O&S history
Launched in 1993 and published uninterruptedly ever since, O&S (Organizations & Society) was the first journal in the area of Public and Business Administration created by and within a federal university in Brazil. In addition, the journal dared to define its scope as going beyond Public and Business Administration, considering that organizations cover a broader and multifaceted context. Since its foundation and over the years, the journal has always highlighted its open, plural and multidisciplinary position. That is, it has always housed articles expressing a diversity of visions, theories, methodologies, and epistemologies, extrapolating orthodoxy and valuing innovative themes. During the flow of publications, many themes have occupied the attention of thematic editions (for example, the contribution of Alberto Guerreiro Ramos, football as organization, the carnival as organization), as well as several personalities such as the literary figure João Ubaldo Ribeiro (2006, n. 37 and 38). In 2013, the journal began its e-publishing process, abandoning print publishing and turning to open diffusion on a digital basis. The journal has been included in important databases, it has accelerated the peer review process, improved its quality, and accentuated its internationalization. In addition to the Public and Business Administration area, O&S is acknowledged in the areas of History, Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Interdisciplinary, Social Work, and Urban and Regional Planning. O&S represents and symbolizes a lot for Brazilian researchers, in the context of the development of the Public and Business Administration area and, specifically, in the maturation and flourishing of the field of Organizational Studies in Brazil. O&S has offered, over time, a space for expression in which different, new, and unusual views can emerge. The journal promotes heterodox positions in Organizational Studies, but above all a vision of the organization in and for the society.
Past Editors-in-Chief Peer Review Process The publishing process for articles submitted to O&S comprises five phases. PHASE 1 - Preliminary Evaluation Authors: Submission of an article according to the parameters required by the journal (Submission Preparation Checklist). Executive manager: Evaluation of format (adequacy of the article to the required standardization and formatting rules) and plagiarism (use of similarity detection system). Editor-in-chief: Preliminary evaluation (on desk) relate to the editorial policy (focus, scope and section policy) with decision to reject or forward to associate editor. Evaluation parameters: Is the article fully aligned with the journal’s focus and scope? Does the article represent a robust, relevant, well-developed, explicit, well-argued and grounded conceptual-theoretical contribution to the advancement of knowledge in its field of expertise? Does the article present a strong theoretical and methodological coherence? Is the article composed (writing, grammar, spelling, bibliographic references, etc.) according to all communication standards of excellence? Associate editor: Preliminary evaluation (on desk) with decision of rejection or foward to anonymous reviewers (at least two experts) by the double-blind review system. Evaluation parameters: Does the article represent a robust, relevant, well-developed, explicit, well-argued and grounded conceptual-theoretical contribution to the advancement of knowledge in its field of expertise? Does the article present a strong theoretical and methodological coherence? Is the article composed (writing, grammar, spelling, bibliographic references, etc.) according to all communication standards of excellence? PHASE 2 - Academic Evaluation and Review Anonymous reviewers: Evaluation of the article (without information on its authorship) according to various parameters (theoretical-conceptual contribution, abstract, research goal, theoretical-epistemological foundation, research method, analysis, presentation and discussion of empirical and/or theoretical results, conclusion, references, language, structure and organization of the text) to make comments and suggestions for improvement. Associate editor: Evaluation based on the evaluations of anonymous reviewers with a decision to reject or forward the evaluations to the authors to produce a revised version of the article. Authors: Production of a revised version (all changes made to the text must be made using track changes), attaching a letter explaining and describing in the changes made. Executive manager: Forwarding the revised version to anonymous reviewers, including all evaluations produced in the process, so that reviewers can learn about past evaluations made by other reviewers and by the associate editor. Anonymous reviewers: Evaluation of the revised version, considering the past evaluations carried out by other reviewers and by the associate editor. Associate editor: Evaluation of the revised version, considering the new and old evaluations produced by the reviewers, with a decision of (a) rejection, (b) forward to a new evaluation round (revision of the revised version) or (c) partial approval (forward to phase 3). PHASE 3 - Layout Review Authors: Layout of the final text (approved in phase 2) according to the journal’s visual model (Article model in Portuguese or Article model in English), including all information in the model such as funding, notes, conflict of interests, authors’ contributions, full name, biography, e-mail and ORCID, for each author, and acknowledgements (if necessary). Proofreader: Linguistic and standardization revision, producing a standardized version of the article. Authors: Review of the standardized version of the article. Proofreader: Finalization of the standardized version of the article. Executive manager: Partial approval of the article and forwarding to phase 4. PHASE 4 - Production of a Version in a Complementary Language Authors: Production of a version in a complementary language (English or Portuguese) of the article approved at the end of phase 3. This version must be formatted in the O&S layout (according to the O&S visual model - Model for articles in Portuguese or Model for articles in English) and certified in relation to its linguistic quality. Authors must follow one of these options: OPTION A - Translation or proofreading by an O&S partner organization. The costs will be borne by the authors. Please forward to O&S the file with your article and the certification file (Language Quality Certificate) provided by the O&S partner organization. OPTION B - Translation or proofreading by an organization that is not on the list of O&S partner organizations. The costs will be borne by the authors. Send the produced version to Caledonia English (krisgillespie@caledoniaenglish.com.br) and request a language quality certificate. The cost of this certification (RS$ 100.00) will be borne by the authors and must be dealt with directly between the authors and Caledonia English. If the article does not obtain the certificate from Caledonia English, it will be up to the authors to provide a better version until they are able to obtain the language quality certificate provided by Caledonia English. The costs of redoing translations or requesting recertification from Caledonia English will be borne by the authors. Executive manager: Partial approval of the article and forwarding to phase 5. PHASE 5 - Dissemination and Publication Authors: Production of a video with a maximum duration of 60 seconds, that does not exceed 25 MB in size, within a maximum period of 30 days from the date of approval of the article in phase 4. The authors agree that the video will be used by O&S on its social networks to disseminate the articles published in the journal. In the video, one or more authors of the article should talk about its relevance and originality. The video should not explain the entire article but encourage people to take an interest in reading it. Editor-in-chief: Final approval of the article for publication. Executive manager: Inclusion of the article for publication in the next available issue of O&S, providing authors with a PDF version of the article with information on year, volume, number, pagination and DOI. |
Basic information
Publication, Frequency and Languages
O&S Journal is bilingual (English and Portuguese) and published trimonthly (January, April, July and October), by the NPGA - Núcleo de Pós-graduação em Administracão (Graduate Center for Management), a unit of the School of Management, at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. Open Access Policy O&S is totally free of charge, from the process of submission of articles, publication and reading published material. Its content can be accessed freely from anyone. Thus, O&S seeks to maximize the impact and benefits of research by prioritizing barrier-free access to research findings, data and methodologies. Open access reflects a fundamental belief that the pursuit of knowledge benefits directly from collaboration, transparency, rapid dissemination and accessibility. |
Indexers and directories
Ethics and conduct
The O&S is a signatory to DORA - The Declaration on Research Assessment
Articles submitted to the journal Organizações e Sociedade (O&S), in order to be published, must be in line with the basic guidelines for integrity in scientific activity established by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development). Ethical conduct of the editorial team. The editorial team of O&S must
Ethical conduct of reviewers. Reviewers of O&S must:
Ethical conduct of the authors. Authors, when submitting articles to O&S, must:
O&S takes action against plagiarism and ethical misconduct (for example, suspected plagiarism, duplicate publication, changes in authorship, conflict of interest, ethical issue, data fabrication, and misuse of articles by the reviewer upon submission, and, even after the publication of the article) according to the guidance of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). If you suspect misconduct or have questions about the good practices of publishing in O&S, please contact us via email: revistaoes@ufba.br.
In case of suspected misconduct, doubts about good practices for publishing at O&S, omissions or other suggestions, please contact revistaoes@ufba.br.
Intellectual property. In order to protect the intellectual rights of authors, O&S adopts the Creative Commons Attribution BY License for all works published (unless copyright owners define specific conditions) and uses similarity detection software (Plagiarism Software 15.5.4). Copyright Statement This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0. The O&S adopts a Creative Commons Attributions License 4.0 in all published works, except when there is a specific indication of copyright holders. The Organizações & Sociedade adopted until dec/2015 the Creative Commons license attribution-type BY-NC. Actually, the license is the attribution-type BY. Privacy Policy O&S recognizes the importance of protecting the information collected from website users in the operation of this website, and takes reasonable steps to maintain the security, integrity, and privacy of any information. Names and addresses informed in this Journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication. They will not be available for other purposes or third parties. |
Achiving O&S uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed a archives system among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration. Organizações parceiras: Tradução, revisão linguística e diagramação
Information For Readers We encourage readers to sign up for the publishing notification service for this journal. Use this Register link. This registration will result in the reader receiving the Table of Contents by email for each new issue of the journal. This list also allows the journal to claim a certain level of support or readership. See the journal's Privacy Policy, which assures readers that their name and email address will not be used for other purposes. Information For Authors Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the process. Information For Librarians We encourage research librarians to list this journal among their library's electronic journal holdings. As well, it may be worth noting that this journal's open source publishing system is suitable for libraries to host for their faculty members to use with journals they are involved in editing (see Open Journal Systems). Languade |
Associate editors
Associate Editor - Organizations, Learning and Knowledge
Associate Editor - Organizations, Culture and Identity
Editor Associado - Organizações e Educação
Associate Editor - Organizations and Education
Associate Editor - Organizations and Public Administration
Associate Editor - Organizations and Social Management
Associate Editor - Organizations and Public Policies
Associate Editor - Organizations and Technology
Associate Editor - Organizations, Environmental Management and Sustainability
Associate Editor - Organizations, Politics and Society
Associate Editor - Organizations, Theory and Methods
Executive management
Volunteer Executive Management
Editorial board
Executive management
Login or Register to make a submission. |
Conditions for submission
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. 1. The article represents an original and unpublished contribution and has not been published in other journals and books. 2. The article is not being evaluated in another national or international journal, including the O&S itself. 3. The article is within the scope of O&S. 4. The article is signed by a maximum of four authors. 5. The article is written in Portuguese or English language. 6. The article contains the following elements: (a) title; (b) abstract and (c) keywords (minimum three and maximum five), (d) introduction, (e) body of text in several sections, (f) conclusions, and (g) references. 7. The abstract must contain 200 to 250 words and be structured with clear and precise information about objective, method, results and main contribution of the research to the conceptual-theoretical advance of its field of knowledge. 8. The article is submitted in PDF file. 9. Article is formatted (a) in 1.0 line spacing, (b) Times New Roman font size 12, (c) does not exceed 13.000 words (including all elements such as figures, tables and references), (d) with citations and references in accordance with APA (American Psychological Association) standards. Access the templates available in item 14 for more information on APA standards, formatting of figures and tables, and other journal standards. 10. The article does not contain any form of authorship identification, either at the time of submission or in all revision rounds. For this, the author needs to stick to the identification in all parts of the document (name, properties and metadata). To remove authorship, just click on the word document in Files> Information> Inspect document> Check for problems> Inspect document> Inspect> Click on "Remove all" in "Document Properties and Personal Information"> Reinspect> Close. Still in word, go to options and check if there are no identifications in "Username". Then do a pdf conversion. Check to see if there is any indication of authorship in the generated PDF document. To do this, access "Properties" in the "File" menu. We suggest that disconnect from your profile in the pdf reader before converting the word to pdf. 11. The article is submitted exclusively through the OJS system (Open Journal Systems) within the O&S website. 12. Metadata are duly completed during the submission process: (a) title in lower case letters, initials in upper case letters, (b) full name of each author, (c) their full institutional affiliations, (d) their countries, (e) respective emails and (f) respective summaries of the full biography. 13. The article is free of plagiarism or self-plagiarism. 14. In phase 3 of the publication process, the authors will provide a version of the article (approved in stage 2) in O&S’ layout. This version must strictly follow the journal layout model: Model of articles in Portuguese or Model of articles in English. 15. In phase 4 of the publication process, the authors will provide a version in the complementary language (English for articles approved in Portuguese and Portuguese for articles approved in English) of the article approved in phase 3, within a maximum period of 30 days. The final version in the complementary language must include in attachment a declaration from an O&S partner organization attesting its linguistic quality. The version of the article in a complementary language must strictly follow the journal layout model: Model of articles in Portuguese or Model of articles in English. 16. Authors will provide a video (phase 5 of publication process) with a maximum duration of 60 seconds, that does not exceed 25 MB in size, within 30 days of the approval date for O&S publication. The authors agree that the video will be used by O&S in their social networks to disseminate the articles published in the journal. In the video, one or more authors of the article should talk about its relevance and originality. The video should not explain the whole article but encourage people to be interested in reading it. 17. The authors are aware that the submitted article goes through five phases of evaluation and can be rejected in any of these phases. Even after several rounds of review, if the article does not achieve the necessary improvements, it can be rejected for publication. Authors who fail to complete the phases within a reasonable time may be excluded from the publication process. 18. The authors understand that they retain the copyright related to their article and grant to the Organizações & Sociedade (O&S) and the School of Administration of the Federal University of Bahia, EAUFBA, the right of first publication, with the work, simultaneously licensed. under Creative Commons Attribution License, allowing article sharing. 19. The authors understand that they are authorized to enter into additional contracts separately for non-exclusive distribution of the O&S published version of the article (e.g., publishing in institutional repository or as book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in O&S. 20. Authors understand that they have permission and are encouraged to publish and distribute their article online (for example, in institutional repositories or on their personal page). 21. Authors who publish in O&S undertake to join the scientific evaluators database and to review articles submitted to the journal, when requested. 22. The authors fully adhere to the ethics principles established by the O&S and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). 23. The authors fully adhere to the basic guidelines for integrity in scientific activity established by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Author Guidelines Articles must be submitted exclusively by the Open Journal Systems (OJS), available at www.revistaoes.ufba.br, according to the conditions for submission. |
Theoretical development articles
Theoretical articles must advance the theory or the theory development process regarding organizations, research methodology and/or societal issues. Theoretical papers (a) develop new organization theory, (b) significantly challenge, expand or clarify current theory, (c) synthesize recent advances and ideas into fresh theory, (d) initiate a search for new theory by identifying and carefully delineating a novel theoretical problem, or (e) craft ways to improve the process of theory development. |
Empirical investigation articles
Empirical articles should draw on empirical work and robust theorizing processes to make a strong contribution to organization studies and practice. In empirical articles, there is an interplay between theorizing and empirical research; they are mutually informative. |
Copyright notice
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. The O&S adopts a Creative Commons Attributions License 4.0 in all published works, except where specifically indicated by copyright holders. |
Privacy statement
The O&S recognizes the importance of protecting the information collected from website users in the operation of this website, and take reasonable steps to maintain the security, integrity and privacy of any information. Names and addresses informed in this Journal will be used exclusively for the services in use in this publication. They will not be available for other finalities or third parties. |