For the footwear industry, Sobral, in Ceará, stands out as the most expressive productive territory, a fact that is justified by the location of Grendene's production units. This article sought to analyze the general aspects of territorial interactions in the production of footwear by Grendene-Sobral based on the spatial circuits of production. In order to carry out this demand, the methodological procedures consisted of: a) literature review based on authors specialized in the subject; b) documentary and statistical survey and c) field research. Through the research, it was found, among other results, that Sobral receives all orders and determinations of production, characterizing itself as a territory used for production itself. Therefore, the product is designed in the South, produced in Sobral and distributed to the national and global consumer market, which explains the multi-scalarity of inputs, the organization of the production process and the multi-scalarity of distribution and consumption of the company's footwear production.
Keywords: Footwear industry; Spatial circuit of production; Sobral; Grendene