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An intercultural methodology for an indigenous pedagogy: the experience of indigenous intercultural licentiate courses with the kaingang people


This paper presents the experience of Indigenous Intercultural Licentiate Courses offered by the Regional Community University of Chapecó, within Kaingang’s territory. Based on this experiment, there is the proposal of an intercultural methodology that contemplates a specific pedagogy for indigenous education in the region. Thus, the experiment is the development of a program to train kaingang teachers, to supply early childhood and primary education in their communities. Despite the positive results of the training process, which reached a large number of teachers, it was noticeable the lack of curricular content and a specific and distinctive pedagogy for indigenous education. This understanding brought the need to propose a specific intercultural methodology to collect and systematize these years’ experience, to outline a contextualized pedagogy.

education; pedagogy; intercultural education; indigenous schools

Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira Setor de Indústrias Gráficas - Quadra 04 - lote 327, Térreo, Ala B, CEP 70.610-440 – Brasília-DF – Brasil, Telefones: (61) 2022-3077, 2022-3078 - Brasília - DF - Brazil