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Journal of Coloproctology (Rio de Janeiro), Volume: 41, Número: 3, Publicado: 2021
  • AGCP: who are we? Editorial

    Ghezzi, Tiago Leal; Britto, Marcelo de Alexandre; Barbieux, José Luiz; Mallmann, Ignacio Osorio; Fattore, Denise; Mallmann, Karen Delacoste Pires; ,
  • Evaluation of Fistulotomy with Immediate Sphincteric Reconstruction in the Treatment of High Transsphincteric Perianal Fistula Original Article

    Orban, Yasser A.; Soliman, Hossam Hassan; Teliti, Ahmed M. El; El-Shewy, Ali; Hegab, Yasmine Hany; Ibrahim, Amr

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Background High perianal fistula treatment remains challenging, mainly due to the variability in success and recurrence rates as well as continence impairment risks. So far, no procedure can be considered the gold standard for surgical treatment. Yet, strong efforts to identify effective and complication-free surgical options are ongoing. Fistulotomy can be considered the best perianal fistula treatment option, providing a perfect surgical field view, allowing direct access to the source of chronic inflammation. Controversy exists concerning the risk of continence impairment associated with fistulotomy. The present study aimed to assess the outcomes of fistulotomy with immediate sphincteric reconstruction regaring fistula recurrence, incontinence, and patient satisfaction. Methods This interventional study was performed at the General Surgery Department of Zagazig University Hospital during the period from July 2018 to December 2019 on 24 patients with a clinical diagnosis of high transsphincteric fistula-in-ano. The fistulous tract was laid open over the probe placed in the tract. After the fistula tract had been laid open, the tract was curetted and examined for secondary extensions. Then, suturing muscles to muscles, including the internal and external sphincters, by transverse mattress sutures. Results Our study showed that 2 patients develop incontinence to flatus ~ 8.3%.and only one patient develop incontinence to loose stool, 4.2%. Complete healing was achieved in 83% and recurrence was 16.6%. Conclusion Fistulotomy with immediate sphincteric reconstruction is considered to be an effective option in the management of high perianal fistula, with low morbidity and high healing rate with acceptable continence state.
  • Prevalence of Anal Intraepithelial Lesions in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Original Article

    Savio, Mariane Christina; Baldin, Rosimeri Kuhl Svoboda; Nóbrega, Norton Luiz; Nicollelli, Guilherme Mattioli; Brenner, Antonio Sérgio; Rocha, Pollyanna Borges da; Rossoni, Marssoni Deconto; Sartor, Maria Cristina; Baldin Junior, Antonio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Introduction Anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN) is a premalignant lesion of the anal canal associated with HPV, with a higher prevalence in immunosuppressed individuals. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are at potential risk for their development, due to the use of immunosuppressants and certain characteristics of the disease. Method This is a prospective, cross-sectional, and interventional study that included 53 patients with IBD treated at a tertiary outpatient clinic, who underwent anal smear for cytology in order to assess the prevalence of AIN and associated risk factors. Results Forty-eight samples were negative for dysplasia and 2 were positive (4%). Both positive samples occurred in women, with Crohn’s disease (CD), who were immunosuppressed and had a history of receptive anal intercourse. Discussion The prevalence of anal dysplasia in IBD patients in this study is similar to that described in low-risk populations. Literature data are scarce and conflicting and there is no evidence to recommend screening with routine anal cytology in patients with IBD. Female gender, history of receptive anal intercourse, immunosuppression and CD seem to be risk factors.
  • Evaluation of the Serrated Lesions Detection Rate and Its Role as a Colonoscopy Quality Criteria Original Article

    Clairet, Conceição de Maria Aquino Vieira; Aquino, José Luis Braga De; Clairet, Laurent Martial

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objectives To evaluate the serrated lesion detection rate in colonoscopy at a specialized clinic and its role as quality criteria for endoscopic examination. Methods This is an observational cross-sectional study with all patients that underwent colonoscopy between October 2018 and May 2019, performed by an experimented physician. A questionnaire was answered before the examination by the patient, and another questionnaire after the colonoscopy was answered by themedical team. All polyps identified were removed and sent to the same pathologist for analysis. Results A total of 1,000 colonoscopies were evaluated. The average age of the patients was 58.9 years old, and most of them were female (60.6%). In 62.5% of the procedures, polyps were removed, obtaining a total of 1,730 polyps, of which 529 were serrated lesions, being 272 sessile serrated lesions (SSL). This data resulted in a serrated lesion detection rate (SDR) of 29.2%, and of 14% when considering only the SSL detection rate (SSLDR). The right colon had higher rates, with 22.3% SDR and 15.3% SSLDR. Screening colonoscopies also presented a higher serrated detection rate, of 20%, followed by diagnostics and follow-up exams. Smoking was the only risk factor associated with higher serrated detection rate. Conclusions The serrated lesion detection rate is higher than the ones already previously suggested and the have the higher rates were stablished in the right colon and on screening exams.
  • Selective Hemorrhoidal Dearterialization with High Mucopexy in the Surgical Treatment of Hemorrhoidal Disease Original Article

    Rotta, Carlos Mateus; Drago, Stephanie; Sousa Jr, Afonso Henrique da Silva e; Martinez, Carlos Augusto Real; Bernardino, Marjorie Cristina da Cruz

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The doppler-guided transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization technique associated with mucopexy is a noninvasive surgical option used to treat hemorrhoidal disease (HD). Objective To compare and analyze the results using a variation of the doppler-guided transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization technique with the technique of selective hemorrhoidal dearterialization with high mucopexy in the treatment of HD. Method A total of 292 patients who underwent surgical treatment for grade II, III and IV HD from March 2012 to December 2017 were studied. From this total, 110 (37.6%) patients underwent a conventional doppler-guided transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization with mucopexy (CD), and 182 (62.3%) underwent selective hemorrhoidal dearterialization with highmucopexy (SHeLF). In the group of patients undergoing CD, 4 patients (3.64%) had grade II HD, 82 (74.55%) grade III, and 24 (21.82%) grade IV. In the group submitted to SHeLF, 18 (9.89%) patients had grade II HD, 86 (47.25%) had grade III, and 65 (35.71%) had grade IV. The same surgeon operated all patients under spinal anesthesia. In patients undergoing CD, six arterial branches have been dearterialized, while in patients undergoing SHeLF, the hemorrhoidary nipples submitted to a dearterialization were selected (from 1 to 5) by intraoperative evaluation followed by high rectal mucopexy. In the postoperative period, the following parameters were evaluated: pain, tenesmus, bleeding, and recurrence. Moderate results to severe pain was a postoperative complaint reported by 13 (11.82%) patients undergoing CD, and by 19 (10.44%) undergoing SHeLF. Intense tenesmus was reported by 26 (23.64%) patients undergoing CD and by 7 (3.85%) undergoing SHeLF. Three patients (2.73%) undergoing CD and 1 (0.55%) undergoing SHeLF evolved with postoperative bleeding. One patient (0.55%) in the group undergoing CD required surgical review of hemostasis. Six patients (5.45%) who underwent CD and 8 (4.39%) who underwent SHeLF were reoperated due to disease recurrence. Conclusion Comparing statistics, patients undergoing the SHeLF technique have less postoperative pain, tenesmus and postoperative bleeding when compared with CD.
  • Revising Our Concepts about Stoma Covering a Low Rectal Anastomosis Original Article

    Lotfy, Wael E.; Fattah, Ahmed Raafat Abdel; Eltih, Osama A.; Wasef, Peter H.; Ashour, Hassan R.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Introduction There has been conclusive evidence that defunctioning stoma with either transverse colostomy or ileostomy mitigates the serious consequences of anastomotic leakage. However,whether transverse colostomy or ileostomy is preferred for defunctioning a rectal anastomosis remains controversial. The present study was designed to identify the best defunctioning stoma for colorectal anastomosis. Objective To improve the quality of life in patients with rectal resection and anastomosis and reduce the morbidity before and after closure of the stoma. Patients and Methods The present study included 48 patients with elective colorectal resection who were randomly arranged into 2 equal groups, with 24 patients each. Group I consisted of patients who underwent ileostomy, and group II consisted of patients who underwent colostomy as a defunctioning stoma for a low rectal anastomosis. All surviving patients were readmitted to have their stoma closed and were followed-up for 6 months after closure of their stomas. All data regarding local and general complications of construction and closure of the stoma of the two groups were recorded and blotted against each other to clarify the most safe and tolerable procedure. Results We found that all nutritional deficiencies, dehydration, electrolytes imbalance, peristomal dermatitis, and frequent change of appliances are statistically more common in the ileostomy group, while stomal retraction and wound infection after closure of the stoma were statistically more common in the colostomy group. There were no statistically significant differences regarding the total hospital stay and mortality between the two groups. Conclusion and Recommendation Ileostomy has much higher morbidities than colostomy and it also has a potential risk of mortality; therefore, we recommend colostomy as the ideal method for defunctioning a distal colorectal anastomosis.
  • Proteinemia as a Prognostic Factor in Colorectal Cancers beyond Surgery and Chemotherapy Original Article

    Al-Hishma, Linah Waleed Khalid

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Background Globally, 1,096,601, 704,376, and 48,541 new colon, rectum, and anus cancer cases were recorded in 2018, respectively. Besides, 551,269, 310,394 and 19,129 cases of colon, rectum, and anus cancer deaths occurred in the same year. As a result, these cancers ranked in the third level of cancer incidence, and in the second level of cancer mortality. As it is known, all cancer patients are subjected to cancerinduced and therapy-induced nutritional deficiencies (mainly of proteins and calories). The present study aimed to assess proteins level in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients who underwent surgery and chemotherapy. Methods A combined retrospective and prospective study was performed. The present study enrolled 100 CRC patients with their data on surgical procedures and chemotherapy management. Assessments of the studied samples were conducted as a baseline before receiving chemotherapy and preoperatively as P0, while the period after that was termed as P1. The serum samples were collected to measure protein concentration. Total Protein Kit, Micro was used. Results The mean age of the patients was 50.7±12.88 years old. Only 8% had a positive CRC family history. Rectosigmoid cancer represented the most frequent site, figured in 41% of the cases, followed by rectum cancer. Multiple sites of CRC metastasis were recorded in 15% of the patients. All patients received chemoradiation. Folinic acid (leucovorin), 5-FU, and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX) was the most used regimen, administered in 40% of the patients. Oxaliplatin and capecitabine (also called Xeloda) (XELOX) were administered in 14% of the patients. Folinic acid (leucovorin), 5-FU, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan (FOLFOXIRI) were administered in 16% of the patients. Single-agent oxaliplatin or carboplatin were administered in 6% of the patients, each. 5-FU plus leucovorin was administered to12% of the patients. Three patients received irinotecan, and oxaliplatin (IROX). One patient received folinic acid (leucovorin), 5-FU and irinotecan (FOLFIRI). Also, Gemzar was administered to two patients only. A total of 80% of the patients underwent several surgical procedures. Anterior perineal resection (APR) and total mesorectal excision (TME) were the most common two surgeries, performed in 20 and in 30% of the patients, respectively. In P0 status, 44% of the patients suffered from low protein levels, and 13% of the patients were within the normal level. These findings were statistically different (p=0.03). After CRC management (i.e., P1 status), 70% of the patients had protein deficiency. These results have strong significant differences (p=0.000). The mean of protein concentration declined gradually after management, from 8.82±0.9 μg/L to 6.210.78 μg/L, with a strong association between a reduction in proteins levels towards deficiency and surgical procedures and chemotherapy protocols (p=0.000). Conclusion The incidence of CRC is increasing annually, and the chance of being diagnosed with this type of cancer has risen in recent years. In the present study, the male to female ratio was 1:1.5, and the 5th decade of life was themost common age for the diagnosis of CRC. A negative family history and bowel inflammatory diseases (IBD) history did not exclude people from exposure to the incidence of CRC. Colorectal cancer with localized and moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma were the most common types in the present work. Tumor distance from the anal verge seems to be very important and plays a significant role in the choosing of surgical intervention types and chemoradiation protocols. Colorectal cancer acts as a complex condition and, in addition to its management, nutritional state influences it in different mechanisms. Most patients suffered from hypoproteinemia after surgery and chemoradiation. As a result, alteration in the treatment outcomes, delaying in wound healing, and an increase in postoperative complications may occur.
  • Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Colorectal Cancer Surgery in Madrid Original Article

    Martínez, Maria Labalde; Borda, Francisco Javier García; Chavez, Cristina Narvaez; Lopez, Alfredo Vivas; Villar, Oscar García; Gomez, Ramón; Martinez, Rafael Ramos; Vigo, Felipe de La Cruz; Herrero, Eduardo Ferrero

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic has had an important impact on colorectal cancer surgery, for hospital resources had to be redistributed in favour of Covid-19 patients. The aim of the present study is to analyze our results in colorectal oncologic surgery during the Covid-19 pandemic in patients with and without perioperative SARSCoV- 2 infection. Methods In total, 32 patients (19 male and 13 female patients), with a mean age of 64 years (range: 57.2 to 69.5 years) with colorectal cancer underwent surgery under the recommendations of surgical societies included in a protocol. Data collection included clinical characteristics (gender, age, body mass index, American Society of Anesthesiologists score, tumor location, preoperative staging, lymphopenia), data related to SARS-CoV-2 infection (postoperative symptoms, diagnostic tests), operative details (surgical procedure, approach, duration, stoma), pathological outcomes (tumor stage, number of lymph nodes harvested, distal and circumferential radial margins, quality of the total mesorectal excision), and surgical outcomes (morbidity, mortality, hospital stay, and the rates of reoperation and readmission). Results A total of 3 (9.4%) patients who underwent colorectal surgery during the Covid-19 pandemic were infected by SARS-CoV-2 in the postoperative period. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was associated with Covid-19 (6.2% versus 33.3%; p=0.042), and surgical morbidity was higher among Covid-19 patients (100% versus 37.9%; p=0.039). There were not significant differences between COVID-19 patients and non-COVID-19 patients in relation to the rest of the analyzed outcomes. Conclusion During the Covid-19 pandemic, colorectal cancer surgery should be performed according to the recommendations of surgical societies. However, Covid- 19 patients could present a higher morbidity rate.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Perianal Fistulas in Clinically Symptomatic Patients and the Correlation Among Plain, Contrast, and Post Jelly MRI Fistulography Original Article

    Gupta, Ruchi; Kumar, Subhash; Kumar, Anil; Tiwari, Richa; Sinha, Neetu

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objectives To evaluate different types of perianal fistulas and their complications on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and to compare plain, contrast, and jelly magnetic resonance fistulography findings. Materials and Methods This prospective study was performed in 30 patients who presented with perianal pus discharge or external fistulous opening. Magnetic resonance imaging of the perianal region before and after giving intravenous contrast and after injecting jelly through a percutaneous opening was performed on a 3T scanner and the results were correlated. Results The mean age of the patients was 40.13±13.88 years (range 19-75 years). The male to female ratio was 14:1. The most common type of fistula was St. James classification type I, which was seen in 13 patients (43%), followed by type IV in 30%, type III in 16%, type II in 6.66%, and type V in 3.33% of the patients. Using agreement analysis, we compared the number of primary and secondary tracts, internal openings, and horseshoe tracts and found a significant agreement between plain and post Jelly MRI fistulography (kappa statistic close to 1).When comparing plain and contrast MRI, there was significant agreement in the primary and secondary tracts, while statistically insignificant results were obtained (p>0.05) for the horseshoe tract and internal openings. Contrast injection was helpful in 7 subjects (23.3%) as peripheral enhancement of abscesses were better delineated. Conclusion Magnetic resonance imaging is the one stop diagnostic modality for perianal fistulas. Acquisition of axial (Ax) T2, axial T2 FS, coronal T2 and coronal T2 FS sequences without administering intravenous contrast or jelly is usually sufficient for the diagnosis of fistulas and their complications.
  • Profile of Crohn’s Disease Patients Who Underwent Anorectal Examination under Anesthesia Original Article

    Carvalho, Alexandre Lopes de; Sena, Natalie Fernanda Baqueiro; Sampaio, Jamile Caramello Ortins; Trajano, Aline de Oliveira; Codes, Lina Maria Goes de; Fidelis, Flávia de Castro Ribeiro; Alcantara, Rogerio Souza Medrado de; Barreto, Marcelo da Silva

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Introduction Crohn’s disease (CD) is an inflammatory bowel disease, and in ~ 30% of cases it is associated with perianalmanifestations. To identify the extent of the damage and to implement an appropriate treatment, anorectal examination under anesthesia (EUA) is fundamental. Objective To describe the profile of patients who underwent anorectal EUA in university and private hospitals in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Methodology A retrospective, descriptive study with 46 patients who underwent anorectal EUA between March, 2016 and November, 2019. Results A total of 62 anorectal EUAs were performed in 46 patients. With an average age of 36.8 years, the female gender was predominant (52.2%) among these patients. Anal fistulas were the most frequent findings (83.8%), and in most cases they were treated with a seton placement (69.4%). The main recommended surgical indication was a proper evaluation and identification of perianal disease, followed by drainage of the abscess and therefore immunobiological therapy (59.6%). Conclusion In the present study, the profile of CD patients was similar to those found in the literature, with a high rate of complex anal fistulas. Additional studies are still necessary to further comprehend and treat this particular and debilitating manifestation of the disease.
  • Recurrent Hemorrhoids-Efficacy, Utility and Initial Experience with the Use of Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy in Recurrent Hemorrhoids Original Article

    Wani, Ajaz Ahmed; Khuroo, Suhail; Heer, Vikas Kumar; Jain, Saurabh Kumar; Rajput, Deepak; Maqsood, Shadab; Malik, Altaf

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Overview Hemorrhoidal disease (HD) is a common surgical disorder. The treatment modalities can be surgical or nonsurgical. Every surgical option has its own indications and limitations. Postsurgical symptomatic recurrence rates are low and vary between different techniques. The ideal way to deal with recurrent HD is not clear. Material and Methods The present prospective case series enrolled a total of 87 patients (54male/33 female). Thirteen out of 87 patients (15%) had history of previous intervention for HD. Amodification of the standard technique was adopted for patients with recurrent HD. A mean follow-up of 22 months was achieved. Results Stapled hemorrhoidectomy (SD)was performedin13patientswho had historyof previous surgical intervention for HD. There were no adverse events related to the technique. Patients with recurrent HD had severe pain scores with SH as compared to patients who underwent SH at the first time. There were no wound related complications. Conclusion Stapled hemorrhoidectomy can be performed easily and offers good results in patients with recurrent HD.
  • The Colostomy Complications in Anorectal Malformation: A Retrospective Study Original Article

    Hamdi, Mohammed Ali; Mohamed, Wamedh Mustafa; Al-Ani, Usama Faris Taha

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Background A colostomy is a surgical approach that creates an opening for the colon, or/and large intestine through the abdomen. Anorectal malformations are a group of abnormalities of the rectum and anus that are present at birth. Objective To analyze the common complications of colostomy in anorectal formations. Methods This was a retrospective study conducted on 50 temporary colostomies performed in children at the Surgical Department of the Abu Ghraib General Hospital in the period from January 2018 to January 2020. Information was collected regarding the patients’ age, sex, body weight, associated anomalies, colostomy types and sites, and the indications and complications of colostomies. Results A total of 44 (88%) cases were reported in the children’s 1st month of life. The ratio of male to female was 1:1. Pelvic colostomy was performed in 48 (96%) patients, as 40 (80%) children underwent a loop-type, and 8 (16%) patients underwent doublebarrel colostomy. Transverse colostomy was performed on two patients. Prolapse occurred in 50% of the patients, and skin excoriations occurred in 22% . A total of 10% of the children developed sepsis. Bleeding was seen in 4% of the children after colostomy performance. Stenosis presented in 6% of the children, and this was corrected by repeated dilatation and re-fashioning. Obstruction of intestines was observed in one patient. The retraction developed in 6% of patients. Conclusions Imperforate anus was themost common indication for stoma formation in the pediatric age group. Loop colostomy was the most common type used, and it had the highest rate of complications. Prolapses and skin excoriation were the most common complications found.
  • Giant Perianal Condyloma Successfully Treated with Podophyllin at 25% in Solid Petrolatum Original Article

    López, Laura Svidler; Rosa, Luciana La; Cipollone, Sofía; Sidra, Gabriela L.; Regina, José L.; Pastore, Rita L. O.; Orcinoli, Teresa; Stier, Elizabeth A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Purpose Giant perianal condyloma (GPC) is a rare condition. The effective treatment is a multidisciplinary challenge; topical treatments are usually ineffective, and surgical resection has significant morbidity. Podophyllin at 25% in solid petrolatum (25%PSP) can be an effective treatment option for GPC. The aim of the present study was to assess its response and tolerability. Methods This retrospective, single-center case series evaluated the clinical response of 14 patients with GPC treated with 25%PSP in a public hospital in Buenos Aires between December 2015 and December 2019. After obtaining a full history and performing a physical exam, the lesions were measured and photographed. Biopsies were performed to exclude malignancy, as well as exams to rule out pregnancy. Podophyllin at 25% in solid petrolatum was administered topically in cases of GPC and washed off by the patients at home after 4 hours. The patients underwent at least 4 weekly visits, which included interval history, photodocumentation of the lesions, and provider-applied 25%PSP. The response rate was assessed by comparingmeasurements and the overall decrease in volume of the GPC based on photos from the first and last sessions. Adverse outcomes were noted. Results In total, 10 men, 3 women, and 1 transgender woman with GPC unresponsive to prior treatments and a mean age of 34.5 years were included. A total of 12 patients were immunosuppressed. All the perianal lesions were circumferential and measured between 8 cm and 20 cm. Overall, 7 patients had genital condyloma outside of the anus and perianus; the histology showed low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in all cases. While on treatment, 7 patients reported dermatitis, and 71% of the patients had 75% reduction in lesion size. Conclusions Podophyllin at 25% in solid petrolatum is an effective, well-tolerated topical treatment option for GPC.
  • Perioperative Nutritional Optimization in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: When and How? Review Article

    Silva, Isadora Sayuri Macedo da; Cambi, Maria Paula Carlini; Magro, Daniéla Oliveira; Kotze, Paulo Gustavo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), including ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD), are commonly associated with important changes in nutritional status (NS). Both malnutrition and obesity have a negative impact on the course of both diseases, with greater risks of postoperative complications, such as anastomotic dehiscences, reoperations, prolonged hospitalizations, and increased mortality. The diagnostic criteria for identifying individuals at nutritional risk, with clear indication for preoperative nutritional therapy, involves several factors. Oral nutrition should be the first choice of nutritional support. If the patient has difficulty in consuming food, the enteral route is the second option, through elementary (amino acids), semi-elementary (oligopeptides), or polymeric (whole proteins) formulas. When oral or enteral routes are not indicated (in the presence of intestinal obstruction or ischemia, fistula, or bleeding), total parenteral nutrition can meet the daily nutritional needs of the critically ill patient. Nutritional support can be performed exclusively or in an associated way, which will depend on the nutritional severity of the patient with IBD. Nutritional screening should be performed at all stages of the disease, always individually and with professionals with experience in IBD. The reduction of complications in the perioperative period is not only associated with adequate surgical technique, but also with adequate nutritional support and clinical preparation before surgery. Therefore, the dietitian with a focus in IBD has an important role in the multidisciplinary team, collaborating with all stages of treatment and with the optimization of the nutritional status of the surgical patient.
  • Postcolonoscopy Colorectal Cancer: An Overview and Future Directions Review Article

    Saikaly, Elias; Saad, Melissa Kyriakos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Over the past decade, there has been a great interest in postcolonoscopy colorectal cancer (PCCRC). Its etiology is complex and multifactorial. Monitoring for PCCRC is even more complex. The strategies to decrease the incidence of PCCRC start by defining the problem, identifying the factors contributing to its development, followed by an attempt to define methods to decrease its incidence.We believe that the quality of the colonoscopy and the endoscopist’s expertise are the key factors in decreasing the incidence of PCCRC.
  • The Use of Seton as a Bridge to Definitive Ligation of the Intersphincteric Fistula Tract Procedure for Fistula-in-ano: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Review Article

    Placer-Galán, Carlos; Enriquez-Navascués, Jose Mª; Pastor-Bonel, Tania; Aguirre-Allende, Ignacio; Saralegui-Ansorena, Yolanda

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Background There is still controversy over the usefulness of seton placement prior to the ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT) surgery in the management of anal fistula. Objective To evaluate the impact of preoperative seton placement on the outcomes of LIFT surgery for the management of fistula-in-ano. Design systematic review and meta-analysis. Data Sources A search was performed on the MEDLINE (PubMed), EMBASE, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar databases. Study Selection Original studies without language restriction reporting the primary healing rates with and without seton placement as a bridge to definitive LIFT surgery were included. Intervention The intervention assessed was the LIFT with and without prior seton placement. Main Outcome Measures The main outcome was defined as the primary healing rate with and without the use of seton as a bridge to definitive LIFT surgery. Results Ten studiesmet the criteria for systematic review, all retrospective,with a pooled study population of 772 patients. There were no significant differences in the percentages of recurrence between patients with and without seton placement (odds ratio [OR] 1.02; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.73-1.43: p=0.35). The I2 value was 9%, which shows the homogeneity of the results among the analyzed studies. The 10 included studies demonstrated a weighted average overall recurrence of 38% (interquartile range [IQR] 27-42.7%), recurrence with the use of setonwas 40%(IQR26.6-51.2%), and without its use, the recurrence rate was 51.3% (IQR 31.3-51.3%) Limitations The levels of evidence found in the available literature were relatively fair, as indicated after qualitative evaluation using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale and the Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) evidence levels. Conclusions Our meta-analysis suggests that the placement of seton as a bridge treatment prior to LIFT surgery does not significantly improve long-term anal fistula healing outcomes. Ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract surgery can be performed safely and effectively with no previous seton placement. International prospective register of systematic reviews-PROSPERO registration number: CDR42020149173.
  • Elaboration and Validation of Flowchart for the Prevention and Treatment of Intestinal Peristomal Skin Complications Review Article

    Cardoso, Imaculada Aparecida; Salomé, Geraldo Magela; Mendonça, Adriana Rodrigues Dos Anjos; Miranda, Flávio Dutra; Alves, José Ronaldo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective To build and validate a flowchart for the prevention and treatment of intestinal peristomal skin complications. Method For the construction of the algorithms, a systematic reviewwas carried out in health sciences databases comprising the last 10 years. The evaluation of the algorithms was carried out by 38 nurses. For the validation of the algorithms, theDelphi technique was used. The statistical analysis used was the content validity index and the Cronbach alpha coefficient. The questionnaire was sent by e-mail and in person after approval by the Ethics and Research Committee. Results In the first evaluation of the algorithms, there was no agreement among the experts. However, after making the corrections suggested by the evaluators, the algorithms were resent, with a 100% consensus among the evaluators. The questions used to validate the algorithms contributed favourably to the internal consistency and content validation of the instrument, since the respective Cronbach alpha was 0.9062 and the global content validity index (g-CVI) was 0.91 in the first validation and 1.0 in the second validation. Conclusion After an integrative literature review, the flowcharts were built and validated by a professional with experience in the area, showing 100% agreement among the experts in the second evaluation.
  • Intestinal Malrotation, Mesocolic Hernia, and Meckel Diverticulum - Differential Diagnosis of Abdominal Pain in Adults: Case Report and Literature Review Case Report

    Costa, Marcus Vinícius Silva; Alencastro, Márcia Cristina de; Linica, Samyra Braz de; Ferreira, Tiago dos Santos; Bezerra, Edson Soares; Bisogni, Sérgio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Intestinal malrotation is a congenital anomaly caused by incomplete rotation or absence of rotation of the primitive intestine along the axis of the upper mesenteric artery during embryonic development. Embryonic development and its anatomical variations were described by Dott in 1923. Intestinal malrotation is a rare condition among adults - prevalent in a mere 0.0001% to 0.19% of the population -, and it may be associated with other anatomical deformities. It can be asymptomatic or manifest with varying intensity, from obstruction to necrosis of intestinal segments. In general, this abnormality is diagnosed in the first year of life; however, symptomsmay appear later in life,making diagnosis in adults difficult on account of non-specific symptoms. In the present study, we report a case of intestinal malrotation associated with chronic non-specific symptoms progressing to mesenteric angina.
  • Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia Associated with High-Grade Vulva Injury (Usual-Type Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia): Surgical Treatment with Cutaneous Flap Advancement Case Report

    Cunha-e-Silva, José Antonio; Povedano, Andrea; Vassalo, Eduardo; Kneipp, Angélica; Arbex, Guilherme; do-Val, Isabel Chulvis

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The aim of the present article is to report the case of a young patient with bowenoid papulosis who was a carrier of other sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), such as HIV and high-grade vulva lesion (usual-type vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, VIN), and to demonstrate the strategy used to manage the case, as well as to discuss important issues regarding the standardization of intraepithelial lesions.8
  • End-to-end anal Sphincter Repair inTreatment of Post-traumatic Fecal Incontinence Technical Note

    Emile, Sameh Hany; El-Said, Mohamed

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The present report describes the end-to-end technique of anal sphincter repair in a 36-year-old female patient with post-vaginal delivery fecal incontinence (FI). The patient had a history of two vaginal deliveries and the symptoms of FI were observed after the second delivery. On assessment of the severity of FI using the Wexner incontinence score, the patient had a score of 12. Endoanal ultrasonography revealed an anterior defect of the external anal sphincter extending from 11 to 3 o’clock. The patient had no previous anal surgery and did not have any medical comorbidities. The operation time was 45minutes. No intraoperative complications were recorded. At 12 months of follow-up, the patient showed significant improvement in the continence state, with her Wexner score dropping to 4. No postoperative complications were recorded. We can conclude that end-to-end anal sphincter repair is a technically feasible operation that confers satisfactory improvement in the continence state without imposing much tension on the site of sphincter repair.
Sociedade Brasileira de Coloproctologia Av. Marechal Câmara, 160/916, 20020-080, Tel.: (55 21) 2240-8927 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil