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The Medical education between maps and anchors: David Ausubel meaningful learning, the quest for the Lost Ark

The learning process has fosterd intense debate since ancient times among the different proposed theories David Ausubel cognitivist conceptual frame of has found relevance during the XXth century through to the XXIrst. It assumes that learning mechanisms are more efficient in such situations when the student is able to aggregate and incorporate significance to new contents, by means of linking then to previous knowledge, thus avoiding that the knowledge be stored by way of inept associations in the cognitive structure. The scope of medical education demands the changes necessary for the formation of a professional able to know how to learn; meaningful learning allows the genuine contextualization of knowledge needed by the medical practice, therefore permitting effective learning and practice in a complex interdisciplinary context. In conformity with the above exposed, the present article aims to present the theorie of significant learning, discussing elements of the integration of this concept into the medical education.

Learning; Cognition; Medical Education

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