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participation of the Atlantic polar mass in the dynamics of the atmospheric systems in Brazil’s South Center


This article is the result of the analysis of participation, quantification and spatialization of the Atlantic Polar mass in Brazil’s South Center. The objective was to quantify the spatialization of seasonal and interannual participation of this atmospheric system in the state of weather for that region. The systems were identified through analysis of synoptic maps and satellite images from four locations: Campo Mourão PR, Cáceres MT, Brasília DF and Caparaó MG. The Polar mass has great significance for the climate of Brazil, more specifically in Brazil’s South Center, both by chronological time of participation and the states of weather it provides. This air mass is a transient system; it invades the Brazilian territory from the South by two main routes, one through the interior of the continent and the other along the Atlantic coast. In the hottest months, the weather types are dominated by continental systems, and the Polar mass retreats and advances mainly by the ocean. During the colder months, the relative continental cooling favors the widening of high pressure systems participation, and there is a reduction in the instability conditions. In this season, the Atlantic Polar mass advances mainly by the interior of the continent and imposes its characteristics, low temperature and atmospheric stability. In the transition seasons, like autumn and spring, participation is variable: there are years in which it is approximated to the participation verified in winter, and sometimes it is even higher.

Key words:
Geographical Climatology; State of weather; Air masses

Universidade Federal do Ceará UFC - Campi do Pici, Bloco 911, 60440-900 Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, Tel.: (55 85) 3366 9855, Fax: (55 85) 3366 9864 - Fortaleza - CE - Brazil