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Paulo Iide (22.02.1939 - 21.07.2012)


Paulo Iide (22.02.1939 - 21.07.2012)

José Roberto Pujol-LuzI; Cristiane Vieira de Assis Pujol-LuzII

IDepartamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade de Brasília. Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Asa Norte, Brasília-DF, 70910-900.

IILaboratório de Zoologia, Universidade Católica de Brasília. QS 7 Lote 1, Bl. M/ s. 331, Taguatinga-DF, 72030-170.

Professor Paulo Iide was born on February 22, 1939, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. He was the only son of Augusto Iide and Linda Maria Iide, Estonian immigrants who arrived in Brazil in the early twentieth century. He was married to Lúcia Maria Pujol da Silveira Iide; and had three sons, Paulo Roberto Iide, Mauricio Iide, and Walter Iide.

His wife, companion, and friend defines him as "a great warrior, who put his studies as the ultimate goal of his life [...] his works have been performed in the peace and quietness of the research laboratories which, according to himself, were the place where human vanities perished, surviving just the reality of facts through the indomitable force of reason".

His formal educational started at the Municipal School Deodoro da Fonseca (Elementary school) in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and later at the Colégio Peixoto (preparatory high school) in the city of Nova Iguaçu. Latter (1955-1958), he attended a technician course in the Escola Agrotécnica of the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), in the city of Itaguaí (currently Seropédica), where he later graduated in the school of Veterinary Medicine (1959-1962). On December 15, 1967, Paulo Iide defended a dissertation entitled Contribuição ao conhecimento das espécies brasileiras do gênero Euryneura Schiner, 1867 (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) and obtained the degree of Magister Scientiae from UFRRJ. His dissertation evaluation committee was formed by three of the most distinguished Brazilian entomologists, Renato Leon Araujo, José Cândido de Melo Carvalho, Cincinnato Rory Gonçalves, and his mentor and friend, Hugo de Souza Lopes.

Paulo Iide worked as a teacher and researcher at the UFRRJ (1963, 1965-1971) (Fig. 1). Between January and February, 1965, he taught a course on Diptera of Agricultural and Medical-Veterinarian interest, at graduate level, in the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). He also worked at the Universidade de Brasília (UnB, 1965, only for six months) and at the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO, 1967-1970). The last position he occupied was at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF, 1971-1990), from where he received the title of full professorship in 1976 with a thesis on Valor Taxonômico da Genitália Masculina dos Pangoniinae Neotropicais (Diptera, Tabanidae). At this last university he taught Parasitology and Entomology until his retirement, in 1990. After retiring, he was invited by Dr. José Jurberg to continue developing his studies in Dipterology at the Department of Entomology of the Fundação Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, where he worked until 2007 (Fig. 2). From this year on, he moved away from research due to his health condition. Even though he kept a small laboratory and a personal library at home, where he continued dedicating much of his time to the study of flies.

During his professional life, he was devoted especially to the study of systematics and morphology of the species of Stratiomyidae (soldier flies) and Tabanidae (horseflies). He published several articles on flies, from which we can highlight the following ones: (i) Estudo sobre as espécies brasileiras do gênero Chrysochlorina James, 1939 (Diptera, Stratiomyidae), published in 1966 in the Arquivos do Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, and (ii) Estudo sobre a morfologia, a terminologia e o valor taxonômico das estruturas da genitália masculina dos Tabanidae, com base em Fidena (Fidena) sorbens (Wiedemann, 1828) (Diptera, Tabanidae, Pangoniinae), published in the Revista Brasileira de Biologia, in 1982.

Meticulous researcher and detail oriented in the extreme during his academic life, he excelled by the accuracy of the descriptions and illustrations of his scientific papers and was concerned in passing this care for his students. As a college professor, he called quite attention from the undergraduate and graduate students by his method, always based on the readings and detailed descriptions, in addition to the magnificent drawings that he made on the blackboard. Often drew the parasites using a chalk in each hand, when he insisted on saying "this is bilateral symmetry"!

Shyness characterized his behavior among those people who he did not have much closeness. However, with the nearest, his conversations and stories lasted for hours and those moments were when he let his shyness aside, showing the smiling face with an air of a little boy who loved insects and greatly respected his teachers and friends, of whom he always spoke with great affection.

Those who had the opportunity to be around him will feel the lack of an enthusiastic researcher and, above all, of a passionate science's professor who served as an example for teachers and researchers.

Received 1/11/2012; accepted 13/11/2012

Editor: Claudio J. B. de Carvalho

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 Jan 2013
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2012
Sociedade Brasileira De Entomologia Caixa Postal 19030, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil , Tel./Fax: +55 41 3266-0502 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil