Dear Editor,
We are grateful to have the opportunity to respond to the letter to the editor: “Comment on ‘Mutagenic damage among bronchiectasis patients attending in the pulmonology sector of a hospital in southern Brazil’” and equally happy that the authors of the letter are interested in our study. The scientific debate that discusses theoretical and methodological aspects is capable of improving knowledge.
Regarding the content of the letter, de Moraes Malinverni et al.11. Malinverni ACM, Pereira CCA, Ribeiro DA. Comment on “Mutagenic damage among bronchiectasis patients attending in the pulmonology sector of a hospital in southern Brazil”. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2023;69(4):e20230003.
comment on the limitations of using the staining technique with eosin-methylene blue according to Leishman. This point has already been discussed elsewhere22. Silva Júnior FMR, Tavella RA, Fernandes CLF, Mortola AS, Peraza GG, Garcia EM. Response to letter to the editor “Genetic biomonitoring of professionals occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation: theoretical concepts for scientific debate”. Toxicol Ind Health. 2020;36(10):745-9.
, and we reinforce here that the study cited by the authors of the letter to the editor33. Bonassi S, Coskun E, Ceppi M, Lando C, Bolognesi C, Burgaz S, et al. The human micronucleus project on exfoliated buccal cells (HUMNXL): the role of life-style, host factors, occupational exposures, health status, and assay protocol. Mutat Res Mutat Res. 2011;728(3):88-97.
did not mention staining using eosin-methylene blue according to Leishman. Furthermore, the study itself does not rule out the possibility of using simple staining techniques such as May-Grünwald. The technique employed by Votto Olmedo et al.44. Votto Olmedo DW, Martins KB, Paz MM, Feijo Fernandes CL, Silva Júnior FMR, Ramos DF. Mutagenic damage among bronchiectasis patients attending in the pulmonology sector of a hospital in southern Brazil. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2022;68(9):1191-8.
is an appropriate mixture for the differential visualization of both the cytoplasm and the cell nucleus and is recommended in the study by Korsakov et al.55. Korsakov AV, Yablokov AV, Troshin VP, Mikhalev VP. The buccal epithelium as environmental indicator. Biol Bull. 2015;42(3):273-7. for use in assessing mutagenicity in oral cells. For a complementary reading in relation to possible cellular artifacts, we recommend da Silva Júnior et al.22. Silva Júnior FMR, Tavella RA, Fernandes CLF, Mortola AS, Peraza GG, Garcia EM. Response to letter to the editor “Genetic biomonitoring of professionals occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation: theoretical concepts for scientific debate”. Toxicol Ind Health. 2020;36(10):745-9.
who already discuss these same aspects brought up here.
Regarding the second point discussed by the authors of the letter, the number of cells analyzed, we apologize to the readers because we did not include in the materials and methods section that 2,000 cells per patient were visualized and the results were expressed as the number of micronuclei in 1,000 cells. The way of describing the methodology was not clear and is certainly a point of confusion for readers. We appreciate the opportunity to clarify this point.
Considering the points highlighted by de Moraes Malinverni et al.11. Malinverni ACM, Pereira CCA, Ribeiro DA. Comment on “Mutagenic damage among bronchiectasis patients attending in the pulmonology sector of a hospital in southern Brazil”. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2023;69(4):e20230003.
, regarding the use of “lymphocytes as a result of systemic host response,” we would like to highlight that the study was conducted in a hospital environment, including stable patients, where blood collection is not part of the routine consultations, and based on the high correlation of results obtained between oral mucosa and lymphocytes, previously described by Ceppi et al.66. Ceppi M, Biasotti B, Fenech M, Bonassi S. Human population studies with the exfoliated buccal micronucleus assay: statistical and epidemiological issues. Mutat Res Rev Mutat Res. 2010;705(1):11-9.
, we chose to use a noninvasive method.
The final point of the letter concerns the investigation of cytotoxicity using metanuclear markers. In fact, it is a very interesting strategy, but it is beyond the scope of our study. In any case, cytotoxicity is always measured through simple techniques using Trypan blue, tetrazolium salts, or resazurine, where viability was always found to be above 90%.
The authors thank the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES and CNPq (Research Productivity Grant 310856/2020-5) - FMRSJ and CNPq (Research Productivity Grant 306806/2022-3) - DFR, and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS).
1Malinverni ACM, Pereira CCA, Ribeiro DA. Comment on “Mutagenic damage among bronchiectasis patients attending in the pulmonology sector of a hospital in southern Brazil”. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2023;69(4):e20230003.
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2Silva Júnior FMR, Tavella RA, Fernandes CLF, Mortola AS, Peraza GG, Garcia EM. Response to letter to the editor “Genetic biomonitoring of professionals occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation: theoretical concepts for scientific debate”. Toxicol Ind Health. 2020;36(10):745-9.
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3Bonassi S, Coskun E, Ceppi M, Lando C, Bolognesi C, Burgaz S, et al. The human micronucleus project on exfoliated buccal cells (HUMNXL): the role of life-style, host factors, occupational exposures, health status, and assay protocol. Mutat Res Mutat Res. 2011;728(3):88-97.
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4Votto Olmedo DW, Martins KB, Paz MM, Feijo Fernandes CL, Silva Júnior FMR, Ramos DF. Mutagenic damage among bronchiectasis patients attending in the pulmonology sector of a hospital in southern Brazil. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2022;68(9):1191-8.
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5Korsakov AV, Yablokov AV, Troshin VP, Mikhalev VP. The buccal epithelium as environmental indicator. Biol Bull. 2015;42(3):273-7.
6Ceppi M, Biasotti B, Fenech M, Bonassi S. Human population studies with the exfoliated buccal micronucleus assay: statistical and epidemiological issues. Mutat Res Rev Mutat Res. 2010;705(1):11-9.
This study was supported by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS) - Finance Code 001.
Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
21 Aug 2023 -
Date of issue
10 May 2023 -
14 May 2023