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the Caatinga and desertification


High deforestation in the Caatinga Biome has been generating processes of desertification in several areas, directly altering the biota, the microclimate and the soils, being essential the development of research techniques able to incorporate information which identify the state of natural resources, pointing their relationships and some paths to be taken for an effective intervention which may generate the recovery and sustainable use of land in this environment. The MTLFC consists of a set of techniques used in Brazil for the first time to analyze areas subjected to desertification, presenting biogeographic, climatological, geomorphological and hydrological indicators. By applying the method in an area of the city of São Domingos do Cariri (PB), it has been identified a very low plant diversity (13 species and 489 individuals), dominance of a few species (5) and low abundance, with the largest number of individuals in tall shrub and shrub strata, caused by the excessive removal of vegetation, fires and continuous use by the goats. The Water Balance was negative so that it indicated that the vegetative activity depends on hidden precipitation. The soils have presented surface crust of an anthropic origin, making edaphic aridity even more pronounced, associated with low fertility levels, particularly potassium and organic matter.

Key words:
Desertification; MTLFC; Natural indicators; Land Use

Universidade Federal do Ceará UFC - Campi do Pici, Bloco 911, 60440-900 Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, Tel.: (55 85) 3366 9855, Fax: (55 85) 3366 9864 - Fortaleza - CE - Brazil