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Building of Associated Work Under the State Hegemony: Organization, Solidarity and Sociability

This study discusses some organizational forms used by associated workers in their different historical contexts and their implications for forms of sociability. Specifically, it addresses the ambiguity of cooperatives and state intervention inserted within the solidarity economy movement, questioning the quality of solidarity and the possible consequences in terms of reproduction or creation of a new sociability. In the critical–dialectical field, methodological resources were historical induction, through literature and document review, and logical–deductive reasoning, qualitatively unfolded through aspects of constructivist approaches. Both of them enabled a synthesis of singular movement of labor, inserted into all of the productive social relations. We have concluded that the forms of solidarity have been a reflection of their own form of organization of associated labor, in co-determining and overwhelmingly locating solidarity as an immediate survival strategy among groups of workers. However, when entering the field of sociability or the problem of social exchange, including the very question of State intervention, it is observed that such a condition can be maintained (or even move to denser forms of solidarity if they are directly related with the establishment of new social relations of production and socialization and not merely as pragmatic adaptations against the status quo), being a decisive element of this convergence between the immediate and individual needs with the collective and historical necessity of overcoming the alienation of labor.

Solidarity; Associated work; Self-management; State

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