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Phrases Expressing the Attributes of the Physician-Patients Relationship


Doctors and patients may display close identity in understanding the physician-patient relationship. The objective of this study was to identify phrases that best define the attributes of this relationship. We performed a literature search and interviews with 30 out-patients and in-patients at the teaching hospital (Hospital das Clínicas) of the University of São Paulo Medical School (FMUSP), as well as with 30 physicians, including residents, staff physicians and graduate students, in order to identify possible attributes. The five selected were: technical ability, personal appearance, empathy, communications skills, and commitment/responsibility. For each attribute identified a question was formulated with 14 possible answers. Of these, patients, interns, and patients. The best agreement was between physicians and-patients (Wilcoxon test, non-parametric data). The phrases were closely related and appear to express the possible attributes of the physician-patients relationship.

Physician-patient relationship; Education, Medical; Questionnaire

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