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The doctor-patient relationship as part of the curriculum from the student's perspective

The new Doctor-Patient Relationship paradigm presumes that the patient seeks the doctor not only when needing to cure a defined disease but for relieving suffering in general terms. This paper aims to establish a reference for how to draw the attention of the student to this relationship in the literature, placing it into the context of the programmatic content developed in the School of Medicine of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Pernambuco (FMS/UPE). A bibliographical research on this subject was conducted and the disciplines that made part of the first four years of the medical course were analyzed in order to provide support to this aspect of the professional training. During the first years of the medical course of the UPE, the students have the opportunity to elaborate their future doctor-patient relationship in disciplines structured in areas, in which practical community and hospital experiences are almost always supported by theory. It is concluded that a better integration of the theoretical, humanistic and practical areas of the medical course would be necessary for overcoming its deficiencies and for creating conditions favorable for the education of physicians aware of their social role.

Medicine; Patients; Curriculum

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