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Time of change


Time of change

Two years ago when I was promoted to Editor-in-Chief, I pictured that I knew a good part of the tasks that I should carry out. After all, for the last six years I had been working as Co-Editor, knew and agreed with the editorial policy of the journal, which is based on the Editorial Council and Management of SBA.

I came in with several ideas, the natural attitude of a person who intends to perform this activity. Had it been for the will to contribute, why then to postulate such an involving task that radically changes your leisure hours and interferes with your professional activities?

Along the years, the Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia has been incorporating advances, as the entity in charge for disclosing and updating the Brazilian anesthesiologists. More recently, the efforts were driven to disclose the national scientific production for the worldwide community.

In this long pathway, several changes were accomplished. Initially, the summaries of the articles were translated into English and Spanish, thus allowing that anesthesiologists who did not read Portuguese would be able to become aware of its content. The receptivity was very good and the following step was to transform the journal into a bilingual publication (Portuguese-English) in full, keeping the summary in Spanish.

In 2002, the Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia was indexed in SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), a project developed by BIREME (Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information), which in its turn, is a Pan American Health Organization agency. This step opened a large window for the worldwide scientific community, which began reading the journal and regarded it as an option for publication. Besides, other professionals of the Health Area in Brazil began referring to the journal, thus increasing the disclosure of specific knowledge and Brazilian scientific articles.

In 2005, a wide discussion motivated by several colleagues who performed actively in the Latin American scientific community, resulted in the creation of the Spanish translation of the Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia. It is made available in electronic version at the SBA site, and the access is made by means of the Latin-American Societies of Anesthesiology. The first number available in this version is the sixth number of 2005.

Which is the most outstanding characteristic of the human being if not his willingness to move forward? When a goal is achieved, another one immediately replaces it, and thus, the idea of developing an evaluation and electronic review process of the work pleading publication matured. Many international journals already have it, since it speeds up the stages that forego the publication of a scientific work.

The idea of speeding up the revision and publication process associated to the enormous managerial work of working with free-lance professionals who used to carry out several development phases of the journal (Portuguese correction, translation into English, translation into Spanish, new design, composition, printing, distribution, special version for SciELO), which used up most of my time, culminated in the change.

A partnership with an editorial company, which is internationally and traditionally known, as well as associated to the health area was established, Elsevier Editora will be in charge of the process, starting from the moment the work has been approved until its printing, including the commitment to develop and maintain the electronic program of work revision and approval, still in the first semester of 2006.

It was not easy to make the decision of breaking bonds of union with excellent professionals, who have worked with the journal along many years, but the management and cost rationalization required so. To them my public acknowledgements.

Key Words: PUBLICATIONS, Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology.

Dra. Judymara Lauzi Gozzani, TSA, M.D.

Editor-in-Chief, Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    11 May 2006
  • Date of issue
    Apr 2006
Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia R. Professor Alfredo Gomes, 36, 22251-080 Botafogo RJ Brasil, Tel: +55 21 2537-8100, Fax: +55 21 2537-8188 - Campinas - SP - Brazil