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Socioeconomic and cultural influence on preschoolers' play

Assuming that the economic context influences children's play, this study aimed to examine the differences between toys used by children from two different socio-economic classes. Data collection was carried out with 50 mothers of children from three to six years old. According to Critério Brasil, half of the participants belonged to economic level A2 (Group 2) and the other half to economic level D (Group 1). Results indicate that there are significant differences between the use of computers (p=0.000), board games (p=0.023), games of arm (p=0.042), button soccer (p=0.012), more used by Group 2 and the use of clockwork toys (p=0.005), scrap toys (p=0.000) and jump rope (p=0.021), which were more present in Group 1. Results suggest that socioeconomic levels influence playing behaviors of preschooler children.

recreation; development; preschool age children; socioeconomic status

Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Av.Bandeirantes 3900 - Monte Alegre, 14040-901 Ribeirão Preto, Tel.: (55 16) 3315-3829 - Ribeirão Preto - SP - Brazil