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Teletrabalho : desafios e perspectivas

This article discusses telework, defined widely as "the use of computers and telecommunications to change the accepted geography of work", and involves several aspects (economic, social, cultural, organizational, ambient, legal, and others), social actors (organizations, individuals, governments, technology suppliers, unions, and others). Starting from the context of telework and status of research, the article explores the challenges on the several levels of study: (i) the individual, specially the space-time issue and its relationship with the conflicts of professional and personal values and demands, and isolation; (ii) organizational, regarding communication, collaboration and cohesion issues, as well as changes of the virtual and the insertion of knowledge management in this scenario; and (iii) global, when we discuss the importance of location, the limits and potential of technology for the space flexibility. Finally, the article tries to integrate these challenges and propose future research.

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