Basic Information
OBJECTIVE: MERCATOR is a privileged space for divulgation of scientific works resultant of dense research (from masters, doctorates and similars) addressing prominent issues to the academic society, natural and social sciences. AREAS OF INTEREST: MERCATOR seeks to contribute in the dissemination of reflexions about current topics related to the field of geography, such as: environmental issues, modernization of the countryside, use and conservation of natural resources, urban issues and metropolization processes, nature’s dynamic, social movements in the countryside and cities, tourism and coastal transformation, regional issues, geoprocessing, globalization and development. HISTORY: MERCATOR, the Journal of Geography of the Federal University of Ceará, associated to the Post-graduation in Geography, aims to strengthen the channel of scientific dissemination in Brazilian Geography. The print version was created in 2002 and in 2008 it was consolidated as an online journal, adopting a database made available by the IBICT (SEER / OJS) in order to broaden access to its public and facilitate the procedures for the referral and analysis of the papers submitted. Online access broadens the Journal's scope of action, allowing free access to scientific output, both in the back issues (printed versions of the magazine available in PDF) and the recent online-only issues. May MERCATOR continue to instigate reflections and analyzes, as evoked by its name, a homage to the great geographer who reformulated Geography in the sixteenth century. PERIODICITY: Continuous publication, one volume per year Its abbreviated title is MERCATOR (Fortaleza), which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips. |
Indexed in
Intellectual Property
Associate Editors
Editorial comission
Scope and Policy
Scope MERCATOR seeks to contribute to the dissemination of reflections on current issues related to geography, such as: environmental issues, modernization in the field, the use and conservation of natural resources, urban issues and the processes of metropolization, natural dynamics, social movements in the field and in the city, tourism and coastal transformation, regional problems, geoprocessing, globalization and development. Review Process The double-blind evaluation process is the one implemented on MERCATOR. To ensure the integrity of the double-blind evaluation, the authors, as well as reviewers, must take all possible measures to not reveal their identities in the evaluation process. This requires that authors, editors and reviwers (liable to send documents to the system, as part of the review process) take some precautions with the text and the properties of the document.
In accordance to the method in focus, each article presented to the journal for publishing, will be evaluated by at least two scientific advisors, or if the thematic imposes the participation of ad hoc consultants (external evaluators), upon which the Editorial Board will accept, reject or even request changes.
In case of conflicting opinions, it will be referred to a third appraiser or external evaluator who shall resolve the doubts about the property or impropriety of the publication of the article, taking into account only its academic quality. I. The title of the article is appropriate and represents the smallest summary of its contents? II. Suitable summaries describe the objective, indicate theoretical referential, methods, main results and conclusions? III. Content evaluation:
After evaluation of the terms above the manuscript will receive, based on the assessments, the following recommendations: accept, mandatory corrections, resubmit for review, send to another journal or reject. The editor will inform each of the writers on the state of the manuscript and, if accepted and having fulfilled the requests made by the reviewers and the editors, initiate the process of publishing the work aiming to publish it on the platform. In the meantime it becomes essential the involvement of the author in meeting the demands related to the formatting of the article, with greater emphasis related to the graphical quality of the material related to additional documents (pictures, tables and graphs). In order to improve the quality of the graphic elements and clarity of figures, our responsible for the layout of the journal will thoroughly evaluate the documents and can suggest changes, additions, complements, reformatting and deleting material not suited to the demands of MERCATOR. Failure to meet the demands will justify the archiving of the submission on our platform. Repository and Distribution Policy Authors are authorized to sign additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (e.g., publish in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal. Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their personal page) at any point before or during the editorial process, as this can generate productive changes as well as increase the impact and citation of the published work (see The Effect of Free Access). Archiving Policy Open Journal Systems supports the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure a secure and permanent archive for the journal. LOCKSS is open source software developed at Stanford University Library that enables libraries to preserve selected web journals by regularly polling registered journal websites for newly published content and archiving it. Each archive is continually validated against other library caches, and if content is found to be corrupted or lost, the other caches or the journal is used to restore it. The Adoption of Keywords In order to ensure the optimal placement of the submitted article and to facilitate research with the new tools, special attention should be given when indicating the keywords in topic 3.4 (Submission Indexing), with a selection that is representative of the content of the work. Copyright Notice Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:
Average time between Submission and Publication 12 weeks Publication Fees MERCATOR does not charge for submission processing, nor does it charge for the review, publishing, distribution or download processes. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
The journal will classify the contributions in accordance with the following sections: a) Technical and Scientific Articles: texts containing full accounts of completed studies or researches at least at the master level. b) Translations of works relevant to the geographical science. At the discretion of the Editorial Board, relevant articles and classical works of national and international diffusion may be published, in accordance with the rules of copyright.
PRE-CONDITIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF PAPERS The works submitted to MERCATOR must be unpublished and original. The express content is the role responsibility of the author, evading the journal of any responsibility. Concomitant submission of the work in other publication vehicles is not allowed.
PRESENTATION OF WORKS The original must contain the title of the article (in Portuguese and English), author's full name, title, institution to which is linked, mailing address, telephone and fax contact and e-mail. Manuscripts will be accepted in the following languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish and French. Title of the article: The title, in Portuguese and English, must be brief and sufficiently specific and descriptive, containing the keywords that represent the content of the article. Abstract: Must be included an informative abstract of approximately 200 words in Portuguese, accompanied by a translation in English, Spanish or French, written according to the standards of ISO 6028, from the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). Keywords: 3 to 5 keywords must be included, chosen for their representativeness of the manuscript's content. It is recommended to use descriptors belonging to bases relevant to the content. Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement for support received for the preparation of the work must be mentioned at the end of the article. Notes: note to the article body should be indicated with a high number immediately after the sentence related. Should come at the end of the text. Contribution Statement: The roles of each of the authors of the manuscript must be listed after the notes according to the CRediT Taxonomy. Graphic materials: sharp photographs and graphics (strictly indispensable to clarity of text) can be accepted as long as in the jpg format, colored version and a minimum resolution of 300 dpi's. Should be indicated in the text, by an item number, the places where they should be inserted. If the illustrations submitted have already been published, mention the source. Their inclusion in the platform should be performed on individual files, keeping the above specifications. Tables and charts: tables and charts should be accompanied by header in order to understand the meaning of the data gathered, without the need of reference to the text, following the current rules of tabular presentation from the IBGE Foundation. They must also have its own sequential numbering for each type and their locations should be marked in the text, indicating the number of its order.
ABOUT THE NORMALIZATION OF ARTICLES Articles should be submitted to the ABNT normalization, namely: NBR-10520 (Information and documentation - quotes in documents - presentation) and NBR-6023 (Information and documentation - references - elaboration) from August 2002.
NBR-10520 GENERAL RULES OF PRESENTATION In quotations, calls to the author's surname, the responsible institution or title included in the sentence must be uppercase and lowercase letters, and when they are in parentheses, should be capitalized. Examples: Irony would thus an implicit form of heterogeneity shown, as proposed by Authier-Reiriz (1982) classification. "Despite appearances, the deconstruction of logocentrism is not a psychoanalysis of philosophy [...]" (DERRIDA, 1967, p.293). Specify in the text the page(s), volume(s), tome(s) or section(s) of the source consulted, in direct quotations. These must follow the date separately and preceded by a comma with the term that is characterized in abbreviated form. In indirect quotations, indicating the page(s) consulted is optional. Examples: The lithium production begins at Searles Lake, California, in 1928 (MUMFORD, 1949, v.3, p.583) .Oliveira and Leonardos (1943, p.146) says that "[...] are the relative number Roque with small porphyroid granite is very clear. "Meyer part of a passage from the chronicle of "May 14" by The Week: "There was sun, sun and large, that Sunday in 1888, when the Senate voted a law that sanctioned the ruling [...]" (ASSIS, 1994, v.3, p.583). Direct quotations in the text, up to three lines, must be enclosed in double quotes. Single quotes are used to indicate quotations within a quotation. Examples: Barbour (1971, p.35) describes: "The study of the morphology of the land [...] assets [...]." "Do not move, pretend you're dead." (Clarac; BONNIN, 1985, p.72) .According Sá (1995, p.27): "[...] by the same 'art of conversation' that covers so extensive and important part of our daily existence [...]" Direct quotations in the text, with more than three lines, should be highlighted with indenting 4 cm from the left margin, with font shorter than the text used and without quotes. Examples: A teleconference allows individuals to participate in a national or regional meeting without leaving their place of origin. Common types of teleconferencing include the use of television, telephone, and computer. Through audio conferencing, using the local telephone company, an audio signal can be output in a hall of any size. (NICHOLS, 1993, p. 181).
Citations should be indicated in the text by a calling system: [...] author-date. Examples: In Open Theatre (1963) it is reported the emergence of the theater of the absurd. According to Mitchell (1955, p.32) states "[...] the presence of concretions of bauxite in Rio Cricon." Quotes from various documents of the same author, published in the same year are distinguished by adding lower case letters in alphabetical order, after the date and without spaces, according to the list of references. Examples: According Reeside (1927a) (REESIDE, 1927b). Indirect quotes from various authors of various documents mentioned simultaneously, must be separated by semi-colons, in alphabetical order. Examples: It polarizes and forwards, in the form of "class action", the needs of all (FONSECA, 19997; Paiva, 1997; Silva, 1997) Several authors stress the importance of the "triggering event" at the beginning of a learning process (CROSS, 1984; KNOX, 1986; MEZIROW, 1991).
NBR 6023
GENERAL RULES OF PRESENTATION The typeface feature bold is used to emphasize the title element.
REFERENCE MODELS Book: GOMES, L. G. F. F. Novela e sociedade no Brasil. Niterói: EdUFF, 1988. 137p. Book Chapter: ROMANO, Giovanni. Imagens da Juventude na era moderna.In: LEVI, G.; SCHMIDT, J. (Org.) História dos jovens 2. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1996. p. 7-16. Dictionary: HOUAISS, Antônio (Ed.). Novo dicionário Folha Webster´s: inglês/português, português/inglês. Co-editor Ismal Cardim. São Paulo: Folha da Manhã, 1996. Guide: BRASIL: roteiros turísticos. São Paulo: Folha da Manhã, 1995. 319p. Manual: SÃO PAULO (Estado). Secretaria do Meio Ambiente. Coordenadoria de Planejamento Ambiental. Estudo de Impacto Ambiental - EIA, Relatório de Impacto Ambiental - RIMA: manula de orientação. São Paulo, 1989. 48p. Catalog: MUSEU DA IMIGRAÇÃO (São Paulo, SP). Museu da Imigração - S. Paulo: catálogo. São Paulo, 1997, 16p. Almanac: TORELLY, M. Almanaque para 1949: primeiro semestre ou Almanaque d’A Manhã. Ed. fac-sim. São Paulo: Studioma: Arquivo do Estado, 1991. Periodic:
MANSILLA, H. C. F. La controversia entre universalismo y particularismo en la filosofia de la cultura. Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia, Buenos Aires, v.24, n. 2, primavera 1988. Thesis or dissertation: ARAÚJO, U. A. M. Máscaras inteiriças Tukúna: possibilidades de estudo de artefatos de museu para conhecimento do universo indígena. 1985. 102f. Dissertation (Master in Social Cience) - Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo, São Paulo, 1986.
CHECKLIST FOR SUBMISSION As part of the submission process, authors are required to check the conformity of the submission in respect of all the items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the standards will be returned to the authors.
MERCATOR follows the recommendations outlined in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and the principles described in Core practice, which intend to prevent plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification, and data fabrication resulting from ethics violations. This scientific misconduct produces works based on the presentation of false data, the manipulation of data, procedures, and results, as well as the misappropriation of ideas from third parties without the appropriate acknowledgment. The following are indicated to implement action to inhibit such conduct: 1. COPE best practices and guidance should be consulted and followed; 2. Procedures should be adopted to ensure compliance with the criteria, specifically the use of software and/or plagiarism detection mechanisms. The results generated by these processes shall support the decisions made by editors and the editorial board on whether to proceed with a peer review and, consequently, whether or not to initiate the submission evaluation process. The article's final approval is the sole responsibility of the editors and the editorial board, and rejection can occur both before and after publication. In the latter case, the article will be retracted or removed together with an explanatory note. MERCATOR's adherence to this policy promotes ethics and integrity in scientific practice, based on impersonality, transparency, and confidentiality and also the preservation of the rights of the authors, reviewers, and institutions involved in the publication of the magazine. Concerns about breach of ethics or existence of malpractice regarding works published by MERCATOR should be sent to our editorial team at After research and deliberation, one of our editors will report our findings and planned course of action, if any is in fact needed. Under no circumstances the MERCATOR editorial team will incite or abide by infractions of ethics, as informed above. Strict measures are taken by the editors during the editorial process to identify potential breaches, including, but not limited to: plagiarism, citation manipulation and fabrication of research data. Combating Plagiarism As a policy to strengthen editorial ethics and combat plagiarism, MERCATOR performs content similarity verification of submitted manuscripts, using the anti-plagiarism software CopySpider. This verification is done both during the initial submission and during the review of new versions. Before any decision is finalized, the authors will be consulted and made aware of the situation. Submission Retraction, Removal, and Correction Submissions may be retracted, removed or corrected when deemed necessary by the Editorial Team. Minor modifications such as the correction of spelling or grammatical errors will not be notified, while major corrections will be marked in the submissions page. Retracted submissions will not be hidden, but will have a warning in its page informing readers of the retractions. Removed submissions will no longer be available after removal. Conflict of Interests Authors must disclose any and all conflicts of interests that arose during the submission development. Open Science Policy To adapt to the values of open science, MERCATOR publicly presents the name of the editors responsible for each published manuscript, in each of its distribution formats. Preprint Servers Manuscripts may be submitted to preprint servers before or in parallel with submission to MERCATOR. Such manuscripts must have a location with a link. Such manuscripts will undergo a blind evaluation, where the reviwers are aware of the authors' identity. Preprint servers accepted by MERCATOR are: SciELO Preprints, OSFPreprints and Advance. |