The common bean crop is of great importance for the State of Goiás, Brazil. However, information on its nutritional requirements is lacking for irrigated conditions. The aim of this study was to establish standard levels of leaf nutrients and assess the nutritional status of irrigated common bean in the Vale do Rio dos Bois region of the State of Goiás through the methods of sufficiency range (SR), compositional nutrient diagnosis (CND), and diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS), as well as compare the diagnostic procedures through local nutritional standards. The yield and leaf nutrient concentration of 55 common bean crops were evaluated in the Vale do Rio dos Bois region from 2010 to 2012. Samples were collected at the R5 (flowering) stage and were analyzed for total N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn. The 55 samples were divided into two groups, the first being of low yield, below 2,700 kg ha-1, and the second of high yield, at or above 2,700 kg ha-1, the latter serving to define nutrient standards. CND and DRIS standards are more recommended for nutritional assessment of irrigated common bean compared to SR, as estimated in this study. Manganese, P, and B are the elements that most limit production in low yielding crops in the Vale do Rio dos Bois region.
leaf analysis; leaf diagnosis; nutrients; Phaseolus vulgaris