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Oligarquia, mídia e dominação política na Bahia

This essay poses the argument that the persistent overwhelming presence of Antonio Carlos Magalhães on the political scene in Bahia is due to his free use of his own media enterprises to his own strategic benefit. This fact brought about an unbalance on the local political process. It has contributed to build a situation best described as a political oligarchy which held since the end of the military regime till the present. It is a paradox to observe that although there happened a decompression on the media censorship, this fact did not result on a free competition among politicians through the media. Rather, the media became an instrument to support the increase in political power of a group that structured itself in the local scene best defined as an oligarchy. Political forces in Bahia are very much imbricated with media companies. Indeed, politics is carried out through the media. The essay analyses the case of Lidice da Matta's period as Mayor of the city of Salvador , Bahia , from 1992 to 1996. During her mayorship there was several situations on which a political group used the midia to influence public opinion against her, and against those other politicians without ditrect acces, or control, to midia companies. The authors conducted interviews with late public officials close to the then Mayor da Mata, data as well as secondary data. The author concluded that there is a new way through which politics is performed, beeing the nidia its vector.

Escola de Administração da Universidade Federal da Bahia Av. Reitor Miguel Calmon, s/n 3o. sala 29, 41110-903 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel.: (55 71) 3283-7344, Fax.:(55 71) 3283-7667 - Salvador - BA - Brazil