OBJECTIVES: To evaluate angiotensin converting enzyme gene (ACE) polymorphism with transthoracic bidimensional ecocardiogram of normotensive young medical students, siblings of hypertensive parents comparing them with those with normotensive parents. METHOD: We had studied 80 normotensive youngs divided in two groups: Hypertensive parents' normotensive young medical students 40 X Normotensive parents'and normotensive medical students. Exclusion criteria were hypertension, obesity, smoke, use of oral contraceptives, as well as those who use chronically drugs or the presence of any disease. The group has been enrolled between 1994 to 1996. 50 students made transthoracic bidimensional echocardiogram. The statistical analysis was done by ''T-student'' test. The evaluation of polymorphism ACE gene was studied in 80 people in each step: 1) 5mL of blood in EDTA tube; 2) extraction of DNA; 3) evaluation of DNA concentration by eletrophoresis analyses; 4) Polymerase chain reaction with primer of ACE gene; 5) Analysis of polymorphism ACE gene by electrophoresis 6) Statiscal analysis by Chi-square test. RESULTS: The group of students with hypertesive parents presented thicker interventricular septum (7.82mm ± 0.69 against 7.38 mm ± 0,8, p < 0,05). On the other hand, we didn't find differences between the groups concerning ACE gene genotype: students with hypertensive parents DD:42.5%, DI: 37.5%, II: 20% against Students with normotensive parents : DD: 37.5%, DI: 32.5%, II: 30%, (p=0,58), in addition we also did not find differences concerning the alleles Group of hypertensive parents: D: 61.25%, I: 38.75% versus normotensive parents: D: 53.75% , I: 46.25%, p=0,33. We divided these groups into two in relation to the mean thickness of interventricular septum and left ventricular mass and we did not find any difference: in students with hypertensive parents group septum > 7,82 mm: DD: 32%, DI: 24%, II: 20% x septum < 7,82 mm: DD: 8%, DI: 12 %, II: 4%, p=0,7) in normotensive parents group septum septum > 7,38mm : DD 28%, DI: 12%, II: 12% X septum < 7, 38mm : DD: 16%, DI: 16%, II: 16%, p=0,59). The study of the left ventricular mass in hypertensive parents group mass > 131.52g: DD: 20.69%, DI: 13.79%, II:6.9% X mass < 131, 52g DD: 24.24%, DI: 17.24%, II: 17.24%, (p=0,72) in normotensive parents group mass > 117,11g : DD: 30.43%, DI: 8.7%, II: 8.7% X mass < 117,11g: DD: 13.04%, DI, 21.74%, II: 17.39%, (p=0,17). CONCLUSION: We found differences between the thickness of the interventricular septum of normotensive students sibling of hypertensive parents and normotensive parents. On the other hand we didn't find any difference between the two groups concerning the ACE gene polymorphism as well as any relation of ACE gene and thickness of interventricular septum and interventricular left ventricular mass.
Hypertension; Angiotensin Converting Enzyme gene; Ventricular hypertrophy