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Prevalence of consumption and nutritional content of breakfast meal among adolescents from the Brazilian National Dietary Survey Please cite this article as: Pereira JL, Castro MA, Hopkins S, Gugger C, Fisberg RM, Fisberg M. Prevalence of consumption and nutritional content of breakfast meal among adolescents from the Brazilian National Dietary Survey. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2018;94:630-41.



To estimate the prevalence of breakfast consumption and describe the foods and nutrients consumed at this meal and throughout the day by Brazilian adolescents.


A total of 7276 adolescents aged 10-19 years were evaluated in the Brazilian National Dietary Survey 2008-9, a population-based cross-sectional study. Individuals' information was collected at home. Dietary data were obtained by two food records. Breakfast was defined as the first eating occasion of the day that occurred between 6 and 9:59 am. Differences between breakfast consumers, occasional consumers, and skippers were tested through Pearson's chi-squared test or F-test of regression analysis.


Breakfast was consumed by 93% of adolescents and it was associated with age, income, geographic region and household area. The most frequently consumed foods at breakfast were white bread, coffee, butter/margarine, refined cookies and crackers, and whole milk. The mean daily intakes of total energy, sugar, and calcium were higher among occasional consumers and skippers. Breakfast consumers had higher intake of vitamins B12, C, and D. Breakfast contributed more to total intake of calcium, phosphorus, thiamin, riboflavin, and vitamins A, B6, and D (17-32%), trans fat and sodium (about 30%) and less to folate, vitamin C, iron, zinc, and fiber (8-12%) and energy intake (16%).


Although the prevalence of breakfast consumption among Brazilian adolescents was high, the overall nutritional quality of this meal is suboptimal, highlighting the need to support adolescents and their families to make more nutrient-dense food choices.

Breakfast; Adolescent; Food intake; Nutritional requirements; Brazil



Estimar a prevalência de consumo de café da manhã e descrever os alimentos e nutrientes consumidos nessa refeição e durante todo o dia por adolescentes brasileiros.


Foram avaliados 7.276 adolescentes entre 10-19 anos no Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação 2008-2009, um estudo transversal de base populacional. As informações dos indivíduos foram coletadas nos domicílios. Os dados alimentares foram obtidos por dois registros alimentares. O café da manhã foi definido como a primeira refeição do dia entre 6h e 9h59. As diferenças entre os consumidores de café da manhã, consumidores ocasionais e aqueles que não tomam café da manhã foram testadas por meio do teste de qui-quadrado ou teste F para análise de regressão.


O café da manhã foi consumido por 93% dos adolescentes e seu consumo foi associado à idade, renda, região geográfica e área residencial. Os alimentos mais frequentemente consumidos foram pão branco, café, manteiga/margarina, biscoitos e bolachas refinados e leite integral. A ingestão média diária de energia total, açúcar e cálcio foi maior entre os consumidores ocasionais e aqueles que não tomam café da manhã. Aqueles que tomam café da manhã apresentam maior ingestão de vitaminas B12, C e D. O café da manhã contribuiu mais para a ingestão total de cálcio, fósforo, tiamina, riboflavina e vitaminas A, B6 e D (17%-32%), gordura trans e sódio (cerca de 30%) e menos para a ingestão de ácido fólico, vitamina C, ferro, zinco e fibras (8%-12%) e energia (16%).


Apesar de a prevalência de consumo de café da manhã entre os adolescentes brasileiros ter sido alta, a qualidade nutricional dessa refeição está abaixo do ideal, destaca a necessidade de apoio aos adolescentes e suas famílias para possibilitar a escolha de alimentos mais densos em nutrientes.

Café da manhã; Adolescente; Ingestão de alimentos; Necessidades nutricionais; Brasil


Regular consumption of breakfast has been associated with several nutritional and health benefits.11 Rampersaud G. Benefits of breakfast for children and adolescents: update and recommendations for practitioners. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2009;3:86-103.

2 St-Onge MP, Ard J, Baskin ML, Chiuve SE, Johnson HM, Kris-Etherton P, et al. Meal timing and frequency: implications for cardiovascular disease prevention: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2017;135:e96-121.
-33 Blondin SA, Anzman-Frasca S, Djang HC, Economos CD. Breakfast consumption and adiposity among children and adolescents: an updated review of the literature. Pediatr Obes. 2016;11:333-48. Evidence shows that breakfast consumers have higher daily nutrient intake, are more likely to reach nutritional recommendations, and have better overall diet quality when compared with those who do not consume this meal.11 Rampersaud G. Benefits of breakfast for children and adolescents: update and recommendations for practitioners. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2009;3:86-103.,44 Matthys C, De Henauw S, Bellemans M, De Maeyer M, De Backer G. Breakfast habits affect overall nutrient profiles in adolescents. Public Health Nutr. 2007;10:413-21.

5 Barr SI, DiFrancesco L, Fulgoni VL. Breakfast consumption is positively associated with nutrient adequacy in Canadian children and adolescents. Br J Nutr. 2014;112:1373-83.
-66 Deshmukh-Taskar PR, Nicklas TA, O'Neil CE, Keast DR, Radcliffe JD, Cho S. The relationship of breakfast skipping and type of breakfast consumption with nutrient intake and weight status in children and adolescents: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2006. J Am Diet Assoc. 2010;110:869-78. Skipping breakfast has been identified as a potentially harmful behavior in pediatric populations, as it has been associated with increased body fat33 Blondin SA, Anzman-Frasca S, Djang HC, Economos CD. Breakfast consumption and adiposity among children and adolescents: an updated review of the literature. Pediatr Obes. 2016;11:333-48. and other negative cardiometabolic risk factors, such as higher waist circumference, unfavorable lipid profile, and increased fasting glucose levels.77 Wennberg M, Gustafsson PE, Wennberg P, Hammarström A. Poor breakfast habits in adolescence predict the metabolic syndrome in adulthood. Public Health Nutr. 2015;18:122-9.,88 Smith KJ, Gall SL, McNaughton SA, Blizzard L, Dwyer T, Venn AJ. Skipping breakfast: longitudinal associations with cardiometabolic risk factors in the Childhood Determinants of Adult Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010;92:1316-25. In addition to the physiological benefits, there may be positive effects of breakfast consumption on school performance and attendance, attention, memory, and mental health,99 Adolphus K, Lawton CL, Champ CL, Dye L. The effects of breakfast and breakfast composition on cognition in children and adolescents: a systematic review. Adv Nutr. 2016;7:590S-612S.,1010 Hoyland A, Dye L, Lawton CL. A systematic review of the effect of breakfast on the cognitive performance of children and adolescents. Nutr Res Rev. 2009;22:220-43. but more research is needed due to inconsistent findings and methodological limitations of studies.99 Adolphus K, Lawton CL, Champ CL, Dye L. The effects of breakfast and breakfast composition on cognition in children and adolescents: a systematic review. Adv Nutr. 2016;7:590S-612S.

The Brazilian Dietary Guidelines recommend the consumption of breakfast as one of the three main daily meals, and give examples of a quality breakfast according to Brazilian habits. They recommend the consumption of natural or minimally processed foods, such as fruits, coffee, and milk, and culinary preparations based on cereals or tubers, such as tapioca pancakes, couscous, and cassava cake.1111 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Departamento de Atenção Básica. Guia alimentar para a população brasileira. 2nd ed. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2014. The Brazilian National School Food Program (Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar [PNAE]), designed to offer school meals for all students enrolled in basic education of public schools of Brazil,1212 Brasil. Presidência da República. Casa Civil. Subchefia para Assuntos Jurídicos. Lei Federal n. 11.947, de 16 de junho de 2009. Dispõe sobre o atendimento da alimentação escolar e do Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola aos alunos da educação básica. Brasília (DF): Diário Oficial da União; 2009. Seção 1:2. presents several recommendations regarding the nutritional content of the school meals; however, it does not propose specific guidelines for breakfast.1212 Brasil. Presidência da República. Casa Civil. Subchefia para Assuntos Jurídicos. Lei Federal n. 11.947, de 16 de junho de 2009. Dispõe sobre o atendimento da alimentação escolar e do Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola aos alunos da educação básica. Brasília (DF): Diário Oficial da União; 2009. Seção 1:2.

Despite the potential nutritional and health benefits of breakfast, studies show that young people are more likely to skip breakfast than other meals.11 Rampersaud G. Benefits of breakfast for children and adolescents: update and recommendations for practitioners. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2009;3:86-103. Nonetheless, breakfast skipping estimations present large variation. The estimates of breakfast skipping ranged from 4% in Australians aged 2-16 years,1313 Fayet-Moore F, Kim J, Sritharan N, Petocz P. Impact of breakfast skipping and breakfast choice on the nutrient intake and body mass index of Australian children. Nutrients. 2016;8:487. to 23% and 27% among boys and girls aged 12-19 years in the United States, respectively.1414 U.S. Department of Agriculture. What we eat in America. NHANES 2013-2014, individuals 2 years and over (excluding breast-fed children), day 1. Available from: [cited 07.10.17].
An international network across 31 countries from Europe and North America reported that daily breakfast consumption in adolescents aged 11-15 years ranged between 37.8% (Slovenia) to 72.6% (Netherlands).1515 Lazzeri G, Ahluwalia N, Niclasen B, Pammolli A, Vereecken C, Rasmussen M, et al. Trends from 2002 to 2010 in daily breakfast consumption and its socio-demographic correlates in adolescents across 31 countries participating in the HBSC study. PLOS ONE. 2016;11:e0151052.

Data from the Brazilian National Survey of Schoolchildren's Health (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar [PeNSE]), conducted in 2012 with 109,104 students from all Brazilian capitals, showed that 61.9% of adolescents (most aged 11-14 years) reported eating breakfast at least five days per week. Breakfast consumption was positively correlated with a healthier diet; however, the relationship between the nutritional content of breakfast and overall diet quality was not investigated.1616 Azeredo CM, de Rezende LF, Canella DS, Moreira Claro R, de Castro IR, Luiz OD, et al. Dietary intake of Brazilian adolescents. Public Health Nutr. 2015;18:1215-24.

The objective of the present study was to assess the prevalence of breakfast consumption and estimate the food and nutrients consumed at this meal and throughout the day by Brazilian adolescents using nationally representative data.


Study sample

This study analyzed data from the first Brazilian National Dietary Survey (BNDS) [Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação (INA)], a dietary intake assessment study at individual level conducted as part of the Brazilian Household Budget Survey (HBS) [Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF)], a cross-sectional population-based study conducted from March 2008 to March 2009. The BNDS collected dietary data from a representative sample of 34,003 Brazilian individuals aged ≥10 years randomly selected from about 25% of the 55,970 households evaluated in HBS. More details about the HBS sampling procedure can be found elsewhere.1717 Pereira JL, de Castro MA, Hopkins S, Gugger C, Fisberg RM, Fisberg M. Proposal for a breakfast quality index for Brazilian population: rationale and application in the Brazilian National Dietary Survey. Appetite. 2017;111:12-22.

For the present study, adolescents aged 10-19 years, with complete data (dietary, socioeconomic, anthropometric, and demographic data), not pregnant or lactating were considered eligible (n = 7276).

This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the School of Public Health, University of São Paulo (Protocol No. 2258/2011), and conducted in accordance with the Federal Law number 5534 which ensures the confidentiality of the information gathered by all Brazilian census and surveys.

Socioeconomic, demographic, and anthropometric data

Individuals' information on age, gender, geographic region (North, Northeast, Southeast, South, Midwest), household area (urban/rural), and income was collected by a structured questionnaire administered by trained interviewers in the households.

Body weight and height were measured in triplicate using digital scales and portable wall-mounted stadiometers following standardized procedures and their means were recorded. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated dividing weight by height squared (kg/m2).

Body weight status was defined according to the BMI-for-age classification curves for children and adolescents proposed by the WHO (2007) and applied by Brazilian Ministry of Health.1818 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Departamento de Atenção Básica. Orientações para a coleta e análise de dados antropométricos em serviços de saúde: Norma Técnica do Sistema de Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional - SISVAN/Ministério da Saúde, Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Departamento de Atenção Básica. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2011. The BMI cut-offs used for adolescents were <3rd percentile (underweight), ≥3rd and <85th percentile (normal weight), ≥85th and ≤97th percentile (overweight), and >97th percentile (obese).

Dietary data collection

Dietary data were collected by two non-consecutive 24-h food records completed by each individual in the household, in which 85% were completed on weekdays and 15% on weekends. Respondents were instructed to register all consumed foods and beverages in household measures and to report the time and place of eating occasions and cooking methods. Manuals with instructions and photos of household measures were provided to individuals to facilitate the estimation of portions. After completion of the food records, interviewers returned to the households for quality control. Dietary data were entered into software developed by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística [IBGE]). A food composition database was developed based on compiled dietary data mainly from the Brazilian Food Composition Tables (Tabela Brasileira de Composição de Alimentos [TACO], version 2.2) and the database from Nutrition Data System for Research (NDS-R, version 8.0, MN, USA) to determine the nutritional value of each food and beverage recorded.

Breakfast definition

Since individuals did not register meal names in BNDS, the definition of breakfast was based on the typical period of time of the first daily eating occasion for the majority of Brazilians. Participants reported the time of their eating occasion rounded to the previous hour. So, if an individual ate at 8:34 a.m. they recorded this eating occasion as occurring at 8:00 a.m. Therefore, eating occasions were grouped into 1-h blocks. An eating occasion was defined as an episode of food and/or beverage consumption that occurred during a 1-h time period. In BNDS, the first eating occasion reported by the majority of individuals (96%) occurred between 6:00 and 9:59 a.m. Therefore, it was considered the breakfast meal.

Adolescents who had the first eating occasion between 6:00 and 9:59 a.m. on both dietary assessment days were considered breakfast consumers, while those who had breakfast in only one day were considered occasional consumers. Adolescents who did not report any food or beverage (excluding water) on both days between 6:00 and 9:59 a.m. were considered breakfast skippers.

Statistical analyses

Descriptive analysis of mean, percentage and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were performed using Stata® software (StataCorp., 2011, Stata Statistical Software: version 12, College Station, TX, USA) considering the complex sampling design. The differences of means of dietary intakes according to breakfast consumption status were tested through F-tests of regression analysis. Differences of socioeconomic, demographic, and anthropometric variables were evaluated through Pearson's chi-squared test with the Rao and Scott second-order correction. All statistical tests considered the significance level of 5% and accounted for the sampling design.

The percentage of consumption and daily mean intake of food groups were estimated for breakfast consumers, occasional consumers, and skippers, besides daily energy and nutrients intakes. The daily amounts of food, energy and nutrients intake were adjusted by sex, age, income, body weight status, geographic region, and household area.

The mean intake of the 15 most frequently consumed food groups and the absolute amounts of energy and nutrients provided by breakfast were estimated with adjustments for the same variables aforementioned. Furthermore, the relative contribution of breakfast to total daily consumption of energy and nutrients was calculated.


Among Brazilian adolescents, 5902 (81%) were breakfast consumers, 882 were occasional consumers (12%), and 492 (7%) were breakfast skippers. About 66% of breakfast consumers and occasional consumers had the meal between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. No differences were observed between breakfast consumers, occasional consumers, and skippers regarding sex and body weight status (Table 1). Breakfast consumption was significantly associated with age, income, geographic region, and household area (p < 0.05). The percentage of adolescents who consumed breakfast on both dietary assessment days was larger among younger adolescent (10-14 years), those who belonged to lower income families (≤1 per capita minimum wage/month), and in rural dwellers and adolescents from North and Northeast regions (Table 1).

Table 1
Characteristics and daily energy and nutrient intakes of Brazilian adolescents according to categories of breakfast consumption, Household Brazilian Budgets, 2008-2009.

Table 1 shows the mean daily energy and nutrients intake by breakfast consumption status. Mean intakes of total energy, total and added sugar, and calcium were higher among occasional consumers and skippers; in turn, for vitamins B12, C and D, the means were higher in breakfast consumers.

Table 2 shows the percentage of consumers and daily mean intake of food groups according to breakfast consumption status. The percentage of consumers and daily intakes of coffee without milk, typical Brazilian cereals dishes, cereals and grain products, fruits, meats, and soups were higher among breakfast consumers (p < 0.05). However, the percentage of consumers and daily intakes of hot dogs and sandwiches, pizza, salty goods, and soda pops were higher among breakfast skippers (p < 0.05). The percentage of consumers of coffee with milk, white bread, refined grain cookies and crackers, and butter/margarine was higher among breakfast consumers, while the percentage of consumers of processed meats was higher among breakfast skippers. Breakfast consumers had higher mean daily intakes of porridge with milk, eggs, sugar and honey, and mixed dishes, while occasional breakfast consumers and skippers had lower mean daily intakes of juices, tea, milk, yogurt, cheese, milk drinks, soy milk, cake and sweet pies, refined grain products, mayonnaise/ketchup/mustard, roots and tubers, vegetables, cold cuts, salty snacks, chocolate powder, and noodles/pasta.

Table 2
Percentage of consumers (%) and adjusted mean daily food group intakesa a Means were adjusted for total energy intake, sex, age group, body weight status, per capita family income, geographic region and household area. (g/day) by breakfast consumers, occasional consumers and skippers aged 10-19 years based on the mean of two-day food records, Brazilian Household Budget Survey, 2008-2009.

The 15 most frequently consumed food groups at breakfast are shown in Table 3. White bread, coffee without milk, butter/margarine, coffee with milk, and whole milk were the most commonly consumed food groups at breakfast. The percentage of consumers and mean intakes at breakfast of coffee without milk, refined grain cookies and crackers, typical Brazilian cereal dishes, and eggs were higher among breakfast consumers. Higher mean intakes at breakfast of whole milk, cheese, cold cuts, chocolate powder, and pizza and salty goods were observed among occasional consumers. Considering cereals, fruit/vegetables, and dairy products as core food groups for breakfast, the consumption of all three food groups was observed in only 5% of breakfast consumers and occasional consumers. About 51% of adolescents reported consuming both cereals and dairy products at breakfast, and 32% reported the consumption of foods from the cereals group only (data not shown).

Table 3
Percentage of consumers (%) and adjusted mean intake of the most frequently consumed food groups at breakfast among adolescents aged 10 to 19 years (n = 6784), Brazilian Household Budget Survey 2008-2009.

The mean nutritional content of breakfast and the relative contribution of this meal to total daily intakes are described in Table 4. On average, adolescents consumed about 310 kcal at breakfast, which contributed to 16% of the total energy intake. The contribution of breakfast to mean daily intakes of public health sensitive nutrients ranged from about 12% for total protein, 20% for total fat, 20-27% for total added sugar, 36-39% for trans fatty acids, and 29% for sodium intakes for breakfast consumers and occasional consumers, respectively. Consumption of fiber at breakfast was 12% of the total daily fiber intake for both breakfast consumers and occasional consumers. Among the micronutrients consumed at breakfast, riboflavin made the highest contribution to total daily intake (32%), followed by vitamin D (about 30%), and sodium (about 29%). Breakfast contributed less than 10% of the daily intake of folate, vitamin C, and iron.

Table 4
Adjusted means of energy and nutrient intakes at breakfast and relative contribution (%) of this meal to total daily intake among adolescents aged 10 to 19 years (n = 6784), Brazilian Household Budget Survey 2008-2009.


This study revealed that the majority of Brazilian adolescents consumed breakfast, especially those aged 10-14 years, rural dwellers, residents in North and Northeast regions, and those who belonged to low-income families.

Breakfast contributed more to total intake of some micronutrients considered of public health concern in Brazil,1919 Veiga GV, Costa RS, Araújo MC, Souza AD, Bezerra IN, Barbosa FD, et al. Inadequate nutrient intake in Brazilian adolescents. Rev Saúde Públ. 2013;47:212s-21s. such as calcium, phosphorus, thiamin, riboflavin, and vitamins A, B6, and D, than to total daily energy intake. However, breakfast contributed less to total daily intakes of fiber and other micronutrients such as iron, zinc, potassium, niacin, folate, and vitamins B12 and C, and about 30% of public health sensitive nutrients such as trans fat and sodium. These results could be partly explained by the fact that the most frequently consumed foods in this meal were mainly from the cereals or dairy products food groups, such as white bread, milk, butter/margarine, and refined cookies and crackers, which were in accordance with the typical Brazilian breakfast described in previous researches.1616 Azeredo CM, de Rezende LF, Canella DS, Moreira Claro R, de Castro IR, Luiz OD, et al. Dietary intake of Brazilian adolescents. Public Health Nutr. 2015;18:1215-24.,2020 Marchioni DM, Gorgulho BM, Teixeira JA, Verly Junior E, Fisberg RM. Prevalência de omissão do café da manhã e seus fatores associados em adolescentes de São Paulo: estudo ISA-Capital. Nutrire. 2015;40:10-20.

It is noteworthy that the most frequently consumed foods by Brazilian adolescents at breakfast are not completely in agreement with the examples of recommended breakfast meals outlined in the Guidelines.1111 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Departamento de Atenção Básica. Guia alimentar para a população brasileira. 2nd ed. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2014. Notably, fresh fruits were consumed at breakfast by 5% of adolescents, and the consumption of cereals, dairy products, and fruits/vegetables at the this meal was observed in only 5% of adolescents evaluated. Another nutrient-dense food group, which was not featured in this meal, was whole grain cereals and dishes, with 3% of adolescents reporting consumption. Considered together, the poor food choices at breakfast are likely contributing to the suboptimal nutrient intakes at this meal (especially iron, zinc, potassium, niacin, folate, and vitamins B12 and C), and may have a negative impact on total daily nutrient intake.44 Matthys C, De Henauw S, Bellemans M, De Maeyer M, De Backer G. Breakfast habits affect overall nutrient profiles in adolescents. Public Health Nutr. 2007;10:413-21.,1919 Veiga GV, Costa RS, Araújo MC, Souza AD, Bezerra IN, Barbosa FD, et al. Inadequate nutrient intake in Brazilian adolescents. Rev Saúde Públ. 2013;47:212s-21s.

In this study, 7% of adolescents were considered breakfast skippers, and this was associated with sociodemographic and economic characteristics. The prevalence of skipping breakfast was higher among older adolescents, those who belonged to higher income families, urban dwellers, and residents of the South, Southeast, and Midwest regions.

Data from previous studies with Brazilian adolescents indicate different rates of breakfast skipping. For example, 38.1% of adolescents (11-14 years) evaluated in the PeNSE survey reported skipping breakfast three or more days per week.1616 Azeredo CM, de Rezende LF, Canella DS, Moreira Claro R, de Castro IR, Luiz OD, et al. Dietary intake of Brazilian adolescents. Public Health Nutr. 2015;18:1215-24. Similarly, the prevalence of breakfast skipping among adolescents aged 12-19 years in the city of São Paulo was 38%.2020 Marchioni DM, Gorgulho BM, Teixeira JA, Verly Junior E, Fisberg RM. Prevalência de omissão do café da manhã e seus fatores associados em adolescentes de São Paulo: estudo ISA-Capital. Nutrire. 2015;40:10-20. In other studies, the prevalence ranged between 16% and 48%.2121 Cayres SU, Júnior IF, Barbosa MF, Christofaro DG, Fernandes RA. Breakfast frequency, adiposity, and cardiovascular risk factors as markers in adolescents. Cardiol Young. 2016;26:244-9.,2222 dos Santos Correa A, Rodrigues PR, Monteiro LS, de Souza RA, Sichieri R, Pereira RA. Beverages characterize the nutritional profile of Brazilian adolescents' breakfast. Nutrire. 2016;41:1-11. This wide variation in the prevalence of breakfast skipping across studies may be due to the methodological differences, such as the dietary assessment tool, the number of days evaluated, and the definition of breakfast skipping.11 Rampersaud G. Benefits of breakfast for children and adolescents: update and recommendations for practitioners. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2009;3:86-103. Furthermore, cultural and socio-economic factors may contribute to genuine differences in breakfast skipping, e.g., habits, food choice and availability, and social or familial environment.11 Rampersaud G. Benefits of breakfast for children and adolescents: update and recommendations for practitioners. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2009;3:86-103.

Previous studies have also identified a direct association of skipping breakfast with older age in youth55 Barr SI, DiFrancesco L, Fulgoni VL. Breakfast consumption is positively associated with nutrient adequacy in Canadian children and adolescents. Br J Nutr. 2014;112:1373-83.,1313 Fayet-Moore F, Kim J, Sritharan N, Petocz P. Impact of breakfast skipping and breakfast choice on the nutrient intake and body mass index of Australian children. Nutrients. 2016;8:487. and with urban environments.2323 Utter J, Scragg R, Mhurchu C, Schaaf D. At-home breakfast consumption among New Zealand children: associations with body mass index and related nutrition behaviors. J Am Diet Assoc. 2007;107:570-6.,2424 Bolton KA, Jacka F, Allender S, Kremer P, Gibbs L, Waters E, et al. The association between self-reported diet quality and health-related quality of life in rural and urban Australian adolescents. Aust J Rural Health. 2016;24:317-25. However, some studies found that adolescents of higher socioeconomic status were less likely to skip breakfast,2323 Utter J, Scragg R, Mhurchu C, Schaaf D. At-home breakfast consumption among New Zealand children: associations with body mass index and related nutrition behaviors. J Am Diet Assoc. 2007;107:570-6. which was not confirmed by the present study, considering that the prevalence of skipping breakfast was lower among low-income Brazilian adolescents. Besides the differences across the methodology of the studies, it is possible that the school setting has contributed to the higher prevalence of breakfast consumption among low-income adolescents, since they are more likely to study in public schools that participate in the PNAE.1212 Brasil. Presidência da República. Casa Civil. Subchefia para Assuntos Jurídicos. Lei Federal n. 11.947, de 16 de junho de 2009. Dispõe sobre o atendimento da alimentação escolar e do Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola aos alunos da educação básica. Brasília (DF): Diário Oficial da União; 2009. Seção 1:2.

Although some findings indicate that girls tend to skip breakfast more often than boys,11 Rampersaud G. Benefits of breakfast for children and adolescents: update and recommendations for practitioners. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2009;3:86-103.,1313 Fayet-Moore F, Kim J, Sritharan N, Petocz P. Impact of breakfast skipping and breakfast choice on the nutrient intake and body mass index of Australian children. Nutrients. 2016;8:487.,2525 Timlin M, Pereira M, Story M, Neumark-Sztainer D. Breakfast eating and weight change in a 5-year prospective analysis of adolescents: project EAT (Eating Among Teens). Pediatrics. 2008;121:e638-45. and obese adolescents skip breakfast more frequently than their normal-weight peers,11 Rampersaud G. Benefits of breakfast for children and adolescents: update and recommendations for practitioners. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2009;3:86-103.,33 Blondin SA, Anzman-Frasca S, Djang HC, Economos CD. Breakfast consumption and adiposity among children and adolescents: an updated review of the literature. Pediatr Obes. 2016;11:333-48.,1313 Fayet-Moore F, Kim J, Sritharan N, Petocz P. Impact of breakfast skipping and breakfast choice on the nutrient intake and body mass index of Australian children. Nutrients. 2016;8:487.,2525 Timlin M, Pereira M, Story M, Neumark-Sztainer D. Breakfast eating and weight change in a 5-year prospective analysis of adolescents: project EAT (Eating Among Teens). Pediatrics. 2008;121:e638-45. these patterns were not observed in the present study. The current evidence linking breakfast consumption and reduced risk of excess adiposity in youth remains inconclusive, and reinforces the need of additional research about this topic.33 Blondin SA, Anzman-Frasca S, Djang HC, Economos CD. Breakfast consumption and adiposity among children and adolescents: an updated review of the literature. Pediatr Obes. 2016;11:333-48.

There were notable differences in food intakes when comparing breakfast consumers and skippers. Breakfast consumers had higher daily intake and/or frequency of consumption of foods that could be typically eaten at breakfast (coffee, typical Brazilian cereals dishes, cereals and grain products, fruits, meats, white bread, refined grain cookies and crackers, butter/margarine, porridge with milk, eggs, and sugar and honey) while breakfast skippers consumed more fast foods, such as hot dogs, sandwiches, and pizza and salty goods, as well as more soda pop and processed meats, which have been associated with poor health outcomes.2626 Nutrition Evidence Library. A series of systematic reviews on the relationship between dietary patterns and health outcomes. Alexandria, VA: US Department of Agriculture Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion; 2014. This finding suggests that those who skip breakfast may have a lower overall intake of foods recommended in the Dietary Guidelines than breakfast consumers, which is in accordance with previous research conducted in other countries that observed more nutritious daily food choices among those who eat breakfast.11 Rampersaud G. Benefits of breakfast for children and adolescents: update and recommendations for practitioners. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2009;3:86-103.

Regarding total daily nutrient intakes, few differences were observed between breakfast consumers and skippers, and these are likely explained by differences in daily food group intakes. Breakfast consumers had higher daily intake of vitamin B12 (which could be related to higher intakes of meats and eggs), vitamin C (present in fruits), and vitamin D (present in eggs and butter/margarine), but lower daily intake of calcium (present in dairy products). Moreover, breakfast consumers had lower total daily energy and sugar intakes, probably because the daily mean intake of energy and sugar dense foods was lower in comparison to occasional consumers and breakfast skippers. The higher daily calcium intake among occasional breakfast consumers and skippers, however, was an unexpected finding, and may be due to the larger portion sizes of dairy products (especially whole milk) in intermediate meals, such as snacks.

Despite the strengths of the present study, including the use of a large nationally representative survey, some limitations should be acknowledged. Breakfast definition excluded adolescents who ate at nontraditional breakfast times, and did not account for differences in a weekend day from a weekday. However, they represent a small portion of total population, since 0.5% of adolescents evaluated had their first eating occasion before 6 a.m. and 6% after 10 a.m.

Although having illustrative examples of good quality breakfast, the Brazilian Dietary Guidelines do not have structured definitions for nutrients and amounts of foods to be consumed at this meal, which precludes a quantitative analysis of breakfast.1111 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Departamento de Atenção Básica. Guia alimentar para a população brasileira. 2nd ed. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2014. To overcome this limitation, the present study described and compared the consumed food groups, core food groups (cereals, fruit/vegetables, and dairy products), and nutrient intake in the population.

The relative contribution of the breakfast to total nutrient intakes should be interpreted with caution. If the daily intake is low, the contribution of breakfast could be considered high (in percentage of daily intake). This may have occurred for vitamin D, since breakfast contributed to about 30% of the total daily intake, whose mean was only 3.5 mcg/day. The daily intake of this vitamin must be inadequate for a large part of the adolescents, considering that it was quite similar to the mean intake of vitamin D (3.51 mcg/day) of a representative sample of adolescents from São Paulo, Brazil, in whom the prevalence of inadequacy was 99%.2727 Martini LA, Verly R, Marchioni DM, Fisberg RM. Prevalence and correlates of calcium and vitamin D status adequacy in adolescents, adults and elderly from the Health Survey - São Paulo. Nutrition. 2013;29:845-50.

The present findings indicate that although the prevalence of breakfast consumption among Brazilian adolescents was relatively high, the overall nutritional quality of this meal is suboptimal, reinforcing that adolescents and their families should be encouraged to make more nutrient-dense food choices. Improving breakfast quality provides an opportunity to narrow gaps between daily intakes and recommendations for key nutrients of concern in Brazil.

  • Please cite this article as: Pereira JL, Castro MA, Hopkins S, Gugger C, Fisberg RM, Fisberg M. Prevalence of consumption and nutritional content of breakfast meal among adolescents from the Brazilian National Dietary Survey. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2018;94:630-41.
  • Funding
    The analysis was supported by a research grant from Cereal Partners Worldwide (CPW) SA, Switzerland, and the General Mills Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition, Minneapolis, MN, United States. The sponsors of the study did not conduct any of the data analyses and did not influence the content of the manuscript.


The authors would like to thank Jessica Smith, PhD, for the manuscript review.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Nov-Dec 2018


  • Received
    23 Mar 2017
  • Accepted
    21 Aug 2017
  • Published
    6 Nov 2017
Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria Av. Carlos Gomes, 328 cj. 304, CEP: 90480-000 , Tel.: (+55 51) 3108-3328 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil