum stress values found for the physiological load, all-ceramic FPD with only occlusal veneering porcelain produced the lowest stress value (220 MPa), followed by all-ceramic FPD with cervical veneering porcelain (322 MPa) and metal-ceramic FPD (387 MPa). The stress distribution of the load applied on the abutments was significantly better compared to the other two load simulations. The highest principal stress values were low and limited in a small area for the three types of models under this load. When the load was applied on the pontic, the highest stress values appeared on the connector areas between the abutments and pontic. In conclusion, the best stress values and distribution were found for the all-ceramic FPD with the veneering porcelain only on the occlusal surface. However, in under clinical conditions, fatigue conditions and restoration defects must be considered. |
Original Articles Fluoride release of six restorative materials in water and pH-cycling solutions Garcez, Rosa Maria Viana de Bragança Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo Araújo, Paulo Amarante de Abstract in English: The fluoride release of restorative materials in deionized water has been the subject of many studies, but the behavior of these materials under conditions of acid challenge that simulates the oral cavity, needs to be further explored. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the fluoride release of restorative materials in two storage protocols: deionized water and pH-cycling system (demineralizing solution-pH 4.3 and remineralizing solution-pH 7.0) for 15 days. Eight disks of each material (Vitremer™-positive control, Dyract AP, Ariston pHc, Definite®, Tetric®Ceram and Z100-negative control) were prepared (11.0 mm x 1.5 mm) and suspended individually in 4.0 mL of each solution, which were daily changed. Daily fluoride release was analyzed with an ion specific electrode (Orion 9609) by the direct method or after HMDS-facilitated diffusion, following 1, 7 and 15 days. The values obtained were converted into µgF/mm² and the data analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test (p< 0.05). The results showed that all materials released more fluoride in the pH-cycling system, except for Ariston pHc which maintained a constant release during the experiment. The highest fluoride release was presented by the positive control, Vitremer™ in pH-cycling and by Ariston pHc, in deionized water. The negative control Z100 and the resins Definite® and Tetric®Ceram did not present statistically significant differences. |
Original Articles Shear bond strength of metallic brackets photo-activated with light-emitting diode (LED) at different exposure times Rêgo, Emanuel Braga Romano, Fábio Lourenço Abstract in English: The purpose of this study was to compare the shear bond strength of orthodontic metallic brackets photo-activated with two different light-curing sources at different exposure times: halogen light (XL 1500, 3M ESPE) and LED light (Ortholux, 3M Unitek). Sixty bovine permanent lower incisors were inserted into PVC tubes containing plaster. The buccal surfaces were cleaned with pumice and water, and then etched with 37% phosphoric acid gel. The XT Primer bonding agent (3M Unitek) was applied to the enamel surfaces and the metallic pre-coated brackets (Transbond APC II system, 3M Unitek) were attached to upper central incisors. The teeth were randomly divided into four groups (n=15). In Group I (Control), halogen light was used for 40 seconds, while in Groups II, III, and IV were light-cured with LED light unit for 40, 10, and 5 seconds, respectively. The teeth were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 24 hours. The brackets were submitted to shear bond strength test in universal testing machine (Instron) at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/minute. Shear bond strength means (MPa) were 4.87 for Group I; 5.89 for Group II; 4.83 for Group III, and 4.39 for Group IV. Tukey's test detected no statistically significant differences among the groups regarding the shear bond strength (p>0.05). Neither of the types of light-curing sources or exposure times influenced the shear bond strength of metallic brackets. |
Original Articles Evaluation of surgical cavities filled with three types of calcium sulfate Maeda, Sergio Toshinori Bramane, Clovis Monteiro Taga, Rumio Garcia, Roberto Brandão Moraes, Ivaldo Gomes de Bernadineli, Norberti Abstract in English: The aim of this study was to evaluate histologically, three types of calcium sulfate - Merck (Brazil), Surgiplaster (Italy) and Capset (USA) - in surgically created defects on rabbit femurs. Twenty male New Zealand rabbits were used. Two surgical bone defects (5 mm diameter x 8 mm depth) were created on each distal epiphysis using a #3 Dentoflex trephine bur. Defects were filled with: group 1 - di-hydrated calcium sulfate (Merck); group 2 - Capset (Lifecore-USA); group 3 - Surgiplaster (Classimport-Italy); group 4 - control (blood clot). The animals were sacrificed 30, 60, 90 and 180 days postoperatively. Semi-serial 6-mm-thick sections were obtained, stained with hematoxylin and eosin and examined under light microscopy. Bone defects treated with calcium sulfate exhibited new bone formation regardless of the product trademark. |
Original Articles Effect of a propolis extract on Streptococcus mutans counts in vivo Duailibe, Silvana Alves de Carvalho Gonçalves, Azizedite Guedes Ahid, Fernando Jorge Mendes Abstract in English: OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the antibacterial action of an extract of geopropolis produced by the bee Melipona compressipes fasciculata on the concentration of Streptococcus mutans colonizing the oral cavity of young patients. Forty-one young volunteers performed 21 mouth rinses divided into three rinses per day for 7 days, with no other changes in their oral hygiene and dietary habits. Saliva was collected at three time points: before the first rinse, and one hour and 7 days after the first rinse. A reduction in the concentration of S. mutans was observed in 49% of all samples collected after use of the extract, 26% showed no alterations, and an increasing in S. mutans was observed in 25%. Was performed with the Statistica for Windows 5.9 program using the Kruskal-Wallis test for analysis of variance and the Mann-Whitney U test, with the level of significance set at 5%. The propolis extract possesses in vivo antimicrobial activity against S. mutans present in the oral cavity and might be used as an alternative measure to prevent dental caries. |
Original Articles Flexural strength of acrylic resins polymerized by different cycles Barbosa, Débora Barros Souza, Raphael Freitas de Pero, Ana Carolina Marra, Juliê Compagnoni, Marco Antonio Abstract in English: Despite the large number of studies addressing the effect of microwave polymerization on the properties of acrylic resin, this method has received limited clinical acceptance. This study evaluated the influence of microwave polymerization on the flexural strength of a denture base resin. A conventional heat-polymerized (Clássico), a microwave-polymerized (Onda-Cryl) and a autopolymerizing acrylic (Jet) resins were used. Five groups were established, according to polymerization cycles: A, B and C (Onda-Cryl, short cycle - 500W/3 min, long - 90W/13 min + 500W/90 sec, and manufacturing microwave cycle - 320W/3 min + 0W/3 min + 720W/3 min); T (Clássico, water bath cycle - 74ºC/9h) and Q (Jet, press chamber cycle - 50ºC/15 min at 2 bar). Ten specimens (65 x 10 x 3.3mm) were prepared for each cycle. The flexural strength of the five groups was measured using a three-point bending test at a cross-head speed of 5 mm/min. Flexural strength values were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and the Tukey's test was performed to identify the groups that were significantly different at 5% level. The microwave-polymerized groups showed the highest means (p<0.05) for flexural strength (MPa) (A = 106.97 ± 5.31; B = 107.57 ± 3.99; C = 109.63 ± 5.19), and there were no significant differences among them. The heat-polymerized group (T) showed the lowest flexural strength means (84.40 ± 1.68), and differ significantly from all groups. The specimens of a microwavable denture base resin could be polymerized by different microwave cycles without risk of decreasing the flexural strength. |
Original Articles Microbial leakage and apical inflammatory response in dog's teeth after root canal filling with different sealers, post space preparation and exposure to the oral environment Gomes, Maximiliano Schünke Barletta, Fernando Branco Della Bona, Alvaro Vanni, José Roberto Pereira, Charles da Cunha Figueiredo, José Antônio Poli de Abstract in English: Coronal leakage is an important factor affecting the outcome of endodontic therapy. This study evaluated the microbial leakage (ML) and the apical inflammatory response (AIR) in dog's teeth after root canal filling with three endodontic sealers, post preparation and exposure to the oral environment, testing the hypothesis that there is a positive correlation between these two histological parameters (ML and AIR). Sixty-four root canals of 8 mongrel dogs were cleaned, shaped and randomly distributed into groups according to the sealer to be used: Sealer 26 (n=18); AH Plus (n=18); RoekoSeal (n=19); no sealer - control group (n=9). Root canals were filled by the lateral condensation technique. Post space preparation left 4 mm of filling material in the apical root third, and specimens were exposed to the oral environment for 90 days. The dogs were killed and jaw blocks were histologically processed using Brown & Brenn and HE staining techniques. ML and AIR were scored from 1 to 4. Results were analyzed statistically using ANOVA, Duncan's post-hoc test and Spearman's correlation. ML and AIR score means were: Sealer 26 - 2.44±0.98 and 2.50±0.70; AH Plus - 2.50±0.78 and 2.22±0.54; RoekoSeal - 1.84±0.95 and 2.63±0.83; Control - 2.56±1.23 and 3.11±0.60. Statistically significant differences in AIR scores were found between the AH Plus and control groups (p<0.05). Although RoekoSeal had the lowest ML means, and AH Plus, the lowest AIR means after 90-day exposure to the oral environment, no statistically significant differences were found between the three sealers under study, and no correlation was found between ML and AIR. |
Original Articles Criteria adopted by dentists to indicate the extraction of periodontally involved teeth Moreira, Carlos Heitor Cunha Zanatta, Fabricio Batistin Antoniazzi, Raquel Meneguetti, Priscila Ceolin Rösing, Cassiano Kuchenbecker Abstract in English: When dealing with patients with periodontal disease of variable severities, dentists must often choose between treating and restoring the involved tooth or indicating its extraction. Different criteria have been adopted in this decision-making process. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the criteria adopted by dentists to indicate the extraction of teeth with periodontitis. Dentists were interviewed at their private practices in three cities of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The evaluated criteria included severity of attachment loss, tooth mobility, furcation involvement, prosthetic planning, periodontal-endodontic lesion, possible systemic involvement due to the presence of periodontitis, referral to a periodontist for evaluation, radiographic bone loss greater than 50%, presence of extensive caries, socio-economic and cultural status of the patient, among others. The most often adopted criteria to indicate the extraction of periodontally affected teeth were the presence of mobility (37.5%), severity of attachment loss (24.3%) and radiographic bone loss greater than 50% (21.2%). The results of the present study demonstrated the difficulties faced by dentists to indicate the extraction of teeth with severe attachment loss, in addition to the establishment of an adequate prognosis. Aspects associated with the past disease were still the most often reported to indicate the extraction of teeth for periodontal reasons. |
Original Articles Characterization of bone cells obtained from the calvaria of neonatal rats (osteo-1) after serial subculture Togashi, Adriane Yaeko Cirano, Fabiano Ribeiro Marques, Márcia Martins Pustiglioni, Francisco Emílio Lima, Luiz Antonio Pugliesi Alves de Abstract in English: The objective of the present study was to characterize bone cells grown in two culture media, and to determine the effective concentration of OP-1 on the growth of osteo-1 cells. Subcultured rat bone cells (osteo-1) were grown in alpha-modified Eagle's minimal essential medium (alpha-MEM) and Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) and total protein content, alkaline phosphatase activity and the formation of mineralized nodules were evaluated after 7, 14 and 21 days. Cells were exposed to different concentrations of rhOP-1 for 1, 3, 5 and 7 days and compared with an untreated control. Osteo-1 cells presented a significant increase in alkaline phosphatase activity and calcium deposits were observed at 21 days. Cells treated with 10 and 20 ng/mL rhOP-1 for 24 h showed a significant increase in cell viability when compared to control. Osteo-1 cells cultured on DMEM demonstrated an osteoblastic phenotype as indicated by high alkaline phosphatase activity and the presence of calcified nodules. The results suggest that low concentrations of OP-1 may promote an osteogenic effect on osteo-1 cells. |
Original Articles Volumetric polymerization shrinkage of contemporary composite resins Nagem Filho, Halim Nagem, Haline Drumond Francisconi, Paulo Afonso Silveira Franco, Eduardo Batista Mondelli, Rafael Francisco Lia Coutinho, Kennedy Queiroz Abstract in English: The polymerization shrinkage of composite resins may affect negatively the clinical outcome of the restoration. Extensive research has been carried out to develop new formulations of composite resins in order to provide good handling characteristics and some dimensional stability during polymerization. The purpose of this study was to analyze, in vitro, the magnitude of the volumetric polymerization shrinkage of 7 contemporary composite resins (Definite, Suprafill, SureFil, Filtek Z250, Fill Magic, Alert, and Solitaire) to determine whether there are differences among these materials. The tests were conducted with precision of 0.1 mg. The volumetric shrinkage was measured by hydrostatic weighing before and after polymerization and calculated by known mathematical equations. One-way ANOVA (<FONT FACE=Symbol>a</font > or = 0.05) was used to determine statistically significant differences in volumetric shrinkage among the tested composite resins. Suprafill (1.87±0.01) and Definite (1.89±0.01) shrank significantly less than the other composite resins. SureFil (2.01±0.06), Filtek Z250 (1.99±0.03), and Fill Magic (2.02±0.02) presented intermediate levels of polymerization shrinkage. Alert and Solitaire presented the highest degree of polymerization shrinkage. Knowing the polymerization shrinkage rates of the commercially available composite resins, the dentist would be able to choose between using composite resins with lower polymerization shrinkage rates or adopting technical or operational procedures to minimize the adverse effects deriving from resin contraction during light-activation. |
Original Articles Antimicrobial effect of intracanal substances Carreira, Cláudia de Moura Santos, Silvana Soléo Ferreira dos Jorge, Antônio Olavo Cardoso Lage-Marques, José Luiz Abstract in English: In some situations, endodontic infections do not respond to therapeutic protocol. In these cases, it is suggested the administration of an alternative intracanal medication that presents a wide spectrum of action and has an in-depth effect on the root canal system. The purpose of this study was to assess the antimicrobial action of ciprofloxacin, metronidazole and polyethylene glycol and natrosol vehicles with different associations and concentrations. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by using the agar dilution method. The culture media (Müller-Hinton agar) were prepared containing antimicrobial agents at multiple two-fold dilutions of 0.25 to 16 µg/mL, and with the vehicles at the concentrations of 50, 45, 40, 35, 30 and 25%. Twenty-three microbial strains were selected for the study. Metronidazole was not capable of eliminating any of the tested microorganisms. The association of ciprofloxacin with metronidazole resulted in a reduction of the MIC. The vehicle polyethylene glycol inhibited the growth of 100% of the tested strains, while natrosol inhibited 18% of the strains. Ciprofloxacin formulations with polyethylene glycol presented better effects than those of formulations to which metronidazole was added. It was possible to conclude that ciprofloxacin presented antimicrobial action against all tested bacterial strains, and its association with metronidazole was synergic. The vehicle polyethylene glycol showed antimicrobial effect and the ciprofloxacin/polyethylene glycol association was the most effective combination for reducing the tested bacteria and yeasts. |
Original Articles Bond strength of resin modified glass ionomer cement to primary dentin after cutting with different bur types and dentin conditioning Di Nicoló, Rebeca Shintome, Luciana Keiko Myaki, Silvio Issáo Nagayassu, Marcos Paulo Abstract in English: The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of different bur types and acid etching protocols on the shear bond strength (SBS) of a resin modified glass ionomer cement (RM-GIC) to primary dentin. Forty-eight clinically sound human primary molars were selected and randomly assigned to four groups (n=12). In G1, the lingual surface of the teeth was cut with a carbide bur until a 2.0-mm-diameter dentin area was exposed, followed by the application of RM-GIC (Vitremer - 3M/ESPE) prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions. The specimens of G2, received the same treatment of G1, however the dentin was conditioned with phosphoric acid. In groups G3 and G4 the same procedures of G1 and G2 were conducted respectively, nevertheless dentin cutting was made with a diamond bur. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37ºC for 24h, and then tested in a universal testing machine. SBS. data were submitted to 2-way ANOVA (= 5%) and indicated that SBS values of RM-GIC bonded to primary dentin cut with different burs were not statistically different, but the specimens that were conditioned with phosphoric acid presented SBS values significantly higher that those without conditioning. To observe micromorphologic characteristics of the effects of dentin surface cut by diamond or carbide rotary instruments and conditioners treatment, some specimens were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Smear layer was present in all specimens regardless of the type of rotary instrument used for dentin cutting, and specimens etched with phosphoric acid presented more effective removal of smear layer. It was concluded that SBS of a RM-GIC to primary dentin was affected by the acid conditioning but the bur type had no influence. |