Basic Information
Complete title: Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies Objectives: The Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença [Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies] has as its main purpose the dissemination of artistic and scientific research in the field of the Performing Arts and the interface areas that support and keep a dialogue with the different languages and multiple contexts of the arts and sciences in performing arts, in particular Education, Anthropology, Philosophy and History. The journal publishes, preferably, works derived from theoretical studies, practical experiments, researches, reflections, and polemic current debates, seeking to offer to its readers texts of quality and excellence, both by national researchers and translations of works by foreign researchers. The editorial line of the journal covers innovative themes and methodologies that are not well-known in the vehicles of the field, emphasizing experimentation and contemporary approaches, in addition to publishing works that are well established in regard to their form and/or argumentation. The idea of Presence works for the editorial line as a catalyst through which conflate perspectives of research and analyses with emphasis on the creative process, especially in theatre and dance. We publish previously unpublished texts in Portuguese or Spanish. The editors may invite Portuguese or Spanish-language authors to send English versions for bilingual publication. The journal accepts unpublished texts in English and French from foreign authors and provides Portuguese translations for bilingual publication. The journal is organized into thematic sections with the purpose of inducing subjects and approaches, creating interfaces between methodologies and different theories, thus, the journal gives preference to texts that take forward the knowledge in the Performing Arts.
Periodicity: edited continuously in single annual volume, divided into four thematic editions. Its abbreviated title is Rev. Bras. Estud. Presença, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips. |
Indexed in
Intellectual Property
All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type CC-BY 4.0 International. |
Associated Editors
Editors in charge of Science Popularization
Editorial Comission
National scientific board
International scientific board
Editorial Production
Scope and policy
The journal publishes, preferably, works derived from theoretical studies, practical experiments, researches, reflections, and polemic current debates, seeking to offer to its readers texts of quality and excellence, both by national researchers and translations of works by foreign researchers. The editorial line of the journal covers innovative themes and methodologies that are not well-known in the vehicles of the field, emphasizing experimentation and contemporary approaches, in addition to publishing works that are well established in regard to their form and/or argumentation. The idea of Presence works for the editorial line as a catalyst through which conflate perspectives of research and analyses with emphasis on the creative process, especially in theatre and dance. We publish previously unpublished texts in Portuguese or Spanish. The editors may invite Portuguese or Spanish-language authors to send English versions for bilingual publication. The journal accepts unpublished texts in English and French from foreign authors and provides Portuguese translations for bilingual publication. The journal is organized into thematic sections with the purpose of inducing subjects and approaches, creating interfaces between methodologies and different theories, thus, the journal gives preference to texts that take forward the knowledge in the Performing Arts. The Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença receives proposals of individual texts as well as thematic sections. Both are assessed through the principle of blind peer review, or opinions from at least two specialists from states or countries different from the author's state or country. The journal accepts texts in the form of scientific articles, avoiding texts that are: merely research projects or reports; exclusively literature review; excerpts from academic work without adaptation; reports of experiences without thorough theoretical discussion; incomplete or insufficiently developed for the theme they propose; outside the field of the Performing Arts and correlated areas; written in non-academic fashion or that contain too many orthographic and typing mistakes; formatted using rules that are different from the rules practiced by the journal. The texts are reviewed in three stages. In the first stage, the text is sent to two reviewers from the editorial board or ad hoc reviewers, (experts in the area or approach of the article in question). During the second stage, the editors forward the texts that have received two favourable opinions; return to the authors the texts that have received two unfavourable opinions; forward to a third reviewer the texts whose evaluation is considered doubtful or inconsistent; and send to the authors the texts for which the evaluators made suggestions for modifications as a condition for publication; giving a deadline of 30 days for these modifications. The third stage consists in the evaluation of the changes made by the authors, when necessary, and the forwarding of approved texts for language review and standardization. In order to take forward the production in the area, all stages of evaluation are accompanied by descriptive opinions. Thematic section proposals can be submitted by a researcher who must send from six to eight texts, and at least one translation of a work by an author connected to a foreign institution. The section must have a clear theme and diversity of approaches, and be introduced by the organizer, in addition to collecting texts by researchers from different institutions, not exceeding one text per author or co-author. The evaluation process of thematic section proposals is similar to the evaluation process of individual articles, according to the description above. In order to prompt certain themes, the journal can also invite researchers to contribute with texts, in much smaller proportion in comparison to the reviewed texts, under the condition that they are an important contribution to the field. There are no fees for submission and review articles. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
1) The Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença publishes only unpublished articles resulting from research, studies, debates, artistic and scientific practices in the area of the performing arts and associated fields. We publish previously unpublished texts in Portuguese or Spanish. The editors may invite Portuguese or Spanish-language authors to send English versions for bilingual publication. The journal accepts unpublished texts in English and French from foreign authors and provides Portuguese translations for bilingual publication. 2) The texts should be in the form of articles, emphasizing the theoretical dimension and presenting a unique and important contribution to the area. The author(s) is(are) fully responsible for the format and content of his/her (their) article. 3) It is recommended that the texts about performances, spectacles, or similar, present images and/or video which should be included in the text body, captioned below the insertion, single-spaced and centralised. The authors declare that they have permission to use the images inserted. 4) Texts composing thematic sections organised by invited or voluntary researcher must be entered into the system by the author themselves, and go through the same process of peer review. See details under “Peer review process.” 5) The texts must be sent through the SEER system ( where the authors' data have to be entered exclusively into the electronic form, including the email address and a biography of a maximum of three lines, emphasizing institutional links, as well as academic and artistic education. The funding source of the research, when appropriate, must be mentioned in the appropriate box. The text file must be free from any kind of identification, be it the authors' names in the text body or in the file properties, or the mention of any information through which the authorship of the text might be inferred. If you have difficulties in anonymising the article, just mention that in “comments to the editor” during the online submission process.
6) The texts must be in Word format as follows: 7) References should be in the author/date format as follows: (Author's surname, year) for indirect quotations and (Author's surname, year, page) for direct quotations. Examples: (Silva, 1997) or (Silva, 1997, p.452). Different titles by the same author and year should be identified with a letter that distinguishes them. Example: (Silva, 1997a, p.452). 8) Authors must inform affiliation, including the full name of the linking institution, acronym, city, state and country. 9) References at the end of the text must comply with ABNT rules (available at [Portuguese only]). We point out to the fact that the journal does not make use (due to the electronic data retrieval) of a dash to replace the author's name to avoid repetition. Titles should not be in italics but in bold. Examples: Books: AUTHOR'S SURNAME, First names without abbreviation. Title of the book: subtitle. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication.
Book chapters:
Theses and dissertations:
Electronic document: |
Send of the manuscripts
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. 1. To ensure blind review and the confidentiality it requires you have removed any mention of the authorship from the text in all parts of the file, including the option properties on Word; you have also removed notes and references to institutions, groups or researches that may indirectly identify the authors of the text. If you have any questions on this matter, see: “Ensuring blind peer review”. 2. You guarantee that the text is an unpublished contribution of your own authorship (possibly shared with the authors that you have entered into the system) and that it has not yet been published, not even partly, in another vehicle. 3. You declare that the text is not being reviewed by another journal. Any doubt in relation to that can be mentioned in the fieldcomments to the editor. 4. The line spacing of the text is 1.5; font: Times New Roman, size 12 points; the text makes use of quotation marks and italics in accordance with the standards of the journal. 5. The work has a cover page with title, abstract and keywords; followed by title in French, résumé and mots-clés. 6. The article adheres to the style and requirements described in the Guidelines for authors, in the section About of the Journal. 7. The files are in Word format and do not exceed 2MB. 8. Figures and tables are embedded in the text and not at the end; they are all followed by centralized captions. You declare that you have permission to publish the images inserted in the article. 9. By sending the text you agree with the rules of the journal and assign the publishing rights of the work to the Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença; you can make it available again six months after publication. 10. The authors declare that they do not have any conflicts of interest (see item 3.3) concerning the evaluation of the submitted manuscript or have stated possible conflicts in the field "Comments to the editor," 11. Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions. ( |
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
The Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies supports the recommendations made by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), FAPESP’s Code of Good Scientific Practices (, Scielo’s Guidelines on Best Practices ( and the Council of Science Editors (CSE) ( for ethical publishing practices. The journal has signed the agreement of Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), San Francisco: 1) Misconduct
2) Responsibility of the authors
3) The review processes
4) Ethics in Publishing
5) Copyright and Universal Access
6) Conflict of Interest
7) Other principles
Editorial practices for an Open Science The journal Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença [Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies] accepts, and encourages authors to participate in, the progressive opening of research processes and the promotion of their results. The objective is: a) to give greater autonomy to authors in the forms of promoting their studies; b) to provide greater transparency and rigor to the original research results that are published through the journal; and c) allow the reuse of data and the reproducibility of research. In this sense, the journal: