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Espaço religioso e espaço turístico: significações culturais e ambigüidades no santuário do Caraça/MG

This article aimed at elaborating an encounter among Organizational Studies and themes such as culture and space. It has the objective of evidencing the changes occurred in the cultural significations of the social actor -Caraça Particular Reserve of the Natural Patrimony (RPPN -Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Santuário do Caraça) - a place where an "opposition" seems to exist. Is RPPN a religious or a tourist place? The empirical approach of this research presents a case study, in which a search for the histories, configurations, frontiers and ambiguities takes place, in a way to prospect the expressions and significations of managers and employees about their own realities. Based on the theoretical dimensions and on the Discourse Analysis, the present article aimed at analyzing the diverse non-structured interviews that took place between November 2002 and July 2003, in order to feature the changes of the cultural significations. The Caraça Particular Reserve (RPPN), and the social actors that work there are seeing their history -significations, identities, images - modify right in front of their eyes. Previously, solely a religious site, the place is now attracting visitors, for being a tourist spot.

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