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Periodicity of capture of the Anopheles darlingi Root (Diptera: Culicidae) in Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil

Anopheles darlingi Root is the principal malaria vector in Amazonia region. The objectives of this work were to study the periodicity of Anopheles darlingi Root, the host preference for peri or extra-domestic environments and the parous rate in four field sites in Porto Velho (RO) by human-landing. All of the Anopheles specimens collected were identified, but only A. darlingi was dissected for the parous study. The results showed that human-landing colleted a total of 985 anophelines, with A. darlingi (972) being the most abundant species. Female mosquitoes were more abundant at extra-domestic environments in two of the locations studied (São João e Candeias do Jamari) (P < 0.05). The parous rate was 96% and no periodicity was observed for captures of females of A. darlingi in the field sites.

Parous rate; monitoring; anopheline; human-landing

Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, R. Harry Prochet, 55, 86047-040 Londrina PR Brasil, Tel.: (55 43) 3342 3987 - Londrina - PR - Brazil