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Academic Performance of Immigrant Students and Teachers’ Expectations

Desempenho Acadêmico de Alunos Imigrantes e Expectativas Docentes

Rendimiento Académico de los Estudiantes Inmigrantes y Expectativas Docentes


This study focuses on whether teachers’ thinking is prophetic, that is, whether these attitudes and actions permeate the students and condition their academic performance. To this end, we analyzed the beliefs of 167 teachers of Early Childhood, Elementary and High School Education in the province of Córdoba (Spain). A questionnaire was used to know the relationship between teachers’ beliefs about immigrant students and their possible influence on academic achievements. In the first place, the findings show the teachers’ lack of confidence in non-native students, a phenomenon that is largely unconscious; in the second place, lower school results in these students in relation to natives; and, finally, an external attributional style in teachers, for whom the families and the organizational resources of the school institution, not them, are the determining factors of school achievement.

immigration; competence; cultural diversity; academic achievement; teacher expectations


Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar se o pensamento dos professores é um pensamento profético, ou seja, se suas atitudes e ações sugestionam os alunos e condicionam o seu desempenho acadêmico. Para este fim, são analisadas as crenças de 167 professores de Educação Infantil, Educação Básica e Ensino Médio da província de Córdoba (Espanha). Foi utilizado um questionário para saber a relação entre os alunos imigrantes e sua possível influência no desempenho acadêmico. Os resultados mostram, em primeiro lugar, a baixa confiança dos professores nos alunos não nativos, fenômeno em grande parte inconsciente; em segundo lugar, registra-se um desempenho acadêmico mais baixo neste corpo discente em relação aos autóctones e, finalmente, um estilo de atribuição externo aos professores, para os quais as famílias e os recursos organizacionais da instituição escolar, e não eles, são os fatores determinantes do desempenho acadêmico.

imigração; competência; diversidade cultural; rendimento escolar; expectativas do professor


El presente estudio de investigación se centra en conocer si el pensamiento del docente es un pensamiento profético, es decir, si esas actitudes y acciones docentes penetran en el alumnado y condicionan su desempeño académico. Para ello se analizan las creencias de 167 docentes de Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria y Educación Secundaria de la provincia de Córdoba (España). Se utilizó un cuestionario para conocer la relación entre el alumnado inmigrante y su posible influjo en el logro académico. Los hallazgos evidencian, en primer lugar, la escasa confianza del profesorado en el alumnado no autóctono, fenómeno que es en gran medida inconsciente; en segundo lugar, resultados escolares más bajos en este alumnado con relación al autóctono; y, finalmente, un estilo atribucional externo en los docentes, para quienes las familias y los recursos organizativos de la institución escolar, no ellos, son los factores determinantes del logro escolar.

Palabras clave:
inmigración; competencia; diversidad cultural; rendimiento escolar; expectativas del profesor

In the second half of the 20th century, we witnessed a proliferation of studies focused on teachers’ thinking as with direct responsibility over school results (Leder, 2006Leder, G. C. (2006). Student achievement: A factor in classroom dynamics? Exceptional Child, 34(2), 133-141. doi:10.1080/0156655870340206
; Robinson, 1983Robinson, P. (1983). Social psychology in classroom. In G. M. Stephenson & J. H. Davis (Eds.), Advances in applied social psychology (pp. 188-204). Chichester, United Kingdom: Wiley.; Rosenthal & Jacobson, 1980Rosenthal, R., & Jacobson, L. (1980). Pygmalion en la escuela: Expectativas del maestro y desarrollo intelectual del alumno [Pygmalion at school: Teacher expectations and student intellectual development] (M. J. Dìaz, Trans.). Madrid, España: Marova.). It is certainly a powerful thinking, predictive and ominous, reason why we agreed upon calling it «prophetic thinking». What teachers think about their students, more or less consciously, ends up happening as a tangible phenomenon in conventional reality since, in education, thinking and happening are concatenated actions. Therefore, the universe of the teacher’s values has correspondences and empathies with what happens in the classrooms.

The history of humanity is permeated by geographical displacements. Human beings have been migrants since their very origins. Moving through the territory is a human prerogative, a normal phenomenon guided by the common and ancient desire to improve the living conditions. In the current world, the phenomenon has reached unprecedented dimensions due to factors such as globalization, interconnection across cultures, the increasing difference in the living conditions across the countries, and the visibilization of the benefits of emigration or technological development, which facilitates human displacements (Livi Bacci, 2012Livi Bacci, M. (2012). Breve historia de las migraciones [Brief history of migrations] (M. A. Galmarini, Trans.). Madrid, España: Alianza.).

If we focus on Spain, we must say that, in the mid-1990s, the country became an important destination for immigrants coming from the North of Africa, America, East Europe and the rest of the world. Our country was an immigration focus for the first time in several centuries. From these events it is derived that the presence of immigrant students in the Spanish educational centers is a consolidated fact which, as pointed out by Fernández Batanero (2004Fernández Batanero, J. M. (2004). La presencia de alumnos inmigrantes en las aulas: Un reto educativo [The presence of immigrant students in the classroom: An educational challenge]. Educación y Educadores, 7, 33-44. Retrieved from
), sets out the challenge of not limiting their expectations or maintaining biases about them (Almeida Gonçalves, 2015Almeida Gonçalves, S. M. (2015). Atención a la diversidad [Attention to diversity]. In J. Domingo Segovia & M. Pérez Ferra (Coords.), Aprendiendo a enseñar: Manual práctico de didáctica [Learning to teach: A practical didactic manual] (pp. 47-58). Madrid, España: Pirámide.). Undoubtedly, ensuring foreign students’ schooling is not enough, reason why it becomes necessary to analyze the socially-constructed notion of immigrants, since teachers learn the cultural patterns and incorporate them, unconsciously and in a subtle way, into their practices, which can be discriminatory in nature (Angulo-Quiñonez & Quiñonez-Ortiz, 2020Angulo-Quiñonez, M. A., & Quiñonez-Ortiz, E. C. (2020). Influencia de las percepciones, estereotipos y perjuicios en la práctica docente [Influence of perceptions, stereotypes and prejudices in teaching practice]. Polo del Conocimiento: Revista Científico-Académica Multidisciplinaria, 5(7), 97-114. doi:10.23857/pc.v5i7.1497

A number of studies verify that the type of answer that is given to the students (e.g., course repeat) can be affected by the cultural differences perceived by the teachers (Alonso-Tapia, Ruiz, & Huertas, 2020Alonso-Tapia, J., Ruiz, M. A., & Huertas, J. A. (2020). Differences in classroom motivational climate: Causes, effects and implications for teacher education. A multilevel study. Anales de Psicología, 36(1), 122-133. doi:10.6018/analesps.336681
; Castejón & Pàmies Rovira, 2018Castejón, A., & Pàmies Rovira, J. (2018). Los agrupamientos escolares: Expectativas, prácticas y experiencias [Students grouping: Expectations, practices and experiences]. Tendencias Pedagógicas, 32, 49-64. doi:10.15366/tp2018.32.004
; Gil del Pino, García Fernández, & Manrique Gómez, 2017Gil del Pino, M. C., García Fernández, C. M., & Manrique Gómez, M. A. (2017). El poder de las expectativas del docente en el logro académico de los escolares inmigrantes [The value of teacher expectations in the expectations in the academic achievement of migrant school children]. Revista de Pedagogía, 38(102), 97-121. Retrieved from
; Gil-del-Pino & García-Segura, 2019Gil-del-Pino, C., & García-Segura, S. (2019). Influencia de las expectativas de familias y profesorado en el logro educativo y social de los estudiantes [Influence of the expectations of families and teachers on educational and social achievement of students]. Educação e Pesquisa, 45, e214529. doi:10.1590/s1678-4634201945214529
). That points to the student collective culture as an important factor in the teachers’ perceptions.

In a recent study, Micó-Cebrián, Cava and Buelga (2019Micó-Cebrián, P., Cava, M.-J., & Buelga, S. (2019). Sensibilidad intercultural y satisfacción con la vida en alumnado autóctono e inmigrante [Intercultural sensitivity and satisfaction with life in native and immigrant students]. Educar, 55(1), 39-57. doi:10.5565/rev/educar.965
) found that the attitudes and behaviors of the national students towards their peers from minority cultures are affected by those shown by their teachers, in whom they find rational and moral reference or support. For the aforementioned authors, learning respect, appreciation and positive attitudes towards others who are culturally different is completely related to the conception of friendship, to the degree of support and to the concern conveyed by the teacher.

Taking the Spanish context and the different measures adopted to serve the student collective in all the educational levels as a reference, it is worth asserting that educational centers need to devise a curricular project as an integrating element (García Prieto & Pozuelos Estrada, 2017García Prieto, F. J., & Pozuelos Estrada, F. J. (2017). El curriculum integrado: Los proyectos de trabajo como propuesta global para una escuela rural alternativa [An integrated curriculum: Working projects as a proposal for a global alternative rural school]. Aula Abierta, 45(1), 7-14. doi:10.17811/rifie.45.1.2017.7-14
; Ortiz Hernández, 2006Ortiz Hernández, E. (2006). Retos y perspectivas del currículo integrado [Challenges and perspectives of the integrated curriculum]. Cuaderno de Investigación en la Educación, 21, 35-56. Retrieved from
). True pedagogy, which is inexorably ethical, implies establishing quality relationships among all the students and between them and the teacher. If they come from different cultures, it will be necessary to devise a common cultural space which supposes identity enrichment and not losses (Fernández Batanero, Hernández Fernández, & Colmenero Ruiz, 2020).

To devise such space, it is necessary to refer again to the fact that, in the classroom daily reality, the students assimilate the hopes deposited in them by their teachers, hopes which, as we have already mentioned, have operational nuances. It is as if the teachers told their students, ‘you admit that what I think about you is real and take the beliefs that I convey to you as true’. In such circumstances, if the students perceive that their teachers believe in them, they will feel strong and legimitized and will improve their behavior to such an extent that they will benefit in their learning process and in their academic situation (Borrero López & Blázquez Entonado, 2018Borrero López, R., & Blázquez Entonado, F. (2018). La interculturalidad en Extremadura: Tareas pendientes para una escuela inclusiva del s. XXI [Interculturality in Extremadura: Pending tasks for a 21st century inclusive school]. Educatio Siglo XXI, 36(2), 65-92. doi:10.6018/j/333121
). If, on the other hand, they perceive little faith in them and in their competences, they will adapt their behavior to their perceptions and will learn to underperform. In either case, what the teachers think about their students’ competence is a key factor of the academic results, since it produces a consequent behavior and eventually becomes a reality (Mares Miramontes, Martínez Llamas, & Rojo Sabaleta, 2009Mares Miramontes, A., Martínez Llamas, R., & Rojo Sabaleta, H. (2009). Concepto y expectativas del docente respecto de sus alumnos considerados con necesidades educativas especiales [Concept and expectations of the teacher regarding their students considered with special educational needs]. Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa, 14(42), 969-996. Retrieved from

In fact, and supported by abundant scientific research, there is a strong link between teachers’ expectations and academic performance, expectations that are shaped based on the teacher’s attributional style (Fernández, Arnaiz, Mejías, & Barca, 2015Fernández, A., Arnaiz, P., Mejía, R., & Barca, A. (2015). Atribuciones causales del alumnado universitario de República Dominicana con alto y bajo rendimiento académico [Causal attributions in low and high academic achievement university students in the Dominican Republic]. Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, 2(1), 19-29. doi:10.17979/reipe.2015.2.1.1319
; Lebrija, Flores, & Trejos, 2010Lebrija, A., Flores, R. C., & Trejos, M. (2010). El papel del maestro, el papel del alumno: Un estudio sobre las creencias e implicaciones en la docencia de los profesores de matemáticas en Panamá [The role of the teacher, the role of the student: A study on beliefs and their implications on teaching math professors in Panama]. Educación Matemática, 22(1), 31-55. Retrieved from
; Navas, Sampascual, & Castejón, 1992Navas, L., Sampascual, G., & Castejón, J. L. (1992). Atribuciones y expectativas de alumnos y profesores: Influencias en el rendimiento escolar [Attributions and expectations of students and teachers: Influences on school performance]. Revista de Psicología General y Aplicada, 45(1), 55-62. Retrieved from
), constituting, as pointed out by Micó-Cebrián et al. (2019Micó-Cebrián, P., Cava, M.-J., & Buelga, S. (2019). Sensibilidad intercultural y satisfacción con la vida en alumnado autóctono e inmigrante [Intercultural sensitivity and satisfaction with life in native and immigrant students]. Educar, 55(1), 39-57. doi:10.5565/rev/educar.965
), the main element in the establishment of positive relationships among the students, in the improvement of their well-being, and in fostering attitudes of respect and appreciation towards diversity.

One of the most renowned experiments on the phenomenon we are analyzing -correspondence between what the teacher thinks and academic achievements- is the one conducted by Rosenthal and Jacobson (1980Rosenthal, R., & Jacobson, L. (1980). Pygmalion en la escuela: Expectativas del maestro y desarrollo intelectual del alumno [Pygmalion at school: Teacher expectations and student intellectual development] (M. J. Dìaz, Trans.). Madrid, España: Marova.). The power of the teacher’s thinking was clearly evidenced in the study. Certain teachers’ behaviors towards the students of the list (greater attention, more challenging tasks, more trust and empathy, etc.) made their expectations a reality (García Vargas, 2015García Vargas, J. (2015). El efecto Pigmalión y su efecto transformador a través de las expectativas [The Pygmalion effect and its transformative effect through expectations]. Perspectivas Docentes, (57), 40-43. doi:10.19136/pd.a0n57.1028
). This phenomenon is known as the Pygmalion Effect.

But it is not only the teacher’s thinking that has repercussions on children’s and adolescents’ academic behavior; it is also their parents’. Therefore, it is not difficult to find references centered on the family as a universe of values guiding the students’ responses (Garreta-Bochaca, Macià-Bordalba, & Llevot-Calvet, 2020Garreta-Bochaca, J., Macià-Bordalba, M., & Llevot-Calvet, N. (2020). Intercultural education in Catalonia (Spain): Evolution of discourses and practices (2000-2016). Estudios sobre Educación, 38, 191-215. doi:10.15581/004.38.191-215
; Gil-del-Pino & García-Segura, 2019Gil-del-Pino, C., & García-Segura, S. (2019). Influencia de las expectativas de familias y profesorado en el logro educativo y social de los estudiantes [Influence of the expectations of families and teachers on educational and social achievement of students]. Educação e Pesquisa, 45, e214529. doi:10.1590/s1678-4634201945214529
; Santos Rego, Lorenzo Moledo, & Priegue Caamaño, 2019Santos Rego, M. A., Lorenzo Moledo, M., & Priegue Caamaño, D. (2019). La mejora de la participación e implicación de las familias en la escuela: Un programa de acción [The improvement of participation and involvement of families in school: A program in action]. Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 22(3), 93-107. doi:10.6018/reifop.389931
). Various studies found that low family expectations are totally linked to lesser involvement in the educational centers (Garreta Bochaca & Llevot Calvet, 2017Garreta Bochaca, J., & Llevot Calvet, N. (2017). Migración y codesarrollo desde Cataluña: Un análisis de sus fortalezas y debilidades [Migration and co-development in Catalonia: Analysis of its strengths and weaknesses]. Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios (RIEM), 7(1), 46-74. doi:10.25115/riem.v7i1.1072
; Llevot & Bernad, 2015Llevot, N., & Bernad, O. (2015). La participación de las familias en la escuela: Factores clave [The involvement of families in the school: Key factors]. Revista de Sociología de la Educación, 8(1), 57-70. Retrieved from
). Therefore, the scarce presence of immigrant families in them is associated with the limited (theoretical) value they concede to their children’s educational path, which ends up constituting a (real) deterrent to their academic success.

The importance of the general participation of the parents in the school setting, as well as that of the immigrant children in particular, is a prominent topic in numerous texts published in recent years. Both the experts and the teachers absolutely agree on this issue. Mares Miramontes et al. (2009Mares Miramontes, A., Martínez Llamas, R., & Rojo Sabaleta, H. (2009). Concepto y expectativas del docente respecto de sus alumnos considerados con necesidades educativas especiales [Concept and expectations of the teacher regarding their students considered with special educational needs]. Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa, 14(42), 969-996. Retrieved from
) point out that they “attribute the causes of class disruption to factors out of their control and centered on the family, to the student’s personality and to the sociocultural context, among others; that is, to factors alien to their intervention” (p. 972). As asserted by Maslow (1991Maslow, A. (1991). Motivación y personalidad [Motivation and personality] (C. Clemente, Trans.). Madrid, España: Ediciones Díaz de Santos.), basic needs are a priority and, as long as they are not met, it is not possible to aspire to respond to the higher-order needs such as those of recognition and self-fulfillment.

Therefore, the research purpose focuses on determining if the teachers’ thinking is prophetic, that is, if these teaching attitudes and actions permeate the students and condition their academic performance.



The sample consisted in 167 teachers (65.7 % female and 34.3 % male) from 14 non-university educational centers in the city of Córdoba (Spain). Specifically, 12.7 % were Early Childhood Education teachers, 34.3 % worked in Elementary Education, and 53% were High School teachers. Regarding years in teaching, the distribution was as follows: 5-10 years = 24.7 %; 11-20 years = 38 %; 21-30 years = 22.9 %; and 31-41 years = 14.5%. The teachers’ age group was that of 22-64 years old and was distributed as follows: 0.6 %, 20-25 years old; 27.1 %, 31-40 years old; 27.1 %, 41-50 years old; and 24.3 %, 51-65 years old. Other sociodemographic data of interest are that 36.1 % of the teachers who comprised the sample did not have children, that 73.5 % was married, and that 60.5 % was involved in some volunteer activity.


After elaborating the questionnaire, we proceeded to its validation, for which we selected five experts with wide recognition in research and teaching (Rubio, Berg-Weger, Tebb, Lee, & Rauch, 2003Rubio, D. M., Berg-Weger, M., Tebb, S. S., Lee, E. S., & Rauch, S. (2003). Objectifying content validity: Conducting a content validity study in social work research. Social Work Research, 27(2), 94-104. doi:10.1093/swr/27.2.94
). For their selection, we took into account the criteria pointed out by Escobar and Cuervo (2008Escobar, J., & Cuervo, A. (2008). Validez de contenido y juicio de expertos: una aproximación a su utilización [Content validity and expert judgement: an approach to their use]. Avances en medición, 6, 27-36.), such as experience in assessments and decision-making based on evidence or expertise, reputation in the community, availability and motivation to participate, impartiality and inherent qualities like self-confidence and adaptability.

The instrument was named Cuestionario sobre las expectativas y la percepción del profesorado en relación con el alumnado extranjero (Questionnaire on the teachers’ expectations and perception in relation to foreign students) and consisted of two major blocks: (a) sociometric data, and (b) the questionnaire itself.

The sociometric data block consisted in eight questions related to gender, age, number of children, marital status, religious beliefs, years in teaching, educational level in which they taught, and if they performed any volunteer work. The questionnaire itself consisted in a 5-point Likert-type scale (1 = Totally disagree; 5 = Totally agree) with 21 items referring to the teacher’s beliefs about national and foreign students’ performance, about the attitudes, beliefs and involvement of the families in their children’s education, about the students’ academic performance, and about the opportunities and resources offered by the school.


Data collection. The research was conducted during the 2017-2018 school year. Incidental non-probabilistic sampling was performed where the sample was assembled according to accessibility to the educational centers and to the teachers. Formal contact was established via email, through which instructions were sent indicating the research nature, purpose and objectives. After the educational centers and the teachers accepted to participate, the questionnaire was sent and its confidential and voluntary nature was emphasized. Finally, it was filled out individually and online. The mean completion time varied between 20 and 30 minutes.

Data analysis. Before proceeding to the analysis, and with the intention of knowing the psychometric properties of the test, an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was performed using the principal components method with Varimax rotation. To corroborate the factor structure yielded by the EFA, a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed using the Robust Maximum Likelihood estimation method. This is a method that is recommended when working with samples which follow non-normal distribution (normalized Mardia’s coefficient = 30.158; p ≤ 0.001). The model’s fit was assessed considering Satorra-Bentler Chi-square significance value (S-Bχ2) (values above 0.01 indicate good fit), the Comparative Fit index (CFI) (>0.95), the Non-Normality Fit Index (NNFI) (>.95), the Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) (>0.95), the Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) (<0.08), and the Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) (<0.08) (Byrne, 2006Byrne, B. (2006). Structural equation modeling with EQS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. ; Hu & Bentler, 1999Hu, L., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cut off criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 6(1), 1-55. doi:10.1080/10705519909540118
). The program used was EQS 6.3.

To find the relationship between the beliefs and the sociometric variables (gender, age, years in teaching, educational level taught, volunteer work and marital status), the ANOVA and Student’s T tests were performed, as univariate analyses. The SPSS statistical package, version 22.0 in Spanish, was used for data coding and analysis.

Ethical Considerations

This paper adheres to the considerations set forth by the Committee of Ethics in Research with Human Begins (Comité Ético de Investigación con Humanos, CEIH) of Universidad de Córdoba (Governance Council Agreement dated March 21st, 2013).


Previous analyses

An exploratory factor analysis was performed to establish the factors of the Questionnaire on the teachers’ expectations and perception in relation to foreign students instrument. The KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) measure of sampling adequacy, with a value of 0.83, and Barlett’s sphericity test, which presented statistical significance [± 2(153) = 969.021; p < 0.01], confirmed the pertinence of performing an EFA. The total percentage of explained variance with the 4-factor model was 56.85 %. The results on the interpretation of the EFA with the Varimax rotation method yielded a first factor, which was called Creencias sobre la actitud e implicación de la familia en la educación de sus hijos (Beliefs about the attitude and involvement of the family in their children’s education) (α = 0.78), which explained 18.35% of the variance and consisted in 6 items. The second factor, called Creencias del docente sobre resultados y éxito académico de los alumnos inmigrantes (Teacher’s beliefs about the immigrant students’ academic results and success) (α = 0.80), explained 33.70% of the variance and consisted in 5 items. The third factor, called Creencias del docente sobre los recursos educativos y oportunidades que ofrece la escuela a los alumnos inmigrantes (Teacher’s beliefs about the educational resources and opportunities offered by the school to immigrant students) (α = 0.75), explained 47.05% of the variance and consisted in 3 items. The fourth factor, called Creencias e implicación del docente en relación a los alumnos inmigrantes (Teacher’s beliefs and involvement in relation to immigrant students) (α = 0.54), explained 56.85% of the variance and consisted in 4 items. The full scale’s internal consistency presented a high Cronbach’s Alpha value (α = 0.85). Reliability was considered adequate for the rest of the dimensions. Table 1 presents the univariate statistics of the items which comprise each scale. After the exploratory and confirmatory analysis was concluded, the final adjusted model was established, where two items (3 and 4) were excluded with values adjusted to those established by Byrne (2006Byrne, B. (2006). Structural equation modeling with EQS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. ) and by Hu and Bentler (1999Hu, L., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cut off criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 6(1), 1-55. doi:10.1080/10705519909540118

Table 1
Descriptive results of the items

The results of the CFA developed in the second sample corroborated the factor structure suggested by the AFE, presenting the following fit indexes: S-Bχ2 = 234.146; p = 0.000; NNFI = 0.084; CFI = 0.86; GFI = 0.85; RMSEA = 0.07; and SRMR = 0.075. In addition, the results evidenced high factorial loads with low measurement errors (Figure 1), with all the standardized factor weights above 0.35 and statistically significant.

Figure 1
4-factor structural model of the scale of teachers’ beliefs about immigrant students.

Descriptive results

The descriptive results reflect the teachers’ beliefs in relation to certain variables such as the family, the school organization or that of the Educational System itself, academic success or the expectations they project onto the immigrant students (Table 2). In general, the percentages reflect that those referring to the immigrant students’ academic performance and success are based on the educational effort and support they receive from the teachers, them being those who need to make the greatest efforts.

Table 2
Descriptive results of each variable

On the other hand, considering the 4 factors derived from the EFA, the descriptive analyses determined statistically significant differences in relation to age and to years in teaching. However, they did not evidence differences outside the random zone in relation to the teachers’ gender, their marital status, their religious beliefs, their participation in volunteer activities, or to the educational level in which they teach.

In this sense, the findings reflect that “years in teaching” is an explanatory factor for the beliefs about the attitude and involvement of the families in their children’s education and about the immigrant students’ academic results. Therefore, they indicate that teachers with fewer years in the profession would point to the family as an influencing factor in the immigrant students’ academic success. In addition, the group of teachers with more experience presents higher mean values in their beliefs about the foreign-origin students’ academic results and success, considering that they achieve worse academic results and require more effort and pedagogical help (Table 3).

Table 3
Teachers’ beliefs and their relationship with years in teaching

The results about the teachers’ age reflect that it is an explanatory factor for the beliefs about the attitude and involvement of the family in their children’s education and about the educational resources and opportunities offered by the school to foreign students. Consequently, the data show that the age group from 51 to 65 years old presents higher mean values than that from 31 to 40 years old, which shows that older teachers believe that the families constitute an influencing factor regarding foreign students’ academic success. Likewise, the groups made up by older individuals (41-50 years old and 51-65 years old) point out that the educational resources and opportunities offered to immigrant students limit their academic success (Table 4).

Table 4
Teacher’s beliefs and their relationship with age


The results presented confirm that the teacher’s thinking is prophetic, that is, thinking which, through a repertoire of attitudes and actions, takes root in the student and becomes a reality. Therefore, our paper is in the line of the research studies that were initiated in the second half of the 20th century and which continue up to the present day (Borrero López & Blázquez Entonado, 2018Borrero López, R., & Blázquez Entonado, F. (2018). La interculturalidad en Extremadura: Tareas pendientes para una escuela inclusiva del s. XXI [Interculturality in Extremadura: Pending tasks for a 21st century inclusive school]. Educatio Siglo XXI, 36(2), 65-92. doi:10.6018/j/333121
; Leder, 2006Leder, G. C. (2006). Student achievement: A factor in classroom dynamics? Exceptional Child, 34(2), 133-141. doi:10.1080/0156655870340206
; Mares Miramontes et al., 2009Mares Miramontes, A., Martínez Llamas, R., & Rojo Sabaleta, H. (2009). Concepto y expectativas del docente respecto de sus alumnos considerados con necesidades educativas especiales [Concept and expectations of the teacher regarding their students considered with special educational needs]. Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa, 14(42), 969-996. Retrieved from
; Robinson, 1983Robinson, P. (1983). Social psychology in classroom. In G. M. Stephenson & J. H. Davis (Eds.), Advances in applied social psychology (pp. 188-204). Chichester, United Kingdom: Wiley.; Rosenthal & Jacobson, 1980Rosenthal, R., & Jacobson, L. (1980). Pygmalion en la escuela: Expectativas del maestro y desarrollo intelectual del alumno [Pygmalion at school: Teacher expectations and student intellectual development] (M. J. Dìaz, Trans.). Madrid, España: Marova.), studies that confirm the power exerted by the teachers’ beliefs on their students’ lives (Alonso-Tapia et al., 2020Alonso-Tapia, J., Ruiz, M. A., & Huertas, J. A. (2020). Differences in classroom motivational climate: Causes, effects and implications for teacher education. A multilevel study. Anales de Psicología, 36(1), 122-133. doi:10.6018/analesps.336681
; Sánchez-Burgos & Berger-Silva, 2019Sánchez-Burgos, F., & Berger-Silva, C. (2019). Definiciones y creencias educativas que configuran el rol docente en la educación no formal [Definitions and educational beliefs that shape the teaching role in non-formal education]. Revista Saberes Educativos, (3), 95-122. doi:10.5354/2452-5014.2019.53791

In addition, this research found that the teachers consider that the foreign students’ academic performance is extremely related to the concern and effort that the school organization and the educational system themselves must contribute through their teachers. As stated by García Prieto and Pozuelos Estrada (2017García Prieto, F. J., & Pozuelos Estrada, F. J. (2017). El curriculum integrado: Los proyectos de trabajo como propuesta global para una escuela rural alternativa [An integrated curriculum: Working projects as a proposal for a global alternative rural school]. Aula Abierta, 45(1), 7-14. doi:10.17811/rifie.45.1.2017.7-14
) and by Ortiz Hernández (2006Ortiz Hernández, E. (2006). Retos y perspectivas del currículo integrado [Challenges and perspectives of the integrated curriculum]. Cuaderno de Investigación en la Educación, 21, 35-56. Retrieved from
), the formulation of a curricular project as an integrating element supposes an intercultural dialogical space, which is a space for mutual enrichment in which development of plurality of values from the different cultures is promoted. Another prominent and influencing factor pointed out by the teachers with more professional experience is the families’ weight on the foreign students’ academic results, which is line with the abundance of research studies on the important role played by the social-family context on people’s lives (Coleman, 1968Coleman, J. S. (1968). The concept of equality of educational opportunity. Harvard Educational Review, 38(1), 7-22. doi:10.17763/haer.38.1.m3770776577415m2
; Garreta-Bochaca et al., 2020Garreta-Bochaca, J., Macià-Bordalba, M., & Llevot-Calvet, N. (2020). Intercultural education in Catalonia (Spain): Evolution of discourses and practices (2000-2016). Estudios sobre Educación, 38, 191-215. doi:10.15581/004.38.191-215
; Santos Rego et al., 2019Santos Rego, M. A., Lorenzo Moledo, M., & Priegue Caamaño, D. (2019). La mejora de la participación e implicación de las familias en la escuela: Un programa de acción [The improvement of participation and involvement of families in school: A program in action]. Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 22(3), 93-107. doi:10.6018/reifop.389931
). Therefore, the teachers participating in our study understand that foreign-origin families present lower levels of involvement in their children’s educational process, which has a bearing on their academic performance, reason why they need more academic support from the teachers.

Considering the contributions by Fernández Batanero (2004Fernández Batanero, J. M. (2004). La presencia de alumnos inmigrantes en las aulas: Un reto educativo [The presence of immigrant students in the classroom: An educational challenge]. Educación y Educadores, 7, 33-44. Retrieved from
), the teaching process should be based on the following principles: need to despecialize the integration processes for ethnic minorities; personalization of the teaching processes; open curriculum and organizational flexibility in the centers; more significant learning; non-discriminatory tutoring and guidance, as an equal opportunity principle; educational interaction; construction of interculturality; interventions with the family; and educational compensation.

Having reached this point we conclude, in the first place, that the teacher’s cognitive architecture harbors the idea that foreign students achieve worse academic results and require more effort and pedagogical help, which would confirm what we set out in our first hypothesis. Undoubtedly, and unfortunately, the teachers place low expectations on foreign students, which certainly constitutes a powerful deterrent for them to display their value, uniqueness and unrepeatability. No such thing is possible without having trust and faith in them.

Our second conclusion is that, in general, teachers are not aware of the power exerted by their beliefs on their students’ performance. Only one third of those comprising our sample considers that these beliefs have some weight on the children’s and adolescents’ school life. This (partially) confirms our second hypothesis and authorizes us to assert that they have adopted the habit of not thinking about their own thinking. And this is extremely serious, especially when we continuously find that foreign-origin students present lower performance than their Spanish peers, an assertion acknowledged by more than half of the teachers who comprised our sample; and this would be our third conclusion.

We can even add a fourth conclusion. The teachers participating in the study manifest an external attributional style that would explain their attitudes and behaviors in relation to immigrant children and adolescents. For them, the families and the school institution’s organizational resources, not their own or even them personally, are determining factors of performance. As a consequence, the fourth and last hypothesis that we set forth above would also be accepted.

The previous conclusions lead us to immediately setting out two inter-related proposals. In the first place, reflection and self-criticism; secondly, formative overexposure and intellectual eruption.

For the first proposal, we resort to an authority argument. Aristotle (1999)Aristóteles. (1999). Ética a Nicómaco [Nicomachean ethics] (M. Araujo & J. Marías, Trans.). Madrid, España: Espasa Calpe. distinguishes between production and action, which are two aptitudes of well-differentiated types. Whereas the former -τέχνη- is a technical activity that requires no reflection and whose purpose is different from it, action -πρα̃ζις- is prudent performance, that is, a practice subjected to continuous review whose purpose lies in itself; therefore: doing versus acting, τέχνη versus πρα̃ζις, productive action versus moral action. This is the dilemma that we extend to the education professionals, who must make a decision on whether to fall within the domain of the technique or within that of logic and ethics, which requires self-examination and reflecting on their own practice (Jiménez Jaimes, 2019Jiménez Jaimes, D. (2019). El maestro reflexivo, una postura abierta a la acción para el cambio [The reflexive teacher, an open posture to action for change]. Revista Educación y Ciudad, 2(37), 115-124. doi:10.36737/01230425.v2.n37.2019.2152

Our second proposal is directed towards the need for teachers to implement an endless training spiral to permanently enrich their conscience with the largest possible number of fair, logical and ethical reasons, and make it erupt. They need to understand that immigration exerts a positive influence on the receiving society at many levels. In the case of Spain, it is proven that it renovates the structure of the country’s population, which is aging at a forced pace with the inherent economic, family and social problems. On the other hand, the immigrants’ arrival contributes to maintaining sectors and companies which are in crisis, as well as to the development of different economic sectors. At the sociocultural level, the diversity that it contributes enriches us, allowing us to learn to respect and value the differences, knowing other ways of life, and considering the amplitude of human nature, among other aspects.

Therefore, immigration is not to be perceived as a problem and we must not advocate cultural withdrawal (closing doors to immigration and to cultural blending) to preserve «the essences» of our culture (language, customs, traditions, etc.). The image of a compact society, structured around a unique system of values and certain socially-shared behavioral patterns has fallen apart. Uniformity and homogeneity have given way to complexity, plurality and blending. The same can be asserted regarding schools, which will have to acknowledge that not all of their actions contribute educational value since, while some are targeted at fuller human horizons, others are detrimental to the human condition. The teachers’ work consists in the fulfillment of individuals. This cannot be something alien to them but their drive, commitment and passion.

Regarding the research limitations, the sample size was an important one, reason why we propose replicating it with a larger population. Another of the paper’s weaknesses is having employed only the quantitative methodology and the questionnaire technique. It would have been very interesting to apply a mixed methodology and also focus on the study object from the qualitative paradigm, which would have allowed enriching the results obtained with others from interviews or discussion groups. These would have undoubtedly provided detailed information about the teachers’ work in increasingly complex classrooms, as well as about the teachers’ training and its influence on the improvement of their expectations.


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Edited by

Associate Editor:

Fabio Scorsolini-Comin

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    01 Nov 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    02 Feb 2021
  • Reviewed
    23 Mar 2021
  • Accepted
    07 Apr 2021
Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Av.Bandeirantes 3900 - Monte Alegre, 14040-901 Ribeirão Preto, Tel.: (55 16) 3315-3829 - Ribeirão Preto - SP - Brazil