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Jornal de Pediatria, Volume: 98, Número: 6, Publicado: 2022
  • Global neonatal care and access to human milk Editorial

    Perrin, Maryanne T.; Santos, Bruna Gutierrez dos; Mansen, Kimberly; Israel-Ballard, Kiersten
  • Rhinovirus and COVID-19 in children: a new order out of chaos? Editorial

    Brown, Mark A.
  • Association between exposure to pesticides and allergic diseases in children and adolescents: a systematic review with meta-analysis Review Article

    Rodrigues, Marina de Barros; Carvalho, Denise Siqueira de; Chong-Silva, Débora Carla; Urrutia-Pereira, Marilyn; Albuquerque, Guilherme Souza Cavalcanti de; Cieslak, Fabrício; Chong Neto, Herberto José

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective: The study aimed to conduct a systematic review of the literature to verify the association between exposure to pesticides and allergic diseases (asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis) in children and adolescents. Method: A systematic review and meta-analysis were performed using the PRISMA method with the question “What is the association between exposure to pesticides and allergic diseases in children (asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis)?” MEDLINE, EMBASE, SciELO, and Cochrane electronic databases were searched throughout the period in the literature up to September 2020. A total of 1296 studies were found, and 24 were selected. Results: Exposure to pesticides showed a two-fold greater risk of developing or exacerbating asthma in children and adolescents (odds ratio [OR] = 2.14 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.26-3.64, p < 0.01). There was no association between exposure to pesticides and the development of allergic rhinitis (OR = 2.73, 95% CI 0.13-57.8, p = 0.52) and atopic dermatitis (OR = 2.19, 95% CI 0.51-9.36, p = 0.29). Conclusions: Exposure to pesticides increases the risk of developing or exacerbating asthma in children and adolescents. There was no evidence of an association between exposure to pesticides and the development of allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis in children and adolescents, possibly due to the low number of studies found in this review.
  • Newborns at high risk for brain injury: the role of the amplitude-integrated electroencephalography Review Article

    Variane, Gabriel Fernando Todeschi; Rodrigues, Daniela Pereira; Pietrobom, Rafaela Fabri Rodrigues; França, Carolina Nunes; Netto, Alexandre; Magalhães, Maurício

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective: Amplitude-integrated electroencephalography (aEEG) is a simplified bedside neurophysiology tool that has been implemented in the neonatal intensive care unit and studied in an extensive range of clinical applications in the past decade. This critical review aimed to evaluate a variety of clinical applications of aEEG monitoring in diagnosis, clinical management, and prognosis assessment in critically ill neonates. Sources: The databases of Pubmed, SciELO, Lilacs, and Cochrane, books, and other online resources were consulted, as well as sources of professional experiences. Summary of findings: The clinical use of aEEG to access real-time brain function, background activity, and utility in seizures detection has been described. A critical review was realized considering the authors’ professional experience. Newborns with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and seizures screening represent the most common studied population. However, several studies have shown interesting applications on preterm infants, newborns with congenital heart disease, and other clinical situations of high risk of injury to the developing brain. Conclusion: The aEEG has shown to be a useful non-invasive bedside monitor that aids in evaluating brain function, background activity, and cyclicity. aEEG findings have also demonstrated good prognostic value in a group of critically ill neonates. The aEEG seizure diagnosis capability has limitations, which have been already well established. The use of neonatal brain monitoring such as aEEG was shown to give valuable information in several high-risk clinical situations.
  • The trend of services provided by human milk banks between 2010 and 2019 in Brazil Original Article

    Carrijo, Dannyele Nunes; Santos, Marília Neves; Azevedo, Vivian Mara Gonçalves de Oliveira; Rinaldi, Ana Elisa Madalena

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective: To describe the trend of participation in group and individual support by human milk banks (HMBs) provided between 2010 and 2019 in Brazil. Methods: Ecological study with data from participation in group and individual support provided by the HMBs between 2010 and 2019, available in the production report of the Brazilian Network of Human Milk Banks. The number of participation in group and individual support was expressed for Brazil and for Brazilian macroregions in absolute numbers. Trend analysis was performed from the analysis of index numbers, considering the year 2010 as a reference. It was calculated the ratio of the number of participation in group and individual support by HMBs for each macroregion and year. Results: There was an increase of 42% in participation in group support (300,595 in 2010 vs 425,570 in 2019) and an increase of 69% in individual support (1,157,038 in 2010 vs 1,962,162 in 2019). The North and Northeast macroregions had the highest growth rates in the provision of these services (122 and 131%, respectively), above the national growth rate in the study period. In contrast, the Midwest region showed a downward trend throughout this period, for both types of support. However, in the Midwest, there was a higher ratio of participation in groups by HMBs between 2010 and 2016 and for individual support by HMBs between 2010 and 2012. Conclusion: Individual and group support provided by the HMB as a strategy to support breastfeeding increased considerably in Brazil during the study period, especially in the North and Northeast regions.
  • Rhinovirus as the main co-circulating virus during the COVID-19 pandemic in children Original Article

    Varela, Fernanda Hammes; Sartor, Ivaine Tais Sauthier; Polese-Bonatto, Márcia; Azevedo, Thaís Raupp; Kern, Luciane Beatriz; Fazolo, Tiago; David, Caroline Nespolo de; Zavaglia, Gabriela Oliveira; Fernandes, Ingrid Rodrigues; Krauser, João Ronaldo Mafalda; Stein, Renato T.; Scotta, Marcelo Comerlato

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective: Changes in the epidemiology of respiratory infections during the restrictions imposed as a response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have been reported elsewhere. The present study’s aim was to describe the prevalence of a large array of respiratory pathogens in symptomatic children and adolescents during the pandemic in Southern Brazil. Methods: Hospitalized and outpatients aged 2 months to 18 years with signs and symptoms of acute COVID-19 were prospectively enrolled in the study from May to November 2020 in two hospitals in a large metropolitan area in a Brazilian city. All participants performed a real-time PCR panel assessing 20 respiratory pathogens (three bacteria and 17 viruses). Results: 436 participants were included, with 45 of these hospitalized. Rhinovirus was the most prevalent pathogen (216/436) followed by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, 97/436), with a coinfection of these two viruses occurring in 31/436 participants. The remaining pathogens were found in 24 symptomatic participants (adenovirus, n = 6; Chlamydophila pneumoniae, n = 1; coronavirus NL63, n = 2; human enterovirus, n = 7; human metapneu-movirus, n = 2; Mycoplasma pneumoniae, n = 6). Hospitalization was more common among infants (p = 0.004) and those with pathogens other than SARS-CoV-2 (p = 0.001). Conclusion: During the period of social distancing in response to COVID-19, the prevalence of most respiratory pathogens was unusually low. Rhinovirus remained as the main virus co-circulating with SARS-CoV-2. COVID-19 in symptomatic children was less associated with hospitalization than with other respiratory infections in children and adolescents.
  • Teleconsultation for pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus during the COVID-19 pandemic: experience of a university hospital in Brazil Original Article

    Santana, Yasmin Eugênia; Liberatore Junior, Raphael Del Roio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective: Evaluate the impact of teleconsultation on glycemic control and prevention of acute complications related to diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents treated in a reference hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Method: Descriptive study of data from pediatric diabetic patients who received teleconsultation between April and September 2020. Results: During this period, 143 diabetic patients were evaluated, with a median of 3.4 teleconsultations per patient in the studied period, requiring adjustment of insulin doses in 84.6% of cases. The hospital admission rate was 8,4% due to diabetic decompensation. The metabolic control (HbA1c) became worse in 46% of the sample and improved in 37%. Conclusion: The teleconsultation promoted health care for patients with diabetes mellitus during the COVID-19 pandemic but was not able to guarantee adequate glycemic control.
  • Normative values for handgrip strength in Colombian children and adolescents from 6 to 17 years of age: estimation using quantile regression Original Article

    Martínez-Torres, Javier; Gallo-Villegas, Jaime Alberto; Aguirre-Acevedo, Daniel Camilo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective: The objective of this study is twofold: i) to estimate the normative values for handgrip strength and relative handgrip strength, specific to sex and age, for Colombian children and adolescents from 6 to 17 years of age using quantile regression models and ii) to compare the normative values for handgrip strength and relative handgrip strength in Colombian children and adolescents with those in children and adolescents in different countries. Method: This was a cross-sectional analysis of a sample of 2647 youngsters. Handgrip strength was evaluated with a TKK 5101 digital dynamometer (Takei Scientific Instruments Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). The relative handgrip strength was estimated according to weight in kilograms. The normative values were estimated to handgrip strength and relative handgrip strength through quantile regression models for the percentiles P5, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90, and P95 developed independently for each sex. All analyses were adjusted for the expansion factor. Results: The values for handgrip strength were considerably higher in males than in females in all age ranges. Additionally, as age increased for both sexes, the values for handgrip strength increased. The percentiles by sex and age for relative handgrip strength show for males a proportional increase according to age; for females, this did not occur. Conclusions: When making comparisons with international studies, variability is observed in the methodologies used to evaluate handgrip strength and estimation methods, which could influence the discrepancies between the different reports.
  • ERICA: prevalence of fish consumption and its association with cardiovascular risk factors and healthy behavior in Brazilian adolescents Original Article

    Takey, Márcia; Giannini, Denise Tavares; Kuschnir, Maria Cristina Caetano

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective: To describe the prevalence of fish consumption and its association with cardiovascular risk factors and healthy behavior in Brazilian adolescents. Method: The authors investigated data from 71,533 participants of the Study of Cardiovascular Risk in Adolescents (Estudo de Riscos Cardiovasculares em Adolescentes - ERICA), a nationwide, cross-sectional, school-based study. Of these, 37,815 adolescents were included for blood analyses. All prevalence estimates were presented proportionally with their 95% confidence intervals. Bivariate relationships were evaluated with Pearson’s Chi-square test, and a multinomial logistic regression model was applied, considering p < 0.05. Results: Prevalence of fish consumption in the 7 days prior to the interview was 28.6% (95%CI 26.9-30.3), significantly higher among male adolescents (p = 0.0049), Asian descendants (p = 0.0270), private and rural school students (p < 0.001), and who resided in the Northern region (p < 0.001). A positive association between fish consumption and healthy behavior (breakfast consumption: OR=1.16; 95%CI 1.10-1.22; meals with family members: lunch: OR=1.07; 95%CI 1.01-1.13; dinner: OR=1.13; 95%CI 1.04-1.23; physical activity: OR=1.14; 95%CI 1.02-1.28) and an inverse association with hypertriglyceridemia (OR = 0.84; 95%CI 0.73-0.98) remained significant even after adjustment for possible confounding factors. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that fish consumption was associated with lower cardiovascular risk and may represent a marker of a healthy lifestyle in Brazilian adolescents.
  • Development of a prognostic model for pediatric acute liver failure in a Brazilian center Original Article

    Colleti Junior, José; Tannuri, Ana Cristina Aoun; Tannuri, Uenis; Delgado, Artur Figueiredo; Carvalho, Werther Brunow de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective: Pediatric acute liver failure (PALF) is a heterogeneous, rare, and severe condition, which outcome is survival due to liver spontaneous recovery or death. The patients who do not recover may be allocated to liver transplantation, which is the standard treatment. This study aimed to build a prognostic model to support the clinical decision to indicate liver transplantation for patients with PALF in a Brazilian center. Methods: The authors retrospectively analyzed the clinical variables of 120 patients in the liver transplantation program of the 'Children's Institute of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. The authors conducted a univariate analysis of variables associated with survival in PALF. Logistic multivariate analysis was performed to find a prognostic model for the outcome of patients with pediatric acute liver failure. Results: Risk factors were analyzed using univariate analysis. Two prognostic models were built using multiple logistic regression, which resulted in 2 models: model 1(INR/ALT) and model 2 (INR/Total bilirubin). Both models showed a high sensitivity (97.9%/96.9%), good positive predictive value (89.5%/90.4%), and accuracy (88.4%/88.5%), respectively. The receiver operating characteristic was calculated for both models, and the area under the curve was 0.87 for model 1 and 0.88 for model 2. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test showed that model 1 was good. Conclusion: The authors built a prognostic model for PALF using INR and ALT that can contribute to the clinical decision to allocate patients to liver transplantation.
  • Epidemiology and outcomes of septic shock in children with complex chronic conditions in a developing country PICU Original Article

    Rech, Leandra; Sousa, Ian Teixeira e; Tonial, Cristian Tedesco; Piva, Jefferson Pedro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective: To investigate the role of Complex Chronic Conditions (CCCs) on the outcomes of pediatric patients with refractory septic shock, as well as the accuracy of PELOD-2 and Vasoactive Inotropic Score (VIS) to predict mortality in this specific population. Methods: This is a single-center, retrospective cohort study. All patients diagnosed with septic shock requiring vasoactive drugs admitted to a 13-bed PICU in southern Brazil, between January 2016 and July 2018, were included. Clinical and demographic characteristics, presence of CCCs and VIS, and PELOD-2 scores were accessed by reviewing electronic medical records. The main outcome was considered PICU mortality. Results: 218 patients with septic shock requiring vasoactive drugs were identified in the 30-month period and 72% of them had at least one CCC. Overall mortality was 22%. Comparing to patients without previous comorbidities, those with CCCs had a higher mortality (26.7% vs 9.8%; OR = 3.4 [1.3–8.4]) and longer hospital length of stay (29.3 vs 14.8; OR 2.39 [1.1–5.3]). Among the subgroups of CCCs, “Malignancy” was particularly associated with mortality (OR = 2.3 [1.0–5.1]). VIS and PELOD-2 scores in 24 and 48 hours were associated with mortality and a PELOD-2 in 48 hours > 8 had the best performance in predicting mortality in patients with CCC (AUROC = 0.89). Conclusion: Patients with CCCs accounted for the majority of those admitted to the PICU with septic shock and related to poor outcomes. The high prevalence of hospitalizations, use of resources, and significant mortality determine that patients with CCCs should be considered a priority in the healthcare system.
  • Pleural tuberculosis: experiences from two centers in Brazil Original Article

    Lunelli, Magda; Ferreira, Isabel Cristina Schütz; Sarmento, Muriel Bossle; Chakr, Valentina Coutinho Baldoto Gava; Fischer, Gilberto Bueno

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective: This study aimed to describe the clinical and laboratory findings of patients diagnosed with pleural tuberculosis at two hospitals in southern Brazil. Methods: Patients aged < 18 years were evaluated retrospectively. The patients’ medical and epidemiological history, tuberculin skin test results, radiological and pathological findings, and pleural fluid analysis results were retrieved. Results: Ninety-two patients with pleural tuberculosis were identified. The mean age was 10.9 years old. Twenty-one percent were children aged six years or less. The most common symptoms were fever (88%), cough (72%), and chest pain (70%). Unilateral pleural effusion was observed in 96% of the cases. Lymphocyte predominance was found in 90% of the pleural fluid samples. The adenosine deaminase activity of the pleural fluid was greater than 40 U/L in 85% of patients. A diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia with antibiotic prescriptions was observed in 76% of the study population. Conclusions: Tuberculosis etiology must be considered in unilateral pleural effusion in a child with contact with a case of tuberculosis. Pleural fluid biomarkers contribute to the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis in children and adolescents.
  • Mortality in children under five years old in Brazil: evolution from 2017 to 2020 and the influence of COVID-19 in 2020 Original Article

    Moura, Erly C.; Cortez-Escalante, Juan; Lima, Rodrigo T.S.; Cavalcante, Fabrício V.; Alves, Layana C.; Santos, Leonor M.P.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective: To analyse the mortality trends in children under five years old in Brazil from 2017 to 2020 and the influence of COVID-19 in 2020. Methods: A retrospective study employing secondary data from the Brazilian Mortality Information System. Deaths according to cause were extracted and disaggregated into early, late, post-neonatal, and 1 to 4-year-old periods. Corrected mortality rates per 1, 000 live births and relative risk ratio for the cause of death were calculated. Results: There were 34, 070 deaths, being 417 (1.2%) from COVID-19 in 2020. COVID-19 mortality was 0.17 per 1000 live births, reaching 0.006 in the early neonatal period, 0.007 in the late neonatal, 0.09 in the postneonatal, and 0.06 in 1 to 4-year-old. Mortality decreased mostly for some diseases that originated in the perinatal period, congenital anomalies, diseases of the respiratory system and external causes, in this order. In 2020, the highest rate was in the early neonatal period, with a fall from 7.2 to 6.5, followed by the postneonatal (3.9 to 3.4) and late neonatal (2.3 to 2.1). Among children aged 1 to 4-year-old, external causes had the highest proportional rate, and diseases of the respiratory system showed the highest decline. Conclusion: The mortality rate declined from 2017 to 2020, and this variation was higher in the early neonatal period. The risk of death from COVID-19 was 14 times higher in the postneonatal period and 10 times higher in children aged 1 to 4 year-old compared to the early neonatal period.
  • Clinical effects of oral motor intervention combined with non-nutritive sucking on oral feeding in preterm infants with dysphagia Original Article

    Li, Li; Liu, Li; Chen, Fang; Huang, Li

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective: To explore the effectiveness of oral motor intervention combined with non-nutritive sucking in treating premature infants with dysphagia. Methods: Sixty preterm infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of the present study’s hospital were selected and randomly divided into the control and intervention groups. The control group was given non-nutritive sucking intervention alone, while the intervention group was given oral motor intervention combined with non-nutritive sucking. The oral motor ability, milk sucking amount and sucking rate, feeding efficiency and outcomes, and the occurrence of adverse reactions were measured and compared. Results: Compared to first-day interventions, preterm infant oral feeding readiness assessment scale-Chinese version (PIOFRAS-CV) scores of the two groups significantly increased after 14 days of intervention, and this score was higher in the intervention group compared to the control group. Similarly, after 14 days of intervention, the intervention group's milk sucking rate and amount were significantly higher than the control group. Also, after the intervention, the intervention group's total oral feeding weeks were considerably lower, while the feeding efficiency and body weight were significantly higher than the control group. Moreover, the overall adverse reaction rate in the intervention group was lower than that in the control group. Conclusions: Oral motor intervention combined with non-nutritive sucking can significantly improve the oral motor ability of premature newborns, promote the process of oral feeding, improve the outcome of oral feeding, and reduce the occurrence of adverse effects. The combined intervention seems to have a beneficial effect on oral feeding proficiency in preterm infants.
  • Parenting practices during early childhood: validity evidence of a Brazilian scale Original Article

    Rodrigues, Olga Maria Piazentin Rolim; Altafim, Elisa Rachel Pisani; Pereira, Veronica Aparecida; Nogueira, Sária Cristina; Schiavo, Rafaela de Almeida

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective: The present study aims to analyze the validity of evidence and internal consistency of an inventory for assessing parenting practices during early childhood. Method: Participants were 857 mothers of one-to-42-months children recruited in three cities in the Southeast region and one city in the Midwest region of Brazil. The participants answered a sociodemographic questionnaire with maternal and child data, and the Parenting Styles Inventory for Mothers of Babies (IEPMB). The IEPMB includes 25 questions about positive and negative parenting practices that mothers use to raise their children. An exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted using the following criteria to indicate adequate model fit: root-mean-square error of approximation (RMSEA) < .08; standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) < .09; comparative fit index (CFI) > 0.90. For the hypothesis-testing method, a comparison between groups using a student's t-test based on the child's age (infants vs. toddlers) and mother's age (adolescents vs. adults) was carried out. Results: The final 11 items model of the measure revealed an adequate overall model fit (RMSEA = 0.04; SRMR = 0.04; CFI = 0.94). The items were grouped into three constructs: Aggressiveness and Emotional Dysregulation, Relaxed Discipline, and Positive Monitoring. Adolescent mothers reported less positive monitoring than adult mothers (p < 0.001). Mothers of toddlers reported more aggressiveness/emotional dysregulation (p < 0.001) and relaxed discipline (p = 0.05) than mothers of infants. Conclusions: The instrument named from this study as the Parenting Practices Inventory for Mothers of Babies showed evidence for measuring mothers’ parenting practices in early childhood and allows the identification of parents who need support.
  • Predictors of extubation outcomes among extremely and very preterm infants: a retrospective cohort study Original Article

    He, Fang; Wu, Dehua; Sun, Yi; Lin, Yan; Wen, Xiulan; Cheng, Andy S.K.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Objective: To explore the clinical or sociodemographic predictors for both successful and failed extubation among Chinese extremely and very preterm infants Methods: A retrospective cohort study was carried out among extremely and very preterm infants born at less than 32 weeks of gestational age (GA). Results: Compared with the infants who experienced extubation failure, the successful infants had higher birth weight (OR 0.997; CI 0.996-0.998), higher GA (OR 0.582; 95% CI 0.499-0.678), a caesarean section delivery (OR 0.598; 95% CI 0.380-0.939), a higher five-minute Apgar score (OR 0.501; 95% CI 0.257-0.977), and a higher pH prior to extubation (OR 0.008; 95% CI 0.001-0.058). Failed extubation was associated with older mothers (OR 1.055; 95% CI 1.013-1.099), infants intubated in the delivery room (OR 2.820; 95% CI 1.742-4.563), a higher fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) prior to extubation (OR 5.246; 95% CI 2.540-10.835), higher partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) prior to extubation (OR 7.820; 95% CI 3.725-16.420), and higher amounts of lactic acid (OR 1.478;95% CI1.063-2.056). Conclusions: Higher GA, higher pre-extubation pH, lower pre-extubation FiO2 and PCO, and lower age at extubation are significant predictors of successful extubation among extremely and very preterm infants.
Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria Av. Carlos Gomes, 328 cj. 304, CEP: 90480-000 , Tel.: (+55 51) 3108-3328 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil