Open-access Scientific evidence on malnutrition in children in Brazilian Quilombola: an integrative review


Studies show that childhood obesity is increasingly evident13, as sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition during childhood are becoming common4. Other studies5,6 point to physical activity as a protective factor against various chronic diseases (e.g., obesity) and human development facilitator for children.

Malnutrition is a pathological condition caused by deficient or inadequate intake of calories and/or proteins7. This means that the overweight or obese child may also be malnourished, as this condition is related to the type of food consumed (e.g., the ultra-processed)8. Calories from ultra-processed foods are often “empty.” An individual who consumes a high amount of calories but lack macronutrients can contribute to malnutrition, a condition related to the absence of nutrients. Childhood malnutrition causes damage to the central nervous system (i.e., cerebellar cortex and hippocampus)9.

There is a relationship between family influence and children's good/bad habits1012. In the nutritional context, some family members allow the children to choose the type of food (usually ultra-processed), time, and the amount ingested. In terms of physical activity, sedentary family members raise sedentary children. Some still believe that exercise is contraindicated for children. There are some attitudes that build bad habits in life1012. Absence of instructions, on the part of family members and teachers, favors the development of bad habits and chronic diseases5,13.

Another problem in this context is the lack of exercise. Increasingly, the opportunities, spaces, and time devoted to active play are being neglected in favor of school education (i.e., one in which the child spends the day at school sitting)4,14. In addition, contemporary violence and the reduction of public spaces for the practice of physical and leisure activities further restrict children, such as keeping them locked at home, leaving them with cell phones, and videogames (in the case of urban areas). In contrast, there is children residing in rural areas (e.g., quilombolas), which are less investigated15,16.

A quilombola child lives far from the urban area (in places difficult to access)17. For this reason, studies on childhood malnutrition and obesity in quilombola children are lacking, and this prevents us from presenting the current scenario. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, there are still no descriptions that quilombola children fulfill the amount of exercise recommended by the World Health Organization, such as the need for moderate physical activity (e.g., walking, family outings, and recreational activities with movement) or vigorous (e.g., running and sports' games) for at least 1 h daily, in order to add a total of 300 min of physical activity (exercise) at the end of the week18.

In this context, family members and teachers are the drivers19 or inhibitors of the child development20. According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Statute of Children's and Adolescents (ECA), every child has the right to movement and right to play, and whether, in urban or rural areas, this should be encouraged4. Thus, the question arises: Are family members and teachers encouraging good habits to promote quality of life for quilombola children?

This study aimed to determine whether studies with quilombola children evaluated the influence of family members and teachers on childhood malnutrition and obesity.


For the elaboration of an integrative review, it is necessary to adopt phases that present methodological rigor in search of evidence on a given subject. These phases comprise some steps: select the question for review (i.e., guiding question); select the surveys that will constitute the study sample; represent the characteristics of the studies reviewed; analyze the findings according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria established in the project; interpret the results; and present and disseminate the results21.

Based on the guiding question (i.e., “Are family members and teachers encouraging good habits to promote quality of life for quilombola children?”), the process of reading, collecting, and extracting data in the search engine and databases began. The keywords raised according to the proposed theme and after having been refined through the vocabulary of the Decs (Descritores em Ciências da Sáude) were “Atividade física,” “Desnutrição,” “Obesidade,” “Quilombolas,” and “Crianças.” The keywords for MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) were “Physical activity,” “Malnutrition,” “Obesity,” “Quilombola,” and “Children.” Descriptor “quilombola” does not change even though its term is used in English.

After defining the descriptors, they were grouped into the following search terms: A1: “Atividade Física” AND “Quilombolas” AND Crianças; B1: “Physical Activity” AND “Quilombolas” AND Children; C1: Desnutrição AND Obesidade AND “Quilombolas” AND Crianças; D1: Malnutrition AND Obesity AND “Quilombolas” AND Children.

We performed the search in Google Scholar, Fiocruz's institutional arch-repository, PubMed, Periódicos Capes, and BVS databases. This search was performed between August and November 2020. Later, the data extracted from the selected articles were arranged in table format in the Word 2013 Program of the Office Suite.

Inclusion criteria were as follows: articles, monographs, dissertations or theses, works written in Portuguese or English, having published between 2010 and 2020, and studies carried out in quilombola communities or vulnerable populations located near or outside the urban area. Duplicate articles were excluded from the study.

Data extraction was performed as follows: first, papers not related to the research topic were excluded by reviewing simply the title; second, the researchers read the abstracts of papers to confirm whether these papers were related to the proposal in question; and third, to confirm whether the works were in fact related to the theme, all the works selected from the abstracts were read in full.

Finally, articles in the form of handouts, letters, and editorials which do not meet the necessary criteria for scientific research were excluded from this research, as the focus of this study was to seek scientific evidence on the subject. Articles that were not available in full were also excluded.

Data extracted from each selected article were arranged in table format in the Word Program (Office 2013 package) and divided into items as follows: authors, title, objective, methods, results, influence of subjects involved with children, environmental influence, main associated factors, conclusion, and notes (i.e., researchers' perception of each article, such as whether the objectives of the review were addressed, or whether it contained all the other items in the table).


We observed a small number of studies on quilombola children. Most recruited articles (11/12) were retrieved via Google Scholar, in which only one was selected from the BVS database (supplementary document).

Some of the selected articles did not include all the items described in the table, e.g., six articles (corresponding to 50%) did not assess the influence of family members and teachers on childhood malnutrition and obesity.

Environmental influences refer to issues of infrastructure and basic sanitation; regarding the influence of the subjects involved with the children, we observed that lack of knowledge is one of the factors mentioned in the studies described (Tables 1, 2 and 3).

Table 1
Information extracted from selected articles (part a).
Table 2
Information extracted from selected articles (part b).
Table 3
Information extracted from selected articles (part c).


According to the study results, as well as those from several studies2225, there is still a continuous neglect of quilombola population. Basic knowledge has not been noticed among these people, such as knowing how to manage in the best possible way the money they receive from the Bolsa Família and the benefits of using healthy foods compared to ultra-processed ones. Furthermore, many of them are unaware of the benefits of the practice of physical activity to maintain a healthy life17,26.

Studies have shown the correlation between the location of schools and overweight of students. As it is known, the closer to places where ultra-processed foods are consumed, the greater the chances of children consuming them. The prevalence of food insecurity is perceived as being common for studies focusing on the nutritional issue in quilombola populations; however, it is not possible to infer the reasons that lead quilombolas to have a high prevalence of food insecurity27.

Food insecurity seems to be related to the food offered at school. Since many children are unable to maintain the same diet at home, the school environment becomes the main supplier of food for these children28. However, no research has yet been done on this fact.

Cordeiro et al.27 reviewed that food insecurity was present in 75.2% (n=160) of quilombola families and also highlighted the need for additional studies to understand this phenomenon. Santos-de-Araújo et al.13 reported that deficiency of micronutrient among families living in quilombola communities was often related to the consumption of ultra-processed foods; however, the authors did not make any conclusion on aspects related to childhood malnutrition and obesity.

A study found that food insecurity in all Brazilian municipalities was due to a large disparity in food insecurity within the states. In the state of Paraíba, there was a variation of 5.4–22.8% among the municipalities29. In a recent study, quilombola populations, especially children, were not investigated, thus showing the vulnerability of this population30.

Studies that were carried out in quilombola communities in the state of Pará (northern Brazil) investigated the body mass index (BMI) of quilombola children23, but failed to explain the causes of childhood malnutrition and obesity, as numerous factors are related to overweight and obesity31, and as a result, few studies have conducted further research on these communities22,28,32.

This study has limitations that must be addressed. There was a lack of studies on the topic in question, revealing a gap in the literature and hindering the argumentative rationale of this discussion. In addition, environmental influences were not investigated in studies with quilombola children. Therefore, we suggested for the development of future studies.


Only six studies describe childhood malnutrition and obesity in quilombola children and possible influences from family members or teachers. Thus, there is a gap in the literature on studies on childhood malnutrition and obesity in quilombola children.

  • Funding: none.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 May 2022
  • Date of issue
    May 2022


  • Received
    19 Feb 2022
  • Accepted
    22 Feb 2022
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