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Monitoria Acadêmica em Semiologia Médica: Descrição e Avaliação de uma Nova Experiência


This article describes a new experiences of teaching methodology developed by the Medical Anamnesis and Physical Diagnosis at the School of Medicine of Universidade Estadual de Londrina. This academic teaching methodology was caracterized by: 1) The independence of the monitors to determinate the schedule of the activities and, 2) Continuous evaluation of the method, applied periodically to identify the major problems in order to improve the teaching method.

The authors describe the selecting process of the monitors, activities carried out, unexpected difficulties, results anel conclude that· the proposed methodology is extremely useful in Medical Education and play an important role in improving knowledge, reasoning and stimulating a future University carrier.

Teaching of Medical Anamnesis and Physical Diagnosis; Evaluation of Medical Teaching; Monitors of Medical Anamnesis and Physical; Diagnosis; Methodology of Medical Teaching

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