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Química Nova, Volume: 34, Número: 4, Publicado: 2011
  • 34ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química: Ano Internacional da Química Editorial

    Andricopulo, Adriano D.
  • Adsorção de arsênio(V) pelo compósito magnético hidrotalcita: óxido de ferro Artigo

    Toledo, Thiago Vinícius; Bellato, Carlos Roberto; Rosário, Rafael Henrique do; Marques Neto, José de Oliveira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work, hydrotalcite, a layered double hydroxide, had its adsorption and ion exchange properties combined with the magnetic properties of iron oxide to produce a magnetic adsorbent, HT-Fe. The removal of As(V) by a HT-Fe adsorbent was evaluated under various conditions. The Kinetic process was well described by a pseudo-second order rate model. The maximum adsorption capacity, calculated with the Langmuir model showed to be dependent on pH, reaching values of 24.09, 10.19 and 7.44 mg g-1, respectively, for pH values of 4.0, 7.0 and 9.0. The inhibition by competition of anions is dependent on the type of ionic species.
  • Biodegradação de uma mistura de corantes têxteis usando o fungo Ganoderma sp: um estudo cinético Artigo

    Barreto, Wagner José; Bernardino, Nathalia D'Elboux; Afonso, Renata; Doi, Suely Mayumi Obara

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The kinetics of biodegradation by the fungus Ganoderma sp of textile dyes Yellow, Blue and Red Procion were studied in effluents using UV-Vis spectroscopy, Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS) and univariate analysis. The kinetic of the reactions were founded intermediate between first and second orders and the rate constants were calculated. The biodegradation after 72 h at 28 ºC were 33.6, 43.5 and 57.7% for the dyes Yellow, Blue and Red Procion, respectively. The quantitative analysis of the effluent by HPLC method can not be used without previous separation.
  • Temperature-dependent benzoic acid elimination mechanisms in pyrolysis of (-)-cocaine

    Novák, Michal

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The thermal elimination of benzoic acid from (-)-cocaine is shown to be temperature-dependent. In the temperature range of 200-500 °C only a trans-elimination is observed leading to methylecgonidine. Above ca. 500 °C a second mechanism, the cis-elimination, comes up yielding a novel alkaloid methylisoecgonidine which has been characterized by means of mass spectrometry. At 600 °C the cis-elimination predominates. The trans-elimination is postulated a two-step process consisting of a 1,7- and a 1,5-hydrogen shift. The chemistry of cocaine base smoking is explained using the theory of chemical activation.
  • Preparação de copolímeros à base de 2-vinilpiridina com propriedades bactericidas Artigo

    Valle, Aline S. S.; Costa, Luciana C.; Marques, Mônica R. C.; Silva, Camila L. P.; Maria, Luiz Cláudio de Santa; Merçon, Fábio; Aguiar, Alcino Palermo de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We report the development of two copolymers based on 2-vinylpyridine, styrene and divinylbenzene (2Vpy-Sty-DVB) with different porosity degrees. The copolymers were subsequently quaternized with methyl iodide. To prepare charge transfer complexes, the unmodified copolymers and their derivatives quaternized with methyl iodine were impregnated with iodine. The antibacterial properties of the polymers were evaluated in dilutions ranging from 10² to 10(7) cells/mL of the auxotrophic OHd5-K12 Escherichia coli strain. It was possible to obtain materials with complete antibacterial activity even in the highest cell concentrations tested.
  • Adsorção do corante azul de metileno em partículas de argilominerais: análise dos tamanhos das partículas Artigo

    Sartori, Rogerio Antonio; Morais, Luis Carlos de; Consolin-Filho, Nelson; Marques, Délcio Dias; Gessner, Fergus

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Interactions of cationic dye methylene blue (MB) with clay particles in aqueous suspension have been extensively studied. As already known, the number of natural negative charges on the clay modifies significantly the particle sizes dispersed in water and therefore the nature of the interaction with the dye. This work evaluated with UV-Vis spectroscopy method how the clay particle sizes weighted on the adsorption and rearrangement of the dye molecules in aqueous system. The results obtained from light-scattering measurements confirmed that larger particles are found in suspensions containing the high-charged clays as the visible absorption band related to the MB aggregates (570 nm) on these suspensions prevailed.
  • Uso da FTIR na obtenção de resinas e na síntese de peptídeos em fase sólida Artigo

    Cespedes, Graziely Ferreira; Vicente, Eduardo Festozo; Cilli, Eduardo Maffud; Jubilut, Guita Nicolaewsky; Nakaie, Clovis Ryuichi

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Despite the increase in peptide chain aggregation, which decreases the rate of coupling reactions, the synthesis and use of very highly substituted resins still remains as a controversial point in the SPPS, due to its clear economical advantages (lesser solvent consumption and higher amount of peptide per synthesis). In order to better investigate the synthesis and the use of very highly substituted resins, the FTIR, NMR and EPR were compared. By FTIR techniques it was possible to follow all the steps of resin synthesis and the factors affecting the aggregation of the chains inside the peptidil-BHAR and MBHAR.
  • Precipitação seletiva de tamanhos em nanopartículas semicondutoras coloidais de CdTe e CdSe: um estudo por espectroscopia UV-VIS Artigo

    Viol, Lívia Cristina de Souza; Silva, Fernanda Oliveira; Ferreira, Diego Lourençoni; Alves, José Luiz Aarestrup; Schiavon, Marco Antônio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The post-preparative size-selective precipitation technique was applied in CdTe and CdSe semiconductor nanocrystals prepared via colloidal route in water. The synthesis of CdTe and CdSe nanoparticles and the effect of the post-preparative size-selective precipitation have been characterized mainly by mean of ultraviolet and visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-Vis). It was demonstrated that the size-selective precipitation are able to isolate particles of different sizes and purify the nanoparticles as well.
  • H3PW12O40 (HPA), an efficient and reusable catalyst for biodiesel production related reactions: esterification of oleic acid and etherification of glycerol

    Sepúlveda, Jorge H.; Vera, Carlos R.; Yori, Juan C.; Badano, Juan M.; Santarosa, Daniel; Mandelli, Dalmo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In esterification of oleic acid with methanol at 25 °C HPA displayed the highest activity. Moreover the HPA could be reused after being transformed into its cesium salt. In the reaction of etherification of glycerol HPA and Amberlyst 35W showed similar initial activity levels. The results of acid properties demonstrate that HPA is a strong protonic acid and that both surface and bulk protons contribute to the acidity. Because of its strong affinity for polar compounds, HPA is also seemingly dissolved in both oleic acid and methanol. The reaction in this case proceeds with the catalyst in the homogenous phase.
  • Determination of traces of nitrate in water samples using spectrophotometric method after its preconcentration on microcrystalline naphthalene

    Baezzat, Mohammad Reza; Parsaeian, Golabatoon; Zare, Mohammad Ali

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Nitrate is quantitatively retained with 2,6-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-phenyl pyrylium perchlorate (PPP) on microcrystalline naphthalene in the pH range of 6.5-9.0 from a large volume of aqueous solutions of various samples. The method was based on the complexation between PPP and nitrate and then, extraction of the resulted complex from aqueous solution by microcrystalline naphthalene. The solid mass consisting of the nitrate complex and naphthalene was then dissolved in dimethyl formamide (DMF) and absorption of the resulted solution was obtained at 328 nm. The linear calibration range for the determination of nitrate was 15-135 μg L-1 with the detection limit of 10 μg L-1.
  • Composição química das águas pluviais e deposição atmosférica anual na bacia do Alto Sorocaba (SP) Artigo

    Conceição, Fabiano Tomazini da; Sardinha, Diego de Souza; Navarro, Guillermo Rafael Beltran; Antunes, Maria Lúcia Pereira; Angelucci, Vivian Andréa

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Two sampling points were chosen and forty samples were collected between January and December 2006 at Alto Sorocaba basin. The rainwater pH varied from 5.46 to 6.36 (Ibiúna) and 5.26 to 6.81 (Itupararanga), being Ca2+ the main ion responsible for controlling the rainwater pH. The ionic concentrations decreased in the following order: Ca2 +>Na+> Mg2+>K+ for cations and SO4(2-)>HCO3->NO 3->Cl- >PO4(3-) for anions. The annual atmospheric deposition appeared to be controlled mostly by following sources: mining activities and cement factories (Ca2+ and HCO3-), natural soil dust (Na+, Mg2+ and HCO3-), fossil fuel burning (SO4(2-)) and agriculture activities (K+, NO3- and PO4(3-)).
  • A green synthesis of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds from glyceraldehyde acetonide

    Veloso, Cláudia O.; Henriques, Cristiane A.; Dias, Ayres G.; Lima, Evanoel C. de; Souza, Bianca M.; Monteiro, José Luiz F.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The catalytic behavior of Cs-exchanged and Cs-impregnated zeolites (X and Y) was studied using the Knoevenagel condensation between glyceraldehyde acetonide and ethyl acetoacetate in order to produce the corresponding α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compound that is an important intermediate for fine chemicals. The influence of reaction temperature, type of zeolite, and basicity of the sites on the catalytic behavior of the samples was evaluated. All zeolites were active for the studied reaction. The formation of the main condensation product was favored at lower reaction temperatures. Products of further condensations were also observed especially for samples that were only dried before catalytic test.
  • Identificação de adulteração de biocombustível por adição de óleo residual ao diesel por espectrofluorimetria total 3D e análise das componentes principais Artigo

    Meira, Marilena; Quintella, Cristina M.; Ferrer, Tiago M.; Silva, Humbervânia R. Gonçalves da; Guimarães, Alexandre K.; Santos, Mariana Andrade; Costa Neto, Pedro R. da; Pepe, Iuri M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Total spectrofluorimetry associated to Principal Components Analysis (PCA) were used to classify into different groups the samples of diesel oil, biodiesel, vegetal oil and residual oil, as well as, to identify addition of non-transesterified residual vegetable oil, instead of biodiesel, to the diesel oil. Using this method, the samples of diesel oil, mixtures of biodiesel in diesel and mixtures of residual oil in diesel were separated into well-defined groups.
  • Metodologias para reutilização do resíduo de terra diatomácea, proveniente da filtração e clarificação da cerveja Artigo

    Goulart, Marcos Roberto; Silveira, Cristian Berto da; Campos, Mari Lúcia; Almeida, Jaime Antonio de; Manfredi-Coimbra, Silvana; Oliveira, Aline Fernandes de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The earth diatomite is a material used by the industries in the filtration process and clarification of the beer. This material presents a reduced useful life due to the blockages of their pores during the filtration process. The objective of this work was to reactivate the properties of filtration of the earth diatomite, saturated with organic matter during the filtration stage, starting from a controlled thermal treatment. The obtained results demonstrated that the earth diatomite saturated with organic matter submitted to a controlled thermal treatment has their filtration properties reactivated, could be reused in the beer production process.
  • Determinação simultânea de ácido kójico e hidroquinona por espectrofotometria visível e calibração multivariada Artigo

    Calaça, Giselle Nathaly; Stets, Sandra; Nagata, Noemi

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A multivariate spectrophotometric method was developed for analysis of kojic acid/hydroquinone associations in skin whitening cosmetics. The method is based on the reaction between kojic acid and Fe3+ and on the reduction of Fe3+ by hydroquinone and further complexation of Fe2+ with 1,10-phenanthroline. The multivariate model was developed by Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR), using 25 synthetic mixtures and mean-centered spectral data (350-380 nm). The use of 3 (kojic acid) and 2 (hydroquinone) latent variables permits the observation of mean errors of about 5% in the external validation phase.
  • Thermal and structural study of guava (Psidium guajava L) powders obtained by two dehydration methods

    Osorio, Coralia; Carriazo, José G.; Barbosa, Helber

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Two food products (powders) were obtained by hot-air drying or lyophilisation methods on the whole guava fruits. The powders were characterised by sensory and thermal analyses (TGA-DSC), infrared spectroscopy (IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Thermal, morphological and structural characterisations showed a similar behaviour for the two solids. TGA-DSC and IR showed the presence of pectin as the main constituent of solids. A semi-crystalline profile was evidenced by XRD, and lamellar/spherical morphologies were observed by SEM. Sensory analyses revealed an aroma highly related to guava. These value-added food products are an alternative to process guava and avoid loss during postharvest handling.
  • Electrodeposition of gold from formaldehyde-sulfite baths: bath stability and deposits characterization

    Cardoso, Juliana L.; Santos Filho, Sebastião G. dos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    It was investigated Au(I)-sulfite baths containing formaldehyde. As a result, high stability was achieved for baths containing formaldehyde concentration close to 10 mL L-1 with a lifetime superior to 600 days. On the other hand, cyclic voltammograms indicated that the increase of formaldehyde concentration in the bath promotes decreasing of the maximum cathodic current, so that, if the formaldehyde concentration is high, the surface areal concentration of gold will be low. Also, the lowest surface roughness was obtained for 10 mL L-1 of formaldehyde.
  • Catalisadores metalocênicos suportados para a produção de poliolefinas: revisão das estratégias de imobilização Revisão

    Fisch, Adriano G.; Cardozo, Nilo S. M.; Secchi, Argimiro R.; Santos, João H. Z. dos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The inadequacy of strategies used for the heterogeneization of metallocene catalysts is pointed out as one of the main causes of the lack of industrial employability of such polymerization catalysts. The main problems are the necessity of large quantity of MAO (cocatalyst) and the inability to control molecular mass distribution of the polymers. Based on this background, the main strategies for the heterogeneization of metallocenes are here reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages of each strategy are presented and discussed on theoretical and practical perspective. Considering the results reported on the different researches, outcomes of heterogeneization strategies are pointed out.
  • Uma revisão sobre o efeito Toms: o fenômeno onde macromoléculas atenuam a turbulência em um líquido Revisão

    Bizotto, Vanessa C.; Alkschbirs, Melissa I.; Sabadini, Edvaldo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    It is very well known that the addition of polymers to a liquid increases the shear viscosity of the solution. In other words, the polymer increases the dissipation of the flow energy. Contrarily, in turbulent flow, some particular macromolecules in very low concentration are able to produce large attenuation in the turbulence and thus, decreasing the dissipation of the energy. This article present a brief revision about macroscopic and molecular models used to explain this dynamic effect. Some of the experimental techniques used to quantify the attenuation of the turbulence and the main active substances are also discussed.
  • Aplicações de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência para o estudo de poluentes orgânicos emergentes Revisão

    Silva, Carla Grazieli Azevedo da; Collins, Carol H.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Emerging organic pollutants (EOP) include many environmental contaminants based on commercial products such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, detergents, gasoline, polymers, etc. EOP may be candidates for future regulation as they offer potential risk to environmental and human health due to their continual entrance into the environment and to the fact that even the most modern wastewater treatment plants are not able to totally transform / remove these compounds. High performance liquid chromatography is recommended to separate emerging organic pollutants with characteristics of high polarity and low volatility, especially pharmaceuticals, from environmental matrices.
  • Spectrophotometric and spectrofluorimetric determination of some drugs containing secondary amino group in bulk drug and dosage forms via derivatization with 7-Chloro-4-Nitrobenzofurazon

    Önal, Armaan

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Sensitive and selective spectrophotometric and spectrofluorimetric methods have been developed for determination of some drugs such as Pramipexole, Nebivolol, Carvedilol, and Eletriptan, which commonly contain secondary amino group. The subject methods were developed via derivatization of the secondary amino groups with 7-Chloro-4-Nitrobenzofurazon in borate buffer where a yellow colored reaction product was obtained and measured spectrophotometrically or spectrofluorimetrically. Concentration ranges were found as 2.0 to 250 μg mL-1 and 0.1 to 3.0 μg mL-1, for spectrophotometric and spectrofluorimetric study, respectively. The described methods can be easily applied by the quality control laboratories in routine analyses of these drugs in pharmaceutical preparations.
  • Simultaneous determination of moxifloxacin and H2 receptor antagonist in pharmaceutical dosage formulations by RP-HPLC: application to in vitro drug interactions

    Sultana, Najma; Akhtar, Mahwish; Shamim, Sana; Gul, Somia; Arayne, Muhammad Saeed

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Simultaneous determination of moxifloxacin (MOX) and H2-antagonists was first time developed in bulk and formulations. Purospher STAR C18 (250 x 4.6 mm, 5 μm) column was used. The mobile phase (methanol: water: ACN, 60:45:5 v/v/v, pH 2.7) was delivered at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min-1, eluent was monitored at 236, 270 and 310 nm for cimetidine, famotidine and ranitidine, respectively. The proposed method is specific, accurate (98-103%), precise (intra-day and inter-day variation 0.098-1.970%) and linear (r>0.998). The LOD and LOQ were 0.006-0.018 and 0.019-0.005 μg mL-1, respectively. The statistical parameters were applied to verify the results. The method is applicable to routine analysis of formulations and interaction of MOX with H2-antagonist.
  • Método para determinação de carboidratos empregado na triagem de adulterações em café Nota Técnica

    Pauli, Elis Daiane; Cristiano, Valderi; Nixdorf, Suzana Lucy

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The objective in this work was to validate a chromatography method for the determination of total carbohydrates in soluble coffee, using a HPLC-UV-VIS with postcolumn derivatization system, in order to verify adulterant additions. The validated method was accurate and robust. Adulteration could be observed by increasing xylose and glucose levels in samples with addition of coffee husks and starchy products while decreasing of galactose and mannose characteristic carbohydrates presenting in high concentration in soluble coffees produced by arabica and robusta coffee beans.
  • Planejamento experimental na otimização da extração dos frutos de Syzygium cumini (L.) skeels Nota Técnica

    Migliato, Ketylin Fernanda; Corrêa, Marcos Antonio; Salgado, Hérida Regina Nunes; Tognolli, João Olimpio; Sacramento, Luis Vitor S.; Mello, João Carlos Palazzo de; Giannini, Maria José Soares Mendes; Almeida, Ana Marisa Fusco; Pizzolitto, Antonio Carlos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this study was to standardize the extractive solution of Syzygium cumini. The extractive solution was selected through a full factorial design, considering the extraction method (maceration-5-days, turbo extraction, percolation), extractor solvent (ethanol 50, 70, 96%) and plant material particle size 0.302 mm into a plant:solvent ratio (1:10), using the dried residue and antimicrobial activity determination as evaluation criteria. The tests were performed in triplicate. It appeared that the percolation is the best procedure extractive, and ethanol mixture: water (50:50) the best solvent. ANOVA analysis showed the importance of these parameters.
  • Preconcentración y atomización con tubo en la llama para la determinación de Cadmio en agua de mar

    González Sepúlveda, Elizabeth; Artigas Fuentes, Andrea; Neira Hinojosa, José

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A flow injection on-line pre-concentration system coupled to thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (TS-FF-AAS) for cadmium determination at sub μg L-1 levels in seawater samples was developed. The on-line system was evaluated by analysing cadmium containing in a synthetic seawater matrix (2.5% m/v NaCl, 0.5% m/v MgCl2 and 0.8% m/v CaCl2). A sample volume of 2 mL allows determining Cd with a detection limits of 30 ng L-1 (3* σblank/slope), pre-concentration factor of 34 and repeatability of 1,8% (calculated as RSD, N=8 and containing 200 ng L-1 of Cd ).
  • Separação semipreparativa de α e β-amirina por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência Nota Técnica

    Dias, Marluce Oliveira; Hamerski, Lidilhone; Pinto, Angelo C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The resin obtained from species of the genus Protium (Burseraceae) is formed mostly of pentacyclic triterpenes: α-amyrin and β-amyrin. The separation and purification of these triterpenes were optimized in three steps.
  • Simulação Monte Carlo de mecanismo de transferência de energia de excitação eletrônica: modelo de Perrin para a supressão estática da luminescência Educação

    Novo, João Batista Marques; Dias Júnior, Lauro Camargo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A software based in the Monte Carlo method has been developed aiming the teaching of the Perrin´s model for static luminescence quenching. This software allows the student to easily simulate the luminescence decays of emissive molecules in the presence of quenching ones. The software named PERRIN was written for FreeBASIC compiler and it can be applied for systems where the molecules remain static during its excited state lifetime. The good agreement found between the simulations and the expected theoretical results shows that it can be used for the luminescence and excited states decay kinetic teaching.
  • Variación del grado de avance de reacción en sistemas cerrados en equilibrio químico que modifican la temperatura a volumen constante

    Solaz-Portolés, Joan Josep

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this paper it is presented a thermodynamic analysis that aims to find the mathematical expression of the variation of extent of reaction with the infinitesimal variation in the temperature at constant volume of a chemical equilibrium mixture. The goal of this paper is to establish an alternative approach to avoid both the Le Chatelier's principle and the problems that emerge when trying to apply its qualitative statements. This attempt is based on the laws of thermodynamics.
  • Formação docente no ensino superior de Química: contribuições dos programas de aperfeiçoamento de ensino Educação

    Teodoro, Daniel Lino; Pagotto, Josias Falararo; Motheo, Artur de Jesus; Queiroz, Salete Linhares

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The literature on the challenges of teacher education in undergraduate chemistry teaching is limited. In the present study, the application of didactic proposals elaborated by two authors of this paper, graduate students and teaching assistants of the teaching improvement program at University of São Paulo, was investigated in terms of their contribution to the teaching assistants' education and undergraduate students' receptivity toward them. Such proposals were based on the jigsaw cooperative learning strategy and applied in two undergraduate courses. The results indicate students' good receptivity and suggest their importance to teaching assistants' education.
  • Recuperação de chumbo, mercúrio e elementos dos grupos 4 a 7 da tabela periódica de seus resíduos Assuntos Gerais

    Borges, Bruno Gabriel Alves Leite; Silva, Cristiano Nunes da; Guedes, Lidiane Kallyne da Silva; Afonso, Júlio Carlos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work shows routes to recover some elements from their laboratory wastes and broken apparatus (thermometers and densimeters). Most elements chosen present a chemical behavior in aqueous solution which is not currently studied in the ordinary experimental classes. The routes were based on the previous knowledge of the qualitative composition of the wastes treated. Wastes containing chromium were the most difficult to treat. The elements were recovered in good yields and can be reused in new experiments. This work was a very good experience in chemistry for students and shows the need of managing wastes for a better environment.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil