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Cultura organizacional


Cultura organizacional

Roberto VenosaI; Heraldo VasconcellosII

IEngenheiro, doutor pela École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, e subdiretor acadêmico da EAESP/FGV

IIResponsável pela chefia do Serviço de Documentação da Biblioteca Karl A.Boedecker da EAESP/FGV

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Durante muito tempo os estudos de Administração foram marcados por duas grandes tradições: Administração Científica e Relações Humanas. Estas duas escolas, e isto não é novidade, praticamente inauguraram o "teorizar" em Administração, ainda que seja discutível a profundidade dos conhecimentos teóricos obtidos. Relegadas, porém não desaparecidas, essas escolas volta e meia ressurgem.

Não seriam as preocupações com Ciência e Tecnologia, de um lado, e com Cultura Organizacional, de outro lado, um renascimento das antigas tradições?

É claro que estaríamos exagerando se pretendéssemos reduzir Ciência e Tecnologia à Administração Científica ou Cultura Organizacional a Relações Humanas. O paralelo serve como alerta para que especifiquemos o que de particular existe no exame do abrangente tema: Cultura Organizacional.

Apesar de a bibliografia anotada a seguir ter uma forte tinta de busca de eficácia através dos mecanismos culturais, a questão cultural nasceu em um domínio bastante distante da Administração - Antropologia, Etnografia - e quase sempre tendo um enfoque compreensivo. Em decorrência, a ponte entre os estudos antropológicos e os estudos organizacionais foi sempre muito difícil de ser construída.

Estudo como Guerra de Orixá, de Yvonne Magee, apesar de ser estimulante ensaio sobre a luta pelo poder, só pode ser utilizado como metáfora quando abordamos organizações. As questões da modernização, dos mitos, da dicotomia tradicional/novo são bastante freqüentes em Antropologia. Já em estudos organizacionais o moderno foi visto como fim durante muito tempo.

As grandes qualidades da literatura organizacional sobre cultura são a de mostrar a importância da especificidade, mais uma vez, cultural e a de desvencilhar esta temática dos preconceitos que os estudos de Administração trazem desde a Escola de Relações Humanas.

A extensa lista de artigos, ainda que não exaustiva, é um bom começo para quem se preocupa em atender demandas de compreensão e intervenção em organizações. Da Antropologia, absorvemos os elos importantes entre cultura e cotidiano. Da Teoria das Organizações, trazemos as indagações sobre modernização e impactos de valores culturais em sociedades modernas.

Um dos grandes desafios talvez seja o de se produzir uma releitura da bibliografia sobre organizações a partir dos insights das leituras antropológicas. Um bom caminho é examinar, com atenção, as referências bibliográficas. Elas podem ser uma pista.

Observações: A pesquisa foi realizada no acervo da Biblioteca da EAESP/FGV, sendo que as referências bibliográficas foram organizadas em ordem alfabética, dentro de cada ano de publicação (os anos aparecem em ordem cronológica decrescente, abrangendo o período de 1983 a 1988).

As referências precedidas de asterisco (*) estão disponíveis no acervo da Biblioteca.

  • 001. BARTH, R.J. Should careerists question public policy? (organizational learning). Bureaucrat,16:55-8, Winter 1987-1988.
  • 002. BERNSTEIN, P. The trust culture. Advertising Management Journal,53:4-8, Summer 1988.
  • 003. BIRNBAUM, P. What makes salaryman run? Across the Board, 25:14-21, June 1988.
  • 004. BONE, J. Merging cultures: problems and results. Magazine of Bank Administration, 64:26-7, Feb. 1988.
  • 005. BUSHE, G.R. Cultural contradictions of statistical process control in American manufacturing organizations. Journal of Management,14:19-31, Mar. 1988.
  • 006. *CANNING JR., G. Is your company marketing oriented? Journal of Business Strategy,9:34-6, May/June 1988.
  • 007. CONNER, D.R. & FIMAN, B.G. Making the cultural transition to investment banking. The Bankers Magazine,171:31-5, Jan./Feb. 1988.
  • 008. *DRAKE, E. & DRAKE, B.H. Ethical and legal aspects of managing corporate cultures. California Management Review,30:107-23, Winter 1988.
  • 009. *DUNCAN, W.J. et ali. Intrapreneurship and the reinvention of the corporation. Business Horizons,31:16-21, May/June 1988.
  • 010. *GALLAGHER, J. Quality from the top (CEO's role in setting up corporate culture). Purchasing,103:70-3+, Jan. 28,1988.
  • 011. GARSOMBKE, D.J. Organizational culture dons the mantle of militarism. Organizational Dynamics,17:46-56, Summer 1988.
  • 012. *GODDARD,R.W. Are you an ethical manager? Personnel Journal, 67:38+, Mar. 1988.
  • 013. *GREEN, Sebastian. Strategy organizational culture and symbolism. Long Range Planning, 21(4):121-9. Aug. 1988.
  • 014. HUBBEN, H. Greenhorns in the corporate culture (assimilation of outside managerial recruits). Across the Board, 25:64, Mar. 1988.
  • 015. *JOHNSON, V.M. Sales slipping? Try changing your culture. Sales and Marketing Management,140:82-3, May 1988.
  • 016. *KIRP, D.L. & RICE, D.S. Fast forward-styles for California management. Harvard Business Review,66:74-83, Jan./Feb.1988.
  • 017. LEVERING, R. Paradise, corporate-style (outstanding companies have excellent working atmosphere). Business Month, 132:47-50, July/Aug. 1988.
  • 018. LU, D.J. The endless recycling of goodness (corporate culture and philosophy in Japan). Across the Board, 25:57-60, May 1988.
  • 019. *MERTEL, Leonardo M. El lider y la cultura organizacional. Administración de Empresas, 19(217):9-10, Apr. 1988.
  • 020. *NAHAVANDI, A. & MALEKZADEH, A.R. Acculturation in mergers and acquisitions. Academy of Management Review, 23:79-90, Jan. 1988.
  • 021. NONAKA, I. Creating organizational order out of chaos: self-renewal in Japanese firms. California Management Review, 30:57-73, Spring 1988.
  • 022. *REIMANN, B.C. & WIENER, Y. Corporate culture: avoiding the elitist trap. Business Horizons, 31:36-44, Mar./Apr. 1988.
  • 023. *SANKAR, Y. Organizational culture and new technologies. Journal of Systems Management, 39:10-7, Apr. 1988.
  • 024. VELTROP, B. & HARRINGTON, K. Roadmap to new organizational territory. Training and Development Journal, 42:22-3, June 1988.
  • 025. BASTIEN, D.T. Common patterns of behaviour and communication in corporate mergers and acquisitions. Human Resource Management, 26:17-33, Spring 1987.
  • 026. BEYER, J.M. & TRICE, H.M. How an organization's rites reveal its culture. Organizational Dynamics, 15:4-24, Spring 1987.
  • 027. *BYRNE, J.A. Culture shock at xerox: how David Kearns is trying to restore entrepreneurial vigor. Business Week: 62-4, June 22, 1987.
  • 028. CLARK, R.S. Corporate culture: the team that pulls together. CA Magazine, 120:28-30+, Oct. 1987.
  • 029. CORPORATE antihero John Sculley (interview). Inc, 9:48-50+, Oct. 1987.
  • 030. DALTON, D.R. & ENZ, CA. Absenteeism in remission: planning, policy, culture. Human Resource Planning, 10(2):81-91, 1987.
  • 031. DENHARDT, R.B. Images of death and slavery in organizational life. Journal of Management, 13:529-41, Fall 1987.
  • 032. DOWNEY, S.M. The relationship between corporate culture and corporate identity. Public Relations Quarterly, 31:7-12, Winter 1986-1987.
  • 033. GEBER, B. The forgotten factor in merger mania. Training, 24:28-30+, Feb. 1987.
  • 034. HARRISON, R. Harnessing personal energy: how companies can inspire employees. Organizational Dynamics, 16:4-20, Autumm 1987.
  • 035. HICKS, N.J. Internal myopia's warning signs (PR executives influenced by corporate culture). Public Relations Journal, 43:8-9, Oct.
  • 036. JACOBS, B.A. Joel Slutzky is crazy (like a fox). Industry Week, 232:41+, Feb. 9,1987.
  • 037. *KANTER, R.M. Men and women of the corporation revisited. Management Review, 76:14-6, Mar. 1987.
  • 038. LEFKOE, M. Why so many mergers fail (clash of corporate cultures). Fortune, 116:113-4, July 20,1987.
  • 039. *LUCAS, R. Political-cultural analysis of organizations. The Academy of Management Review, 12:144-56, Jan. 1987.
  • 040. McNEIL, W.R. & DILLON, R.M. Dealing with Canada's technology challenge by changing the corporate culture: the Ontario Research Foundation moves into the 1990s (advanced industrial materials). Business Quarterly, 52 :40-4, Fall 1987.
  • 041. METZGER, R.O. Creating a marketing culture at your bank. Bankers Monthly, 104:2831, Aug. 1987.
  • 043. *MEYERSON, D. & MARTIN, J. Cultural * MOHRMAN, S.A. & MITROFF, I.I. Business not as usual. Training and Development Journal, 41:36-43, June 1987.
  • 044. NIXON, B. Strategy and culture bridging the gap. Accountancy, 100:90-2, July 1987.
  • 045. ______. Strategy plus culture equals excellence. Accountancy, 99:100-1, Apr. 1987.
  • 046. SAPIENZA, A.M. Imagery and strategy (language used in articulating strategy). Journal of Management, 13:543-55, Fall 1987.
  • 047. *SCHOLZ, C. Corporate culture and strategy - the problem of strategic fit. Long Range Planning, 20:78-87, Aug. 1987.
  • 048. TEN corporate commandments for the year 2000. Personnel Management, 19:26-9, June, 1987.
  • 049. THOMPSON, T.W. The banker ethic in a sales culture. United States Banker, 98:56-7, Aug. 1987.
  • 050. WALLER, W.T. Ceremonial encapsulation and corporate cultural hegemony. Journal of Economic Issues, 21:321-8, Mar. 1987.
  • 051. *WEICK, K.E. Organizational culture as a source of high reliability. California Management Review, 29:112-27, Winter 1987.
  • 052. *WEISS, R.M. & MILLER, L.E. The concept of ideology in organizational analysis: the sociology of knowledge or the social psychology of beliefs? The Academy of Management Review, 12:104- 16, Jan. 1987.
  • 053. WRIGHT, P.C. Corporate culture-one more time! Supervision: 49-56, Oct. 1987.
  • 054. *AMSA, P. Organizational culture and work group behaviour: an empirical study. Journal of Management Studies, 23:347-62, May 1986.
  • 055. *BARNEY, J.B. Organizational culture: can it be a source of sustained competitive advantage? The Academy of Management Review, 11:656-65, July 1986.
  • 056. *BLANK, S.J. Hershey: a company driven by values. The Management Review, 75:31-5, Nov. 1986.
  • 057. BRAY, J. & GRUBBS, M.R. Human resources: appropriate banking culture. The Bankers Magazine, 169:60-6, Nov./Dec. 1986.
  • 058. BROWN, T.L. When values collide. Industry Week, 230:29-32, July 21, 1986.
  • 059. BRYMAN, A. Leadership and corporate culture. Management Decisions, 24(6): 50-3, 1986.
  • 060. *CORBETT, W.J. The communication tools inherent in corporate culture. Personnel Journal, 65:71-4, Apr. 1986.
  • 061. * CZARNIAWSKA, B. The management of meaning in the polish crisis. Journal of Management Studies, 23:313-31, May 1986.
  • 062. *DEVENY, K. et alii. McWorld? MacDonald's can make a Big Mac anywhere but duplicating its culture abroad won't be so easy. Business WeeJfc:56-66, Oct. 13, 1986.
  • 063. DIBLASE, D. Corporate culture influences benefits. Business Insurance, 20: 31, Oct. 13, 1986.
  • 064. GEHRMAN, D;B. The deregulated employee. Personnel Administrator, 31:35-8+, Jan. 1986.
  • 065. *HALCROW, A. Associates odetics never have to ask are we having fun yet? Personnel Journal, 65:8+, Mar. 1986.
  • 066. *HOFSTEDE, G. Editorial: the usefulness of the organizational culture concept. Journal of Management Studies, 23:253-7, May 1986.
  • 067. HUBBEN, H. A square peg in a round office (people who don't fit in). Across the Board, 23:64, Jan. 1986.
  • 068. KOVACH, B.E. The derailment of fast-track managers. Organizational Dynamics,15:41-8, Autumm 1986.
  • 069. *LEBAS, M. & WEIGENSTEIN, J. Management control: the roles of rules markets and culture, journal of Management Studies, 23:259-72, May 1986.
  • 070. *McTAGUE, M. Productivity is shaped by forces beneath corporate culture. Personnel Journal, 65:20-3, Mar. 1986.
  • 071. *MOORE, T. Culture shock rattles the TV networks. Fortune, 113:42-7, Apr. 14,1986.
  • 072. OST, E. Pursuit of reality: the road to excelence. Personnel Administrator, 31:51-4+, Jan. 1986.
  • 073. PASCARELLA, P. Snapping out of the organizational trance. Industry Week, 229:53+, Apr. 28,1986.
  • 074. PURCELL, J. Employee relations autonomy within a corporate culture (Britain). Personnel Management, 18:38-40, Feb. 1986.
  • 075. *RAY, C.A. Corporate culture: the last frontier of control. Journal of Management Studies, 23:287-97, May 1986.
  • 076. *REYNOLDS, P.D. Organizational culture as related to industry, position and performance: a preliminary report. Journal of Management Studies, 23: 333-45, May 1986.
  • 077. *SCHEIN, E.H. What you need to know about organizational culture. Training and Development Journal, 40:30-3+, Jan. 1986.
  • 078. SENN, L. Corporate culture. Management World, 25:16-8, Apr./May 1986.
  • 079. *SOETERS, J.L. Excellent companies as social movements. Journal of Management Studies, 23:299-312, May 1986.
  • 080. STONE, G. & BURLINGHAM, B. Worksryle (owners adopting new approaches to managing), inc, 8:45-50+, Jan. 1986.
  • 081. *SUCHAN, J. & SCOTT, G Unclear contract language and its effects on corporate culture. Business Horizons, 29:20-5, Jan./Feb. 1986.
  • 082. *THACKRAY, J. The corporate culture rage. Management Today :66-9+, Feb. 1986.
  • 083. THOMPSON, D.B. Corporate culture: yea team! Industry Week, 231:20-1, Nov. 10, 1986.
  • 084. *THOMPSON, M .& WILDAVSKY, A. A cultural theory of information bias in organizations. Journal of Management Studies, 23:273-86, May 1986.
  • 085. *TUNSTALL, W.B. The breakup of the Bell Systems: a case study in cultural transformation. California Management Review, 28:110-24, Winter 1986.
  • 086. *TURNER, G. Inside Europes giant companies: cultural revolution at Philips. Long Range Planning, 19:12-7, Aug. 1986.
  • 087. *WHITESIDE, D.E. Roger Smith's campaign to change the GM culture. Business Week :54-5, Apr. 7,1986.
  • 088. *ALBERT, M. Cultural development through human resource systems integration. Training and Development Journal, 39:76-8+, Sept. 1985.
  • 089. BYRNE, J.A. Up, up and away? Expansion is threatening the humane culture at People Express. Business Week: 58-61, Nov. 25,1985.
  • 090. CARBY, K. How hambro changed its name and much more besides (Allied Dunbar). Personnel Management, 17:58-60, Oct. 1985.
  • 091. DEETZ, S. Critical-cultural research: new sensibilities and old realities. Journal of Management, 11:121-36, Summer 1985.
  • 092. EBERS, M. Understanding organizations: the poetic mode. Journal of Management, 11:51-62, Summer 1985.
  • 093. *JAMIESON, D.W. Organizational culture is our business. Training and Development Journal, 39:22, Oct. 1985.
  • 094. KILCOURSE, T. How culture can be the key to management development (city of Sheffield Works department). Personnel Management, 17:33-5, Dec. 1985.
  • 095. *LINDER, J.C. Computers, corporate culture and change. Personnel Journal, 64:48-55, Sept. 1985.
  • 096. McKENDRICK, J.E. A call for re-invention: meeting megatrends with megachanges (book review article of re-inventing the corporation). Management World, 14:38-9, Oct. 1985.
  • 097. *NICHOLSON, N. & JOHNS, G. The absence culture and the psychological contractwho's in control of absence? The Academy of Management Review. 10:397-407, July 1985.
  • 098. POSNER, B.Z. et alii. Shared values make a difference: an empirical test of corporate culture. Human Resource Management, 24:293-309, Fall 1985.
  • 099. *SCHLESINGER, L.A. & BALZER, R.J. An alternative to buzzword management: the culture-performance link. Personel, 62:45-51, Sept. 1985.
  • 100. THOMAS, M. In search of culture: holy grail or gravy train? Personnel Management, 17:24-7, Sept. 1985.
  • 101. VON GLINOW, M.A. Reward strategies for attracting, evaluating, and retaining professionals. Human Resource Management, 24:191-206, Summer 1985.
  • 102. WRIGHT, V. Between excellence and the culture vultures (personnel managers role in corporate culture change). Personnel Management, 17:3, June 1985.
  • 103. *CAN apple's corporate counter-culture survive? Business Week :51, Jan. 16, 1984.
  • 104. *CHANGING a corporate culture: can Johnson & Johnson go from band-aids to high tech? Business Week :82-8, May 14, 1984.
  • 105. *LAMB, W. Motivating by strategy. Management Today :80-2+, Mar. 1984.
  • 106. *PASCALE, R. Fitting new employees into the company culture. Fortune,109:62-6+, May 28,1984.
  • 107. SCHEIN, E.H. Coming to a new awareness of organizational culture. Sloan Management Review, 25:3-16, Winter 1984.
  • 108. *BEADLE, CE. Firms revising remuneration policies to support corporate culture and values. Management Review, 72:30, Dec. 1983.
  • 109. *CEOs setting compensation and other policies to reinforce corporate culture. Personnel, 60:42-4, Nov./Dec. 1983.
  • 110. EDWARDS, R.D. The cultural crisis in banking. United States Banker, 94:10+, Oct. 1983.
  • 111. FOMBRUN, C.J. Corporate culture, environment, and strategy. Human Resource Management, 22:139-54, Spring/Summer 1983.
  • 112. *KANTER, R.M. Change masters and the intricate architecture of corporate culture change. Management Review, 72(10):18-28, Oct. 1983.
  • 113. *KOCH, D.L. & STEINHAUSER, D.W. Changing the corporate culture. Datamation, 29:247-8+, Oct. 1983.
  • 114. MARTIN, J. & SIEHL, C. Organizational culture and counterculture: an uneasy symbiosis. Organizational Dynamics, 12:52-64, Autumm 1983.
  • 115. ORGANIZATIONAL culture. Administrative Science Quarterly, 28:331-495, Sept. 1983.
  • 116. SATHE, V. Implications of corporate culture: a manager's guide to action. Organizational Dynamics, 12:4-23, Autumm 1983.
  • 117. SCHALL, M.S. A communication-rules approach to organizational culture. Administrative Science Quarterly, 28:557-81, Dec. 1983.
  • 118. SHAPIRO, K.P. Corporate culture can be changed three ways. Business Insurance, 17:30, July 1983.
  • 119. TRY the Lawson test to determine your QC-Success potential. Training, 20:70-1, Apr. 1983.
  • 120. TUNSTALL, W.B. Cultural transition at AT&T. Sloan Management Review, 25: 15-26, Fall 1983.
  • 121. *WALLACH, E.J. Individuals and organizations: the cultural match. Training and Development Journal, 37:28-36, Feb. 1983.
  • 122 *WOMEN and corporate culture. Management Review, 72(11):6, Nov. 1983.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    19 Jun 2013
  • Data do Fascículo
    Jun 1989
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