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Adote consumidores mais velhos no marketing das artes

Marketing; cultural marketing; arts marketing; marketing strategy; consumer

Marketing; marketing cultural; marketing das artes; estratégia de marketing; consumidor


Adote consumidores mais velhos no marketing das artes

Paulo Cesar MottaI; Charles D. ScheweII

IProfessor de Marketing do Departamento de Administração da PUC do Rio de Janeiro

IIProfessor de Marketing da Graduate School of Management, University of Massachusetts

Palavras-chave: Marketing, marketing cultural, marketing das artes, estratégia de marketing, consumidor.

Key words: Marketing, cultural marketing, arts marketing, marketing strategy, consumer.

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Artigo recebido pela Redação da RAE em maio/1994, avaliado em junho e julho/1994, aprovado para publicação em julho/1994.

1. HIRSCHMAN, Elizabeth C. Aesthetics, ideologies and the limits of the marketing concept, Journal of Marketing, v. 47, n. 3, Summer, 1983, p. 45-5.

2. HOLBROOK, Morris B., ZIRLIN, Robert B. Artistic creation, artworks, and aesthetic appreciation: some philosophical contributions to nonprofit marketing, Advances in Nonprofit Marketing, v. 1, n. 1, 1985, p. 1-54.

3. GOLD, Sonia. Consume r sovereignty and the performing arts. In: HENDON, Willian S., SHANAHAM, James L. Economies of cultural decisions, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Abt Books, 1983, p. 209-18.

4. SCHEWE, Charles D., HARLAN, E. Spotts Jr. Principies for communicating with aging health-care consumers, Clinicai Laboratory Management Review, Sep./Oct.1990, p, 219­24.

5. DiMMAGIO, Paul J. Can culture survive the marketplace, Journal of Arts Management and Law, v, 13, 1983, p. 61-87. Revised in DiMMAGIO, Paul J., ed. Nonprofit Enterprise in the Arts, Studies in Mission and Constraints, New York, Oxford University, 1986, p. 65-92.

6. SEMEN I K, Richard J. State of the art of arts marketing. Advances in Nonprofit Marketing, v. 2,1987, p. 99-124.

7. HOLBROOK, Morris B., ZIRLIN, Robert B. Op. cit.

8. WOODS, Walter A. Classical aesthetics and arousal theory, Advances in Nonprotit Marketing, v.2, 1987, p. 203-39.

9. GELB, Betsy D. Discovering the 65+ consumer, Business Horizons, May/June, p.42-6, 1982. In: SCHEWE, Charles D. The elderly market: selected readings, Chicago, Illinois: Introduction, 1985.

10. SCHEWE, Charles D. The elderly market ... Op. cit.

11. SCHEWE, Charles D. Digging deep to delight the older consumer, Working Paper, School of Management, University of Massachusetts, 1993.

12. Business Week, The old world gets older. Jan. 17 1994.

13. AGE WAVE, Inc. The shifting American marketplace, Emeryville, CA: Age Wave, 1989.

14. DiMMAGIO, Paul J. Op. cit.

15. HOLBROOK, Morris B., ZIRLIN, Robert B. Op. cit.

16. Idem, ibidem.

17. SEMENIK, Richard J. Op. cit.

18. NATIONAL Research Center of the Arts, Americans and the arts, Study no 831011, Louis Harris and Associates, 1984.

19. WOODS, Walter A. Op. cit.

20. LAZER, William. Dimensions of the mature market, Journal of Consumer Marketing, v. 3, n. 3, 1986, p. 23­34.

21. STEINBERG, Margery, MACULIS, George, LLOYD, David. Benefit segmentation strategies for the performing arts. In: Bruce Walker et al. (eds.) An assessment of marketing thought & practice. Educators' Proceedings, Chicago, Illinois: AMA, 1982.

22. MOSCHIS, George P. Marketing to older consumers, Weslport, CT: Quorum Books, 1992.

23. WQODS, Walter A. Op. cit., KELLY, Robert F. Museums as status symbols II: attaining a state of having been. In: Advances in nonprotit marketing. v. 2, Greenwhich, CT: JAI Press, p.1-38.

24. LOVELOCK, Ctustopher H., WEINBERG, Charles B. Retailing strategies for public ano nonprofil orqanízatíons, Journal of Retailing, v. 59, n. 3, Fall 1983, p. 93-115; NIELSON, Richard P. SMR Forum: slrategic piggybacking - a self-subsidization strategy for nonprofit organizations. Sloan Management Review, v.23, p. 65-9.

25. DiMMAGIO, Paul J. Op. cit.

26.NIELSON, Richard, P. Op. cit.

27. SCHEWt:, Charles D. Strategically positioning your way into the aging marketplace, Business Horizons, v. 34, n. 3, May-June 1991, p. 59-66.

28. LAZER, W. Op. cit.

29. SCHEWE, Charles D. Marketing: principles and strategies, New York: Random House, 1987.

30. DiMMAGIO, Paul J. Op. cit.

31. SCHEWE, Charles D. Op. cit.

32.SCHEWE, Charles D. Effective communication with our aging populatlon, Business Hotizons, v. 32, n. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1989,p.251-57.

33. VISVABHARATHY, Ganeson, RINK, David R. The elderIy: neglected business opportunities, Journal of Consumer Marketing, v. 1, n. 4, 1984, p. 34-46.

34. GRECO, Alan J. Representation of the elderly in advertising: crisis or incompetence? Journal of Consume r Marketing, v. 6, n. 1, Winter 1989, p.37-44.

35. PHILLlPS, Lynn w., STERNTHAL, Brian. Age differences in information processing: a perspective on the aged consumer, Journal of Marketing Research, 14 Nov. 1977, p. 444-57.

36. ZEITHAML, Valerie A. How consumers evaluation processes differ between goods and services, services Marketing, Englewoods Cliffs: N.J. Prentice Hall, Inc., 1984, p. 191-98.

37. WINNER, Ellen. Invented worlds: the psychology of arts, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982.

38. SCHIFFMAN, Leo G. Sources of information for the elderly, Joumal of Advertising Research, 11 Oct. 1971, p. 33-7.

39. BERNHARDT, Kenneth L. Consumer problems and complaint actions of older Americans: a national view, Journal of Retailing, v. 57, Fall 1981, p.107-23.

40. SCHIFFMAN, Leo G. Op. cit. 41. HOLBROOK, Morris B., ZIRLIN, Robert B. Op. cit.

42. WINNER, Ellen. Op. cit.

43.WOOD, Walter A. Op. cit. 44. HOLBROOK, Morris B., ZIRLlN, Robert B. Op. cit.

45. ZUCKERMAN, Marvin. Sensation seeking: beyond the optimal level of arousal, Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1979.

46. BAMOSSY, Gary. Aesthetic judgment and arts patronage of adolescents. In: Advances in nonprofit marketing, v. 1., 1985, p. 161-206; Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1985.

47. Idem, ibidem.

48. WOOD, Walter A. Op. cit., HIRSCHMAN, Elizabeth, C. Op. cit.

49. STEINBERG, Margery et al. Op, cit.

50. SCHEWE, Charles D. Op. cit.

  • 1. HIRSCHMAN, Elizabeth C. Aesthetics, ideologies and the limits of the marketing concept, Journal of Marketing, v. 47, n. 3, Summer, 1983, p. 45-5.
  • 2. HOLBROOK, Morris B., ZIRLIN, Robert B. Artistic creation, artworks, and aesthetic appreciation: some philosophical contributions to nonprofit marketing, Advances in Nonprofit Marketing, v. 1, n. 1, 1985, p. 1-54.
  • 3. GOLD, Sonia. Consume r sovereignty and the performing arts. In: HENDON, Willian S., SHANAHAM, James L. Economies of cultural decisions, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Abt Books, 1983, p. 209-18.
  • 4. SCHEWE, Charles D., HARLAN, E. Spotts Jr. Principies for communicating with aging health-care consumers, Clinicai Laboratory Management Review, Sep./Oct.1990, p, 21924.
  • 5. DiMMAGIO, Paul J. Can culture survive the marketplace, Journal of Arts Management and Law, v, 13, 1983, p. 61-87. Revised in DiMMAGIO, Paul J., ed. Nonprofit Enterprise in the Arts, Studies in Mission and Constraints, New York, Oxford University, 1986, p. 65-92.
  • 6. SEMEN I K, Richard J. State of the art of arts marketing. Advances in Nonprofit Marketing, v. 2,1987, p. 99-124.
  • 8. WOODS, Walter A. Classical aesthetics and arousal theory, Advances in Nonprotit Marketing, v.2, 1987, p. 203-39.
  • 20. LAZER, William. Dimensions of the mature market, Journal of Consumer Marketing, v. 3, n. 3, 1986, p. 2334.
  • 21. STEINBERG, Margery, MACULIS, George, LLOYD, David. Benefit segmentation strategies for the performing arts. In: Bruce Walker et al. (eds.) An assessment of marketing thought & practice. Educators' Proceedings, Chicago, Illinois: AMA, 1982.
  • 23. WQODS, Walter A. Op. cit., KELLY, Robert F. Museums as status symbols II: attaining a state of having been. In: Advances in nonprotit marketing. v. 2, Greenwhich, CT: JAI Press, p.1-38.
  • 27. SCHEWt:, Charles D. Strategically positioning your way into the aging marketplace, Business Horizons, v. 34, n. 3, May-June 1991, p. 59-66.
  • 32.SCHEWE, Charles D. Effective communication with our aging populatlon, Business Hotizons, v. 32, n. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1989,p.251-57.
  • 33. VISVABHARATHY, Ganeson, RINK, David R. The elderIy: neglected business opportunities, Journal of Consumer Marketing, v. 1, n. 4, 1984, p. 34-46.
  • 34. GRECO, Alan J. Representation of the elderly in advertising: crisis or incompetence? Journal of Consume r Marketing, v. 6, n. 1, Winter 1989, p.37-44.
  • 35. PHILLlPS, Lynn w., STERNTHAL, Brian. Age differences in information processing: a perspective on the aged consumer, Journal of Marketing Research, 14 Nov. 1977, p. 444-57.
  • 36. ZEITHAML, Valerie A. How consumers evaluation processes differ between goods and services, services Marketing, Englewoods Cliffs: N.J. Prentice Hall, Inc., 1984, p. 191-98.
  • 37. WINNER, Ellen. Invented worlds: the psychology of arts, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982.
  • 38. SCHIFFMAN, Leo G. Sources of information for the elderly, Joumal of Advertising Research, 11 Oct. 1971, p. 33-7.
  • 39. BERNHARDT, Kenneth L. Consumer problems and complaint actions of older Americans: a national view, Journal of Retailing, v. 57, Fall 1981, p.107-23.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    18 Jul 2012
  • Data do Fascículo
    Abr 1995


  • Aceito
    Jul 1994
  • Recebido
    Maio 1994
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