Open-access Media Narratives on the relation between body and olympic games in the 1890s and 1900s


The olympic games featured themselves to the inhabitant of Rio de Janeiro of the 1890s and 1900s as something beyond sport. Circus, theater and cinema were cultural spaces where those events could be enjoyed, as the newspapers of the time announced. The Olympic Games of the International Olympic Committee were also reported, however shared the attention of the newspapers readers of Rio with the unofficial olympic games, such as those held in Montevideo in 1907. Understood this context, I present in this article some questions concerning the ideal body in that period and its dialogue with the novelty represented by the olympic games.

Keywords: Olympic Games; Media; Body; City; Rio de Janeiro

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Paulo Gama s/n prédio 12201, sala 700-2, Bairro Farroupilha, Código Postal: 90046-900, Telefone: 5133084142 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil
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