Open-access Effect of Fe3+ Doping in the Photocatalytic Properties of BaSnO3 Perovskite


In the last ten years, stannates with perovskite structure have been tested as photocatalysts. In spite of the ability of perovskite materials to accommodate different cations in its structure, evaluation of doped stannates is not a common task in the photocatalysis area. In this work, Fe3+ doped BaSnO3 was synthesized by the modified Pechini method, with calcination between 300 and 800ºC/4 h. The powder precursor was characterized by thermogravimetry after partial elimination of carbon. Characterization after the second calcination step was done by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and UV-visible spectroscopy. Materials were tested in the photocatalytic discoloration of the Remazol Golden Yellow azo dye under UVC irradiation. Higher photocatalytic efficiency was observed under acid media. As no meaningful adsorption was observed at this condition we believe that an indirect mechanism prevails. Fe3+ doping decreased the band gap and favored the photocatalytic reaction, which may be assigned to the formation of intermediate levels inside the band gap.

Keywords: Perovskite; Fe-doped; polymeric precursor method; photocatalysis; RNL

1. Introduction

Alkaline earth stannates (MSnO3, M = Ba, Sr, Ca) with perovskite structure have become alternative materials to the technological sector due to its applications as dielectric components. Its use as photocatalyst has also been reported, especially for water splitting1-3 and for the photodegradation of organic dyes, with emphasis in the SrSnO34,5. Previous results of our research group indicated that BaSnO3 has a higher photocatalytic activity than SrSnO3 for the degradation of an azo-dye, the golden yellow remazol (RNL)6.

BaSnO3 has been studied in various applications in recent years but it is not widely explored as photocatalyst. In spite of its band gap of 3.1 eV, a small activity is usually reported, being assigned to a high electron-hole recombination rate7. This drawback may be overcome by the use of nanostructured materials, as reported by Moshtaghi et al.8,9, who attained a high activity in the photodegradation of organic dyes. A high activity may also be attained, using the perovskite ability to form solid solutions resulting in defects, which can therefore improve its photocatalytic properties10-12. For instance, the solid solution BaSn0.2Pb0.8O3 has been evaluated by Borse et al. showing a high activity for the photo-oxidation of water10. Literature also reports the use of La3+/2+, Ni3+/2+, Fe3+/2+, Cu2+/+, Co3+/2+ as dopant into oxides as TiO2, ZnTiO3, ZnO13-17.

Fe3+ has been used as TiO2 dopant in several studies18-23, behaving as electron scavenger which suppress electron-hole recombination improving the photocatalytic efficiency. Fe3+ has also been used as BaSnO3 dopant and leads to formation of multi energy levels below the conduction band edge. Charge balance is obtained by formation of oxygen vacancies, besides oxidation or reduction of Fe3+, which contribute to the perovskite stabilization24-26. The magnetic properties of this Fe-doped perovskite have been studied, but, up to our knowledge, its use as photocatalyst has not been reported yet. The heterogeneous catalysis offers technical and environmental advantages over homogeneous catalysis, allows the recycling of the solid catalyst over its useful life and minimizes the generation of effluents. Several solids have been proposed as potential catalysts for photodegradation of textile dyes. The performance of these materials as catalysts is naturally related to the nature of the acid or basic sites found in these materials.

In the present work, Fe-doped BaSnO3 was synthesized by the modified Pechini method and applied in the photoactivity degradation of RNL azo-dye.

2. Experimental

2.1 Synthesis of photocatalysts

Fe3+-doped BaSnO3 (0; 0.05 and 0.1 in mol) was synthesized by the modified Pechini method, similarly to the methodology described Lucena et al.27. After tin dissolution in a 0.1 mol.L-1 nitric acid aqueous solution cooled with an ice bath, citric acid (C6H8O7.H2O, Cargill - 99.5 %) was added into the solution. The pH of the solution was adjusted to 3 by adding ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH, Vetec - 28-30 %). Solutions of iron citrate or barium citrate were prepared from the respective nitrates, Ba(NO3)2 (Vetec - 99 %), Fe(NO3)3.9H2O (Vetec - 99.5 %), and added into the tin citrate solution under a slow agitation at 25ºC for 12 h. A molar ratio citric acid:metal of 3:1 was used for all of the citrates. Ethylene glycol (Vetec - 99.5 %) was added into the solution at 90ºC to promote its polymerization. The mass ratio of citric acid to ethylene glycol was 60:40.

The polymeric resins were calcined at 250ºC/2 h, deagglomerated, dry milled in a Spex mill, and sieved (100 mesh) to obtain the powder precursors. A heat treatment under an oxygen atmosphere (O2) was performed at a temperature of 300ºC /6 h at a heating rate of 1ºC min-1 under a flow of 1000 cm3 min-1 to partially eliminate the organic material. The materials were calcined from 300 to 800ºC/4 h under stagnated air atmosphere at a rate of 10ºC min-1.

The precursors obtained after heat treatment under oxygen atmosphere were characterized by thermogravimetry (TG) and its derivative curve (DTG) using a SDT-2960 thermobalance (TA Instruments) with a heating rate of 10ºC min-1 up to 1000ºC under synthetic air with a flow of 100 mL min-1 using alumina crucibles. The samples calcined at 300-800ºC were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) using an XRD-6000 Shimadzu diffractometer with Cu Kα radiation between 10º and 80º, using a step size of 0.02º and a step time of 2 s. The values of the lattice parameters were obtained with the Rede93 software using the least squares method. Micro-Raman spectra were obtained in the region of 100-1000 cm-1 by an InVia spectrophotometer from Renishaw, using an Ar laser (514 nm) with a power of 20 mW and an objective lens of 50x. UV-vis spectra were obtained by reflectance mode using an UV-2550 Shimadzu spectrophotometer, in the 190-900 nm range.

2.2 Photodegradation reaction

During the photocatalytic test, 15.0 mL of a RNL solution with a concentration of 10 mg L-1 and pH = 3 and 6 was placed in a Petri plate with 10 mg of the photocatalyst. The suspensions were irradiated for 1, 2 and 4 h with a Super Niko UVC lamp (0.5-1.0mW), model ZG-30T8. After the reaction, the suspensions were centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 30 min at room temperature before being filtered. The solutions were analyzed by UV-Vis spectroscopy using a SHIMADZU UV-2550 spectrometer, in the range of 300 to 700 nm. The dye discoloration percentage was determined by the measured absorbance at λ = 411 nm, which was assigned to the azo group.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 Synthesis and characterization of Fe-doped BaSnO3

Figure 1 shows the TG and DTG curves of the precursor. Three thermal decomposition steps were observed in the TG curves. In the first step, water and gases adsorbed on the powder surfaces were eliminated; the second step was assigned to the decomposition of the Ba(NO3)2 between 460 and 680ºC; the third step was assigned to the carbonate decomposition28. Similar behaviors were obtained by Udawatte et. al.28 and Li et. al.29 for the synthesis of BaSnO3 using BaCO3, SnO2 and BaCl2 as precursors.

Figure 1
a) TG and b) DTG curve of the precursor after heat treatment in the O2 atmosphere at 300ºC.

The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the materials obtained after heating between 300 and 800 ºC are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2
XRD patterns of the BaSnO3 heat treated at different temperatures.

The planes were indexed according to ICDD 01-074-1300 (BaSnO3), 00-041-1445 (SnO2), 00-045-1471 (BaCO3), 00-024-0053 [Ba(NO3)2] and 00-0010891 (Sn). For the precursor's heat treated at 300 ºC, peaks assigned to tetragonal SnO2, Ba(NO3)2, Sn and BaCO3 were observed. After heat treatment at 400 ºC, higher intensity peaks were observed for Ba(NO3)2, while the intensities of these peaks decrease at 500 ºC. The formation of the cubic BaSnO3 (Pm3m) was observed at 600ºC besides a small amount of SnO2 and BaCO3, which is in agreement with the TG/DTG analysis shown in figure 1. This crystallization temperature below 600ºC is quite low compared with other synthesis methods as solid state reaction30-33. No significant change was observed with temperature increase from 600 to 800 ºC.

The XRD patterns of Fe-doped BaSnO3 are shown in Figure 3. Highly crystalline cubic BaSnO3 was observed while no peaks assigned to Fe2O3 (ICDD 03-065-3107) were found. A slight shift in the diffraction peaks towards higher 2θ values was observed after doping indicating that Fe3+ got into BaSnO3 lattice. The lattice parameters, a, of BaSnO3 were calculated and indicated that a small lattice decrease took place, which is assigned to the smaller ionic radius of Fe3+ (0.64 Å) compared to Sn4+ (0.69 Å)34.

Figure 3
XRD patterns of the BaSn1-xFexO3 (0; 0.05 and 0.1 in mol) samples. Detail of the (110) peak in the XRD patterns as a function of the iron concentration.

Figure 4 shows the Raman spectra of the Fe3+-doped BaSnO3 (0; 0.05 and 0.1 in mol). The group theory predicts the absence of active modes in the Raman spectra for a perfect Pm3m perovskite structure. In spite of this, Cerda et. al.35 reported bands at 238, 408, 543 and 724 cm-1, attributed to distortions of the cubic structure of BaSnO3 due to defects, which modify the internal symmetry of the perovskite phase, leading to unexpected modes in Raman spectra. These modes were assigned to the six fundamental vibrations of SnO6 with Oh symmetry. Similar studies on various perovskite compounds show that distortions of these materials are due to the presence of defects (VOx, VO, V••O, Sn2+)36-38.

Figure 4
Raman spectra of BaSn1-xFexO3 (0; 0.05 and 0.1 in mol) samples.

Balamuragan et al.39,40 evaluated the optical and electromagnetic properties of Fe-doped BaSnO3. According to the authors, when iron is added into the perovskite lattice, a center of extrinsic defects is formed with the formation of oxygen vacancies for charge compensation, as showed in Equation (1).

(1) Fe 2 O 3 BaSnO 3 2 F e Sn + V 0 •• + 3 O 0 X

In the present work, the mode at 150 cm-1 was attributed to the vibration of carbonate groups. Undoped BaSnO3 showed bands at similar regions to those reported by Cerda et al.35) indicating that distortions are present in the structure. After doping, dislocation of the bands to 252, 413, 535 and 663 cm-1 took place. A higher definition was observed for the bands at 252 and 413 cm-1, which may be correlated to the oxygen vacancies, which change the symmetry.

Figure 5 shows the absorption spectra of Fe3+- doped BaSnO3, with a strong absorption in the visible region. The optical absorption edge of BaSnO3 was observed around 477 nm, with a red shift as doping concentration increases. The band gap values of the as-synthesized samples were estimated from diffuse reflectance spectra using the Wood-Tauc method41. Incorporation of Fe3+ into the lattice resulted in a band gap decrease, indicating that intermediate levels were formed inside the band gap.

Figure 5
UV-Vis spectra of samples BaSn1-xFexO3 (0; 0.05 and 0.1 in mol).

3.2 Photocatalytic properties

The photocatalytic decomposition of RNL by Fe-doped BaSnO3 is presented in Figure 6. The highest degradation efficiency occurred at pH = 3 and the lowest degradation occurred at pH = 6 (aqueous solution of the dye).

Figure 6
Results of the photocatalytic decomposition of RNL as a function of pH for the photocatalysts BaSn1-xFexO3 (x = 0, 0.05 at 0.1 in mol): a) pH = 6; b) pH = 3 and c) Percentage of photodegradation of the RNL.

Photocatalysis may occur by two different mechanisms: direct or indirect one. For the direct mechanism, dye is adsorbed on the photocatalyst surface and electron transfer takes place without the formation of intermediate compounds. During the indirect mechanism, hydroxyl radicals are formed due to electron/hole transfer between the surface and compounds as O2, H2O and OH-. Then, hydroxyl radicals in solution react with the substrate.

The possibility of a discoloration by a direct mechanism was evaluated by the adsorption analysis, as adsorption of the dye on the material surface is a requested prerequisite step for direct charge transfer42. Results displayed in Figure 7 indicate that the maximum discoloration due to adsorption process was 7% for the BaSn0.9Fe0.1O3 sample, much smaller than the discoloration percentage under UVC irradiation (93 %). This small adsorption indicates that the indirect mechanism prevails for this system.

Figure 7
Evaluation of RNL adsorption at pH = 3 after 4 h for the samples BaSn1-xFexO3 (x = 0, 0.05 and 0.1 in mol).

The effect of pH on photocatalysis has been evaluated by different researchers, as reported in the review published by Akpan and Hameed43. Much of them report a direct mechanism at low pH when TiO2 is used as photocatalyst. On the other hand, according to Guo et al.44, hydrogen radicals also take part in the photodegradation of phenol using TiO2 as photocatalyst. These H radicals may be produced from H2O molecules and also from H3O+ ions especially in acid media, and may react with O2 forming HO2 which finally convert to OH. According to Texeira et. al.45) the RNL azo dye has three pKa values: the sulphonic group is deprotonated at pH = 3, the sulphate group is deprotonated at pH = 3.5 and the amide group is deprotonated at pH = 6, which results in a large negative charge. Therefore, an attractive force between the positive surface charge of the perovskite and the negative charge of the azo dye occurs at pH 3 favoring the dye attraction and the highest solution discoloration46. At pH 6, few molecules are attracted on the BaSnO3 surface due to the slight positive surface charge, leading to a small discoloration of the solution.

In the present work, the highest efficiency at acid media cannot be assigned to a direct mechanism, as only a small adsorption was detected. It seems clear that RNL photodegradation is promoted by OH radicals whose formation is favored at acidic conditions, probably due to the highest amount of H3O+ ions.

Figure 6c shows that the color was halved after 1 h of photocatalysis with BaSn1-xFexO3 (x = 0.05 and 0.10), 2.5x higher than undoped BaSnO3. For longer times, doped samples also presented a higher photoactivity than pure one, increasing with Fe content. After 4 h, a photocatalytic efficiency of about 93% was attained for the sample BaSn0.90Fe0.10O3.

Several papers using Fe-doped TiO2 nanoparticles17-22 assumed that a higher photoactivity for Fe-doped samples is possible in comparison with the undoped material, especially because Fe3+ can act as both hole and electron traps to enhance lifetimes of electrons and holes.

Fe-doped BaSnO3 has been studied for magneticelectronics applications, classified as oxide-diluted magnetic semiconductor, displaying ferromagnetism even with small doping amounts. This property is enhanced due to a F-center exchange mechanism, which enables Fe-ions to order ferromagnetically. This F-center is characterized by a Fen+-VO-Fen+ configuration which is able to trap electrons39,40,47.

In the present work, XRD patterns and Raman spectra indicated that Fe3+ was added into the BaSnO3 lattice leading to a shift of the absorption onset to the visible region due to the formation of intermediate levels inside the band gap. These intermediate levels may trap electrons preventing the electron-hole recombination. As a consequence, higher photocatalytic efficiency is obtained.

4. Conclusions

BaSn1-xFexO3 (x = 0, 0.05 and 0.10) was successfully synthesized by the modified Pechini method, with crystallization around 600ºC. XRD patterns and Raman spectra indicated that Fe3+ got into the perovskite lattice leading to a decrease of the band gap. The samples showed high potential for photodegradation of the RNL azo-dye at pH = 3 with prevalence of indirect mechanism. Efficiency was improved by Fe3+ doping probably due to the formation of intermediate levels inside the band gap, which may trap electrons avoiding electron-hole recombination.

5. Acknowledgements

This work was supported by Brazilian Funding Agencies CT-INFRA/FINEP/MCTIC and CAPES.

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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    10 Aug 2017
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    12 Dec 2016
  • Reviewed
    07 July 2017
  • Accepted
    12 July 2017
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