Open-access Sampling, diversity and seasonal occurrence of Hemerobiidae (Neuroptera) in Coffea arabica L. cv. Obatã (Rubiaceae)

This study evaluated sampling methods, seasonality and diversity of the hemerobiids associated to Coffea arabica L. cv. Obatã over a one-year period in Cravinhos, São Paulo, Brazil. The collecting methods were: sweeping net, light trap and Möericke trap. 489 hemerobiids belonging to four genera, were collected: Nusalala (231 individuals / 47.2% of the hemerobiids collected), Megalomus (110 / 22.5%), Hemerobius (104 / 21.3%) and Sympherobius (44 / 9%). The sweeping net seems to be the most efficient method of sampling to capture Hemerobiidae and the Möericke trap presented the higher value of diversity (H'= 0,56) and equitability (J= 0,93). The hemerobiids were recorded in the area along the entire year. The highest abundance occurred from August to March (end of winter, spring and summer) and the population peak was in January (mid-summer). Megalomus presented positive and significant correlations (p< 0.05) with the rainfall and maximum and minimum temperatures; Nusalala with the maximum and minimum temperatures and Sympherobius only with the maximum temperature.

Hemerobius; Megalomus; Nusalala; predator; Sympherobius

Sociedade Brasileira De Entomologia Caixa Postal 19030, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil , Tel./Fax: +55 41 3266-0502 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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