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Government instruments in the implementation of the National Policy for Museums

This article identifies how different government instruments are used in the implementation of the National Policy for Museums and how they relate to the governmental goal of democratizing access. The first part defines the term government instruments, exposing its theoretical framework. The National Policy for Museums is described and its instruments are identified. The second part explains the methodology used for a comparative analysis, and describes the selected variables: incentives, autonomy, information, and complexity. The third part develops the comparative analysis of three instruments: direct management, tax waver, and financial assistance. The results suggest that the instrument financial assistance has a better ability to democratize access. The conclusion suggests proposals to be tested in future research: the tax waiver instrument, being based on the market, strengths the market concentration; direct management has limited effects, circumscribed to places where there is the presence of the state, with limited power to de-concentrate; and financial assistance instrument is the best instrument to democratize opportunities to access museums.

Government instruments; Implementation; National Policy for Museums

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