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Estrutura versus estrutura: o caso japonês


Estrutura versus estrutura: o caso japonês

Gilmar Maslero

Pesquisador e Professor da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, PR

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Artigo recebido pela Redação da RAE, avaliado e aprovado em novembro/94.

Grande parte deste artigo está contida na tese "Empresa japonesa: estruturas, principais aspectos e processo decisório", defendida pelo autor na EAESP/ FGV em outubro de 1994.

1. CHANDLER, Alfred D. Scale and scope: the dynamics of industrial capitalism. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990. 860p; __ . The visible hand: the managerial revolution in American business. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1977. 608p; __. Strategy and structure: chapters in the history of the American industrial enterprise. Cambridge: MIT Press. 1962. 463p.

2. A tradução de capabilities para o português é: capacidade, aptidão ou habilidade, que não traduz a idéia de processos que possuem determinadas características de se auto-ajustarem e se desenvolverem, mais comum no contexto empresarial. Por esse motivo, mantém­se a palavra em inglês.

3. KODANSHA: History of Japan (Meiji history). v.3 p.193.

4. WEBER, Max. A ética protestante e o espírito do capitalismo. São Paulo: Pioneira, 1987.233 p.

5. HAMILTON, Garry G. Patriarchalism in Imperial China and western Europe: a revision of Weber's sociology of domination. Theory and Society, v. 13, p. 393-426, 1984.

6. DURLABHJI, Subhash, MARKS, Norton E. (eds.) Japanese business: cultural perspectives. Albany: St

te University of NewYork Press, p.18, 1993. 338 p.

7. WEN, Xia Ren. Confucianism and business management. (Nihon University International Symposium on Economic and Social Development in East Asia: Policies, Management and Population). January 26-29, 1993. Tokyo. Japan. 27 p. p. 2

B. HAYASHI, Shuji. Culture and management in Japan. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, p. 6, 1988.194 p.

9. Idem, ibidem.

10. YOSHINO, M. Japan's managerial system: tradition and innovation. Massachussetts: MIT Press, p. 254, 1968. 292 p.

11. AOKI. Masahiko. Information, incentives, and bargaining in the Japanese economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1988. p. 284.

12. BALLON, Robert J. Management careers in Japan and the foreign firm. Institute of Comparative Culture. Tokyo: Sophia University, 1990. Business Series Nº 130. 38 p. p. 2

  • 1. CHANDLER, Alfred D. Scale and scope: the dynamics of industrial capitalism. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990. 860p;
  • __ . The visible hand: the managerial revolution in American business. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1977. 608p;
  • __. Strategy and structure: chapters in the history of the American industrial enterprise. Cambridge: MIT Press. 1962. 463p.
  • 3. KODANSHA: History of Japan (Meiji history). v.3 p.193.
  • 4. WEBER, Max. A ética protestante e o espírito do capitalismo. São Paulo: Pioneira, 1987.233 p.
  • 5. HAMILTON, Garry G. Patriarchalism in Imperial China and western Europe: a revision of Weber's sociology of domination. Theory and Society, v. 13, p. 393-426, 1984.
  • te University of NewYork Press, p.18, 1993. 338 p.
  • 7. WEN, Xia Ren. Confucianism and business management. (Nihon University International Symposium on Economic and Social Development in East Asia: Policies, Management and Population). January 26-29, 1993. Tokyo. Japan. 27 p. p. 2
  • B. HAYASHI, Shuji. Culture and management in Japan. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, p. 6, 1988.194 p.
  • 10. YOSHINO, M. Japan's managerial system: tradition and innovation. Massachussetts: MIT Press, p. 254, 1968. 292 p.
  • 11. AOKI. Masahiko. Information, incentives, and bargaining in the Japanese economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1988. p. 284.
  • 12. BALLON, Robert J. Management careers in Japan and the foreign firm. Institute of Comparative Culture. Tokyo: Sophia University, 1990. Business Series Nş 130. 38 p. p. 2

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    10 Jun 2013
  • Data do Fascículo
    Dez 1994


  • Aceito
    Nov 1994
  • Recebido
    Nov 1994
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